Biology Education Project Topics

Assessment of the Level of Generic Science Skills Among Secondary School Students in Ife- Central Osun State

Assessment of the Level of Generic Science Skills Among Secondary School Students in Ife- Central Osun State

Assessment of the Level of Generic Science Skills Among Secondary School Students in Ife- Central Osun State


Objectives of the Study

The following specific objectives were addressed:

  1. To assess the level of critical thinking skills among secondary school students in Ife-Central, Osun State.
  2. To evaluate the proficiency of problem-solving skills among secondary school students in Ife-Central, Osun State.
  3. To examine the communication abilities of secondary school students in Ife-Central, Osun State, in the context of science education.



Conceptual Review

Generic Science Skills: Definition and Components

Generic science skills encompass a range of abilities that are fundamental for success in science education and beyond. These skills go beyond subject-specific knowledge and include critical thinking, problem-solving, inquiry, and communication (Adeyemi, 2022). Critical thinking involves the ability to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and draw logical conclusions, while problem-solving entails applying scientific principles to solve complex problems (Lee & Erdogan, 2021). Inquiry skills involve asking questions, conducting investigations, and interpreting results, while communication skills encompass effectively conveying scientific ideas through writing, speaking, and visual representations (Chebii, 2021).

These generic science skills are essential for students to excel in science education and navigate real-world challenges effectively (Saido et al., 2018). By developing these skills, students become better equipped to engage in scientific inquiry, evaluate scientific information critically, and communicate their findings effectively (Atkamis & Ergin, 2018). Moreover, these skills are transferable across various academic disciplines and are highly valued by employers in today’s knowledge-based economy (Chatib, 2022).

In the context of secondary education in Ife-Central, Osun State, Nigeria, an understanding of the definition and components of generic science skills is crucial for designing curriculum and instructional practices that foster their development (Omoifo, 2022). By defining these skills clearly and identifying their components, educators can create targeted learning experiences that facilitate their acquisition (Salami, 2021). For example, educators can design inquiry-based learning activities that encourage students to ask questions, design experiments, and analyze data, thus promoting the development of inquiry skills (Maranan, 2017).

Furthermore, a clear understanding of generic science skills allows educators to assess students’ proficiency in these skills accurately (Johnston, 2019). By identifying specific components of generic science skills, educators can design assessment tasks that measure students’ ability to think critically, solve problems, and communicate scientific ideas effectively (Zeiden & Jayosi, 2021). This assessment data can then be used to inform instructional decisions, identify areas for improvement, and track students’ progress over time (Teng, 2022).

Moreover, understanding the definition and components of generic science skills can inform professional development initiatives for educators (Egbo, 2021). By providing educators with training on how to teach and assess these skills effectively, professional development programs can enhance teaching practices and ultimately improve student outcomes in science education (Udofia et al., 2022). Additionally, policymakers can use this knowledge to advocate for policies and initiatives that support the development of generic science skills in schools (Haryarti et al., 2017). By emphasizing the importance of these skills in educational policy, policymakers can ensure that schools prioritize their development and integration into the curriculum (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2020).





In this chapter, the methodology employed in conducting the study on assessing the level of generic science skills among secondary school students in Ife-Central, Osun State will be discussed. This section outlines the research design, population of the study, sampling technique and sample size, sources and methods of data collection, method of data analysis, validity and reliability of the study, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

The research design for this study is a quantitative survey research design. This design was chosen due to its ability to gather numerical data from a large sample size, providing statistical analysis to answer research questions effectively (Saunders et al., 2019). A quantitative approach is appropriate for assessing the level of generic science skills among secondary school students as it allows for the measurement of variables such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.

Population of the Study

The target population for this study comprises secondary school students in Ife-Central, Osun State. The justification for selecting this population of 171 respondents is based on the need to obtain a representative sample that reflects the characteristics of the larger population. Secondary school students are the primary focus of the study as they are undergoing education and are expected to develop generic science skills during their schooling years.



Data Presentation



Summary of Findings
The study aimed to investigate various aspects of secondary school student’s academic performance and behaviours in science education in Ife-Central, Osun State. The findings, drawn from extensive survey data and statistical analyses, offer valuable insights into students’ critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and overall engagement in science learning.

Firstly, the study examined students’ critical thinking skills, which are crucial for effective problem-solving and decision-making. Results indicated that a significant majority of respondents perceived secondary school students to possess strong critical thinking skills. This suggests that students in Ife-Central, Osun State, demonstrate an ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, and make reasoned judgments, thereby indicating a favourable disposition towards intellectual engagement and academic rigour.

Secondly, the study explored students’ proficiency in problem-solving, an essential skill in science education. The findings revealed that respondents generally perceived students to exhibit varying levels of proficiency in problem-solving. While a considerable majority acknowledged students’ ability to apply logical reasoning and analytical thinking to solve science-related problems, a notable proportion expressed uncertainty about this aspect. This highlights the need for further investigation into the factors influencing students’ problem-solving abilities.

Thirdly, the study investigated students’ communication skills, which are essential for effective knowledge dissemination and collaboration in science education. The results indicated a generally positive perception of students’ communication abilities, with the majority of respondents acknowledging students’ strong verbal and written communication skills. However, there were areas of uncertainty regarding students’ communication abilities, suggesting the need for clarification and additional assessment.

