Nursing Project Topics

Evaluating the Influence of Clinical Experience on the Academic Performance of Student Nurses in Afe Babalola University

Evaluating the Influence of Clinical Experience on the Academic Performance of Student Nurses in Afe Babalola University

Evaluating the Influence of Clinical Experience on the Academic Performance of Student Nurses in Afe Babalola University


Objective of the study

The objective of the study are;

  1. To determine theoretical knowledge preparation for clinical placements as viewed by the undergraduate student nurses.
  2. To assess the clinical learning environment as viewed by the undergraduate student nurses.
  3. To evaluate the undergraduate nursing student‟s view of clinical supervision and feedback given during clinical practice placements
  4. To determine the undergraduate nursing students‟ view regarding opportunities for clinical learning.




If nursing is a professional practice, an environment supporting professional practice must be created. There is an increased demand for nursing as a professional practice. Professional nursing practice makes a difference in care delivery by empowering nurses. According to a study done in Southern Finland describing the experiences of work empowerment among nurses engaged in elderly care, nurses were less confident about outcome empowerment than in verbal and behavioural empowerment. Empowerment is a skill needed by practitioners.

Kaphagawani and Useh (2013), from the review of several studies, say there are accounts of students in internship who are unable to make the transition from theory to practice, Perhaps the difficulty in making the transition from theory to practice arises in part from a failure of the teacher to integrate both theory and practice into the same course in the curriculum in ways that are relevant and meaningful to the students. Such integration would help students to associate the practical value of learning theoretical concept.

The student needs to have the capacity to perform and put what they know from the classroom into practice. Students require training in self awareness, knowledge acquisition and skill building in order to become competent. In order for students to develop their skills, theoretical education and practical experience is necessary. Fiszer (2004) states that the resulting data of what we can do in the classroom to increase students success in work settings points to the need for an ongoing professional development model that directly connects training and practice.

Learning in the clinical practice areas is an important component of nursing education considering that nursing is a practice-based profession. Nurse educators are charged with multiple responsibilities in the classroom and practice settings. They observe students engaging in learning experiences in the classroom and they also share knowledge gained from experiences within their profession. They desire the students to not only learn theory but also to learn how to apply the theoretical frameworks in clinical nursing practice.

Nurses are managing their clinical responsibilities at a time when the nursing profession and the larger health care system require an extraordinary range of skills and talents. In today’s world nurses must become lifelong learners capable of modifying their clinical practice based on emerging new knowledge. For nurse educators both classroom learning and experience are important in preparing students for practice in the real clinical field of nursing patients. Active learning is necessary in enhancing the integration of practice and theory in the classroom. Active learning includes students‟ involvement in doing things, that is, students are involved in more than just listening.





In this chapter, we described the research procedure for this study. A research methodology is a research process adopted or employed to systematically and scientifically present the results of a study to the research audience viz. a vis, the study beneficiaries.


Research designs are perceived to be an overall strategy adopted by the researcher whereby different components of the study are integrated in a logical manner to effectively address a research problem. In this study, the researcher employed the survey research design. This is due to the nature of the study whereby the opinion and views of people are sampled. According to Singleton & Straits, (2009), Survey research can use quantitative research strategies (e.g., using questionnaires with numerically rated items), qualitative research strategies (e.g., using open-ended questions), or both strategies (i.e., mixed methods). As it is often used to describe and explore human behaviour, surveys are therefore frequently used in social and psychological research.




This chapter deals with the interpretation and presentation of the findings of the study with regard to the stated objectives and research questions. A total of 131 participants (students) were consented to participate in this study with response rate of 96.3%. The results are presented in table and graph forms.




This chapter discusses the results of the study from quantitative and qualitative data based on the research findings.It sought to Evaluating the influence of clinical experience on the academic performance of student nurses in Afe Babalola University.


There was inadequate clinical supervision and feedback. Clinical supervision was mainly done by senior professional nurses in the ward as compared to nurse preceptors. Senior professional nurses might sometime not be able to guide and support student nurses as required because they are entrusted with patient care as their priority.

Overpopulation of student nurses in the clinical areas hence competition for clinical opportunities and affects students‟ adequate clinical learning experience achievement.

Negative attitude of ward staff affects the clinical learning experience as the students are unable to gain adequate clinical experience since more time is spend with professional nurses than nurse educators. Teaching is an indispensable role of every professional practitioner.

Conducive clinical learning environment, clinical supervision/feedback and opportunities for clinical learning enhance adequate clinical experience. Adequate clinical learning experience is important in supporting nursing as a professional practice and also empowering students who therefore become competent nurses ensuring safe, quality nursing in the health care system.


Recommendations for this study

  1. There is need for training and supporting preceptors‟ in the clinical area to enhance clinical learning experiences of students to create competent nurse practitioner.
  2. There is need for supervision/feedback and joint responsibility in the clinical settings to facilitate personal and professional growth.
  3. Partnering of nurse educators with the clinical environment should be encouraged to identify the changing trends in health care and factor their teaching to meet the needs of the clinical environment.
  4. There is need for laboratory skills, mandatory prior clinical placement. This will assist students to develop nursing skills and confidence becoming more certain of their role.
  5. Nurse educators, clinical preceptors and professional nurses should plan together processes and strategies used for student assessment so that staff responsible for student education and training is familiar with the whole evaluation process.
  6. Review of the clinical placement should be ongoing in order to establish whether the clinical opportunities are still adequate for the number of student nurses placed in those facilities.

Recommendation for further research

A study on nurse educators perception about nursing students clinical experiences should be done.


The study was an investigation about students perception, nurse educators perception was not looked into however the findings were important in guiding nursing curriculum.


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