Accounting Education Project Topics

Instructional Resources and Students’ Academic Performance in Accounting in Public and Private Secondary Schools in Lagos State

Instructional Resources and Students' Academic Performance in Accounting in Public and Private Secondary Schools in Lagos State

Instructional Resources and Students’ Academic Performance in Accounting in Public and Private Secondary Schools in Lagos State


Objectives of Study

General objective

Assess the effect of instructional resources on academic performance of students in public and private secondary schools in Nigeria.

Specific objectives

  1. To assess the availability of instructional resources in selected Public schools.
  2. To assess the academic performance of students in selected Public schools.
  3. To compare the academic performance of the selected government aided and public schools
  4. Establish the relationship between instructional resources and academic performance

Research Questions

  1. What are the types of instructional resources available in Public schools in Nigeria?
  2. What is the level of academic performance in the selected schools?
  3. Is there any difference in academic performance of students in government aided and public schools?
  4. What is the relationship between academic performance and instructional resources?




This section examines the theoretical literature, empirical literature, theoretical framework and conceptual framework.

Theoretical Literature

Importance of Instructional Resources

The influence of instructional materials in promoting students’ academic performance and teaching and learning in educational development is indisputable. The use of instructional materials in the teaching and learning obviously improves the performance of students both at primary and secondary level Owoeye & Yara, (2011) Schools which provide enough instructional materials enable teachers clarify their lesson and make hard subjects simple. Osayame and Iyamu, (2011) reported that the low percentage of performance in business studies in JSS certificate examination in Edo State was due to absence of equipment and materials in the system. This shows that instructional materials and resources have a very important role in education.

The study by Adalikwu and Iorkpilgh (2012)revealed that students who were taught with instructional materials performed significantly better than those taught without instructional materials and also that the use of instructional materials generally improved students’ understanding of concepts and led to high academic achievements. The author stressed that instructional materials help to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and skills, to monitor their assimilation of information, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing. It also clarifies important concepts to arouse and sustain student’s interests, give all students in a class the opportunity to share experiences necessary for new learning, help make learning more permanent. Jekayinfa (2012)added that it is also very vital to have sufficient and adequate human resources in terms of teacher quality for the teaching of all subjects in the school curriculum. Without the teachers as implementing factors, the goals of education can never be achieved.





This chapter outlines the method that was applied in carrying research study. It include; study design, target population, sample size and sampling techniques, data collection methods, research instruments, validity and reliability and data analysis method.

Research Design

The study used a descriptive cross section design which incorporated both qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to allow the researcher to gather more precise and quantifiable information about the types of instructional resources used in government schools and the academic performance. Descriptive survey designs are used in preliminary and exploratory studies to gather information, summarize, present and interpret for purpose of clarification as by Orodho (2005).




This chapter presents the research findings and discusses them under the thematic guidance of the objectives of this study. The demographic characteristics of the respondents are presented followed by the subsequent the presentation of findings.

School Characteristics

The school characteristics include the type of school (government aided or public), and the number of human resources.




This chapter discusses the summary of the findings, conclusions, recommendations of the study and ends with suggestions for further study.

Summary of the findings

Three objectives guided this study namely; to compare the available resources in the schools in terms of Human and physical instructional resource, to compare the academic performance of the students in different schools at national examination, and to establish the relationship between resource availability and academic performance of students at National examination. The summary of the findings of these objectives are presented in this section.

Comparison of the available resources in the schools in terms of Human resource (qualification, teacher-student ratio).

Public schools were found to have the highest human resource, low teacher to student ratio and more physical resources, the conclusion was that Public schools are equipped with both human and physical resources to a greater level than the public and private type of schools. There are high teacher student and student resource ratio in both public and private schools while staff qualification difference was evident in the three schools with Public schools again have more Ao qualified teaching staff.

Comparison of the academic performance of the students in different schools at national examination

There was evidence that Public schools performed better than the public and private schools sampled in this study, and when the performance was analyzed against levels of resources availability the government aided scored better.

The relationship between resource availability and academic performance of students at National examination

The comparison of the performance of the schools with available and unavailable resources revealed those schools with more resources performed better than those without or with less resources, it is conclusive that, the more the resources the better the performance of the students in a schools.


The following logical conclusions were arrived at from the results of the findings in this study.

Comparison of the available resources in the schools in terms of Human resource (qualification, teacher-student ratio).

Since Public schools were found to have the highest human resource, low teacher to student ratio and more physical resources, the conclusion was that Public schools are equipped with both human and physical resources to a greater level than the public and private type of schools. There are high teacher student and student resource ratio in both public and private schools while staff qualification difference was evident in the three schools with Public schools again have more Ao qualified teaching staff. The question is whether with the difference in resources implied a high academic performance at the national examination for the school was the reason for the second objective.

Comparison of the academic performance of the students in different schools at national examination

The evidence that Public schools performed better than the public and private schools sampled in this study, and when the performance was analyzed against levels of resources availability the government aided scored better, the conclusion is that government schools have more resources and this is making them to perform better than the other types of schools.

The relationship between resource availability and academic performance of students at National examination

Since the comparison of the performance of the schools with available and unavailable resources revealed those schools with more resources performed better than those without or with less resources, it is conclusive that, the more the resources the better the performance of the students in a schools.


A number of recommendations were arrived at basing on the findings and conclusions furthered in this study.

Education planners need to critically consider the role that each type of school plays in the education of the citizens of Nigeria. The schools that have more resources were found to perform better than those without however the products from these schools are Nigerian citizens who will work in the Nigerian market. This difference in performance is exposing education inequality that needs to be addressed as fast as possible to avoid human resource imbalance in the country

Also on the same note, more resources need to be made available to the other types of schools as a concerted effort from the government and the owners. Resources require funds above all other facts and when these funds are scarce, then however good a school’s human resource intentions may be, little quality can be achieved.

The schools need to device creative ways of improvising instructional materials from within their locality. For instance use of waste water bottles, straws, tins/cans, etc. to use for experiments. Other means of improvising would be through internal collaborations with the schools that have. Such arrangements would allow a neighboring school with resources to schedule time for those without to conduct some practical lessons especially for sciences.

The community should contribute and set up demonstration centers in which most vital equipment can be installed and the poor schools allowed to register for membership so that free access to resources is made possible.

Suggestion for further studies

  • A similar study should be conducted in another state with more resources so as to capturemost variables that were not captured in this study due to challenges beyond both the economic and material strength of the
  • Teaching-learning facilities and the amount of learning achieved in public schools
  • ICT and the academic performance of secondary school students in


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  • John, W. B., & James, V. K. (1989). Research in Education. Prentice Hall.
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  • Lucy, S., Atieno, J., & Enose, M. W. S. (2014). Impact of Cultural Factors on Girl Students’ Academic Achievement in Secondary Schools in Kenya: A Case Study of Kisumu East State. International Reseach Journal.
  • MINEDUC. (2010). Education Sector Strategic Plan 2010 – 2022. Republic of Nigeria. Ministry of Education. Kigali, Nigeria. Retrieved from
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