Quantity Surveying Project Topics

An Assessment of the Effect of Organizational Culture on the Performance of Quantity Surveying Firms in Nigeria

An Assessment of the Effect of Organizational Culture on the Performance of Quantity Surveying Firms in Nigeria

An Assessment of the Effect of Organizational Culture on the Performance of Quantity Surveying Firms in Nigeria

Chapter One


The general objective of this study is to analyze the effect of organizational culture on the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria and the following are the specific objectives:

  1. To examine the effect of organizational culture on the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria
  2. To identify the type of organizational culture that existed among the quantity surveying firms in Nigeria
  3. To identify factors hindering the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria.




Organizational Culture is the pattern of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration (Schein 2004). These assumptions are said to be maintained in the continuous process of human interaction (attitudes and behaviour) as the right way in which things are done. Zhang (2010) also describes OC as a mode, composed by some basic assumptions; and the assumptions are found and created gradually by a certain group in the process of exploring the method of adapting to external environment and solving internal interconnected system. Internal integration is the socialisation of new members in the organisations, creating the new boundaries of the organisation and the feeling of identity among personnel and commitment to the organisation (Martins and Terblanche, 2003). External adaptation was also said to be creation of competitive edge, making sense of environment in terms of acceptable behaviour and social system stability. The definitions by Schein (2004) and Zhang (2010) offer both deeper basic assumption and faith that is shared by organisational members in explaining the purpose; and the environment of organisation itself. Also, the assertions focus on internal integration and external adaptation of organisations which are the OC attributes that define the performance of organisations. It is thus admittable that OC is paramount to organisational success (Twati and Gammack, 2006).


Literature reveals four types of organisational culture (Berrio, 2003). These are the People, Adhocracy, Market and Hierarchy which are variously labelled by different authors.

  • The people culture: This is characterized as a family type of organization where people share a lot of themselves. It is an organization that concentrates on internal maintenