Library and Information Science Project Topics

Strategies for Effective Management of College Library Resources

Strategies for Effective Management of College Library Resources

Strategies for Effective Management of College Library Resources

Chapter One


1) To identify the strategies adopted by A.I.F.C.E. Library to manage its resources.
2) To identify whether A.I.F.C.E. Library has qualified professional for managing its resources.

3) To ascertain whether working tools are provided for the management of resources at A.I.F.C.E. library.

4) To determine whether A.I.F.C.E. staffs do proper shelving and shelf-reading.
5) To find out whether A.I.F.C.E. library is adequately staff to mange its resources.
6) To proffer solutions to identified problems.




Advances in telecommunications, new techniques in information and knowledge management have facilitated the rapid transformation of data, information and knowledge into digital form, while leaps in fiber optical communication, wireless technology and software development have aided the provision of powerful new methods of information (Lawrence & Averil, 2002). This scenario has forced many organizations to re-examine their strategies in the last decade (Abraham and Leavy, 2007), and libraries are not exceptional. It is evident that for the past few years, academic libraries have been operating in a high-velocity environment where information demand, competition, technology, access and copyright issues are constantly changing. However, there has been little systematic empirical research focusing on how academic libraries should strategically respond in order to remain relevant. Pearce and Robinson (2007) observed the need for managers and policy makers in organizations to understand how to react to changes in the environment. Globally, academic libraries have been seeking to sustain 2 competitive competencies in the changing environment. Macmillan and Carlisle (2007) advocated for adoption of a management approach that interacts with their internal and external models of change and embracement of creativity and innovation in order to change at least as fast as consumer expectations. Chakravarthy and Lorange (2007:2) quoted the CEO of Nestle where he had said “to maintain leadership position, firms need to leapfrog, move faster and go beyond what consumers will tell”. The adoption of strategic management practices and systems in organizations is therefore critical.

Students, lecturers and researchers in academic institutions rely on libraries to provide the information they need in support of teaching, learning, research and knowledge dissemination, which is a fundamental reason for the libraries’ existence. For an academic library to be effective, it needs to explore the crucial relationship between libraries and its users, focusing on developing and managing reliable resources and services. The Library should be aware of users’ information-seeking behaviour and also their needs and wants. 2 An effective academic library also provides Information Communication and Technologies (ICTs) service that aids timely delivery of information in response to users’ needs. The effectiveness of library resources and services can be measured in various ways. Nwalo (1997) citing Ene (1997) states, “libraries are judged by set objectives. [And] application of set standards to measure the quality of operations.” On the other hand, we can use both qualitative and quantitative techniques in determining the effectiveness of a library. Irrespective of whether the effectiveness is quantitative or qualitative, parameters are set to be judged by users, who are in the best position to evaluate the effectiveness of the library. Students, faculty members and researchers of academic institutions should have an interest in evaluating library resources since they are provided to satisfy their information needs. The effectiveness of a library is also gauged or assessed by its resources – human and material and the services it offers through these resources. There is therefore the need to regularly evaluate library services to find out if patrons’ needs are being met by the available resources. For this reason most university libraries have collection development policies which they adhere to. This is because a system of information is relevant only if it affords access to the right kind of documents. According to Nwalo [(1997) the library’s effectiveness is measured in terms of the satisfaction expressed by its users. Libraries are one of the most important steps in the research process and with the right resources and services; academic librarians can give scholars a great advantage in terms of authentic information. Fabunmi (2004) describes library effectiveness as including information customized to meet individual needs. He also states that effective library systems are timely in delivery, meet their specific needs, are easy to understand/use, and are delivered by courteous and knowledgeable staff. Effective libraries explore unique considerations for collection development and creation of information literacy instruction in support of its special group of users including undergraduate and graduate students, professors, lecturers, visiting scholars and researcher.





This chapter deals with the method used in collecting data required in carrying out this research work it explains the procedures that were followed and the instrument used in collecting data.


Data were collected from two main sources namely

-Primary source and

secondary source

primary source: These are  materials of statistical investigation, which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment, the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.

Secondary data: These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.