Furthermore, the study examined students’ engagement in science learning activities, including participation in discussions, presentations, and problem-solving tasks. The findings revealed a high level of student engagement, with most respondents perceiving students to actively participate in classroom activities related to science topics. However, there were instances of uncertainty among respondents, indicating potential discrepancies in observers’ perceptions of student engagement.

Overall, the study provides valuable insights into secondary school student’s academic performance and behaviours in science education in Ife-Central, Osun State. The findings suggest that students demonstrate favourable dispositions towards critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and engagement in science learning. However, there are areas of uncertainty and ambiguity, highlighting the complexity of assessing and understanding students’ academic abilities and behaviours. These findings have implications for educational policy and practice, emphasizing the importance of fostering critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication strategies among secondary school students to enhance their academic achievement and success in science education.


The hypotheses tested through one-sample t-tests provided valuable insights into the academic performance and behaviours of secondary school students in Ife-Central, Osun State. The findings revealed significant differences in critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills among students. Contrary to the null hypotheses, the analyses demonstrated that students exhibit varying levels of proficiency in these key areas, suggesting a nuanced understanding of their academic capabilities. These results underscore the importance of considering individual differences and contextual factors in assessing students’ academic performance and behaviours.

Furthermore, the findings highlight the need for targeted interventions to support students’ development in critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. By identifying areas of strength and areas needing improvement, educators and policymakers can design tailored educational programs and interventions to enhance students’ academic achievement and success in science education. Overall, the conclusions drawn from the hypotheses tested contribute to a deeper understanding of the academic landscape in Ife-Central, Osun State, and provide valuable insights for educational planning and decision-making.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from the study, the following recommendations are proposed to enhance secondary school student’s academic performance and behaviours in science education in Ife-Central, Osun State:

  1. Implement tailored educational interventions: Develop targeted programs and initiatives aimed at enhancing critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills among secondary school students. These interventions should be designed to address specific areas of weakness identified through the study’s findings.
  2. Integrate experiential learning opportunities: Incorporate hands-on and inquiry-based learning experiences into the science curriculum to promote active engagement and a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. Practical activities, experiments, and projects can enhance students’ problem-solving abilities and foster a greater appreciation for science.
  3. Provide professional development for educators: Offer training and professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their instructional strategies and pedagogical approaches. Educators should be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively support students’ academic development in critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.
  4. Foster a supportive learning environment: Create a conducive learning environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and intellectual curiosity among students. Classroom settings should promote open dialogue, mutual respect, and a growth mindset, allowing students to feel comfortable exploring and expressing their ideas.
  5. Implement formative assessment practices: Utilize formative assessment strategies to regularly monitor students’ progress and provide timely feedback on their academic performance. These assessments can help identify areas of strength and areas needing improvement, allowing educators to adjust instruction accordingly.
  6. Strengthen parental and community involvement: Foster partnerships with parents, guardians, and community stakeholders to support students’ academic development. Engage families in their children’s education through regular communication, workshops, and involvement in school activities.
  7. Promote interdisciplinary learning: Encourage interdisciplinary approaches to science education by integrating concepts from other subject areas, such as mathematics, technology, and environmental studies. This holistic approach can enhance students’ understanding of real-world issues and foster connections between different areas of knowledge.
  8. Conduct further research and evaluation: Continuously assess and evaluate the effectiveness of educational initiatives and interventions in improving students’ academic performance and behaviours. Conducting additional research can provide valuable insights into best practices and areas for further improvement.

Contribution to Knowledge

The study’s findings contribute significantly to the existing body of knowledge in several ways. Firstly, by investigating the level of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills among secondary school students in Ife-Central, Osun State, the research fills a crucial gap in the literature concerning academic performance in science education within the specific context of Osun State, Nigeria. This localized focus offers valuable insights into the academic landscape of the region and provides educators and policymakers with relevant data to inform decision-making processes.

Secondly, the study’s findings shed light on the factors influencing students’ academic performance and behaviours, particularly in the realm of science education. By identifying varying levels of proficiency in critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills among students, the research underscores the importance of tailored interventions and instructional approaches to address individual differences and enhance overall academic achievement.

Thirdly, the research contributes to the understanding of educational practices and pedagogical strategies that promote student success in science education. By highlighting the significance of experiential learning, formative assessment, and interdisciplinary approaches, the study offers practical recommendations for educators to improve teaching and learning experiences in secondary school science classrooms.

Furthermore, the study’s findings have implications for educational policy and planning at the local and regional levels. By identifying areas of strength and areas needing improvement in students’ academic performance and behaviours, the research provides valuable evidence to support the development of targeted interventions and initiatives aimed at enhancing science education outcomes in Ife-Central, Osun State.

Overall, the study’s contribution to knowledge extends beyond academia to inform practical measures for improving secondary school student’s academic performance and behaviours in science education. By addressing the identified challenges and leveraging the identified strengths, stakeholders can work collaboratively to create supportive learning environments and implement evidence-based strategies that promote student success and achievement in science education.


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