Population of a study is a group of persons or aggregate items, things the researcher in interested in getting information for the study strategies for effective management of collage library resource. 200 staff of Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education Owerri was selected randomly as the population of the study.




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain the strategies for effective management of collage library resource.

In the preceding chapters, relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of effective management of collage libraries


Obtaining information quickly is the main concern of the users who want their library to be state-of-the art and responsive to their needs. Therefore the need to understand the dynamics of service delivery and make sincere attempts for users to speedy access their resources and to make effective use of them is vital. The staff of A.I.F.C.E Library must be concerned with how well the library performs. They should consider how the library could utilise the limited resources available to achieve an effective level of service to the university community. In spite of insufficient funds, A.I.F.C.E Library has made conscious efforts at rendering effective service to its users. On the whole, the generality of its users have been very cooperative in using the available resources and services provided by the A.I.F.C.E Library


It concluded that library managers must find ways of maintaining technology currency in order to compete successfully for resources amid rising costs and differing institutional priorities. This is largely because; the competitive environment where academic libraries operate requires successful differentiation strategies. If a given strategy doesn’t set library apart from the competition, it won’t work and hence academic library should make sure that its employees understand how they can help put some teeth into services differentiation. Challenges affecting information management are enormous. Some are beyond the control of library managers while others can be addressed given the appropriate structures systems and policies. Library management should understand information management from strategic and operational perspective in order to provide effective leadership. It has a role to play in building competitive organization through effective management of the workforce. The staffing needs, motivation, mentorship and continuous training and professional development have to be considered for effective execution of desired strategies and for successive achievement of set objectives. This is possible through formulation and execution of coherent staff policies and adoption of internal practices that expedite employee competencies and nurture behaviors that are required for library to achieve its strategic aims and outcomes.


Academic libraries should take advantage of available ICT infrastructure and real-time information spawned by the internet and wireless technology to perfect and differentiate their services, and monitor implementation initiatives on daily operations, steering them to a successful conclusion. In order to meet the rapid changes in information landscape, the shifting users’ requirements and needs, technological developments, and expectations, academic libraries should continuously conduct user surveys, analyze the professional development tendencies, innovate its systems and structures, and actively involve its stakeholders at every level of strategy development, execution and evaluation. Noting the effects of digitization of information sources and services, the librarian should play a more responsive task that includes role as a negotiator: able to identify the needs of users; a navigator: able to search the ocean of information regardless of the format; a facilitator: for information resources and infra-structure; an educator: being familiar with information in different formats and being able to train the users to have the ability to recognize, locate, evaluate and use effectively the needed information; an entrepreneur: effective in resource mobilization; an information filter: to provide right information, in right time to the right person from right resource; and a marketer: for effective promotion and marketing of library products and services. There is need to install appropriate organization culture and prudent administration practices in academic library that encourage staff’s participation in decision making process. Anything less would illicit some resistance to any intended change and would negate all the efforts endeavored by management. The library leadership should assist its staff to align their goals with those of their department and the entire institution. This cannot be achieved without interactive dialogue, open discussion, and periodic consultative meetings with staffs. Library leadership should ensure employees’ empowerment, participative decision making, and effective communication systems. The study recommends HR systems that foster innovativeness and prudent management practices in order to provide vital support for effective execution of various library strategies. Library leadership should liaise with human resource function for formulation and execution of coherent staff policies and performance management systems that expedite employee competencies and behavior that are requisite for achievement of strategic aims.


  • Agaba DM (2004). Assessment of the Utilization of Makerere University Electronic Information Resources by Academic Staff: Challenges and Prospects. University of Dares Salaam Library J. 6 (1)
  • Abraham, S. Leavy, B. (2007) “Interview: After 15 editions, the authors of a strategic management textbook reflect, Strategy & Leadership, Vol.
  • Adamson, A. P. (2006). Brandsimple: How the Best Brands Keep it Simple and Succeed. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
  • Allio, R. J. (2008). A Conversation with Gary Hamel: It’s Time to Reinvent Management. Strategy & Leadership 36 (2) 5 – 10, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved 4th October 2008 from:
  • Agaba DM (2005). Assessment of the use of Makerere University electronic information resources by academic staff: Challenges and prospects. University of Dares Salaam Library J
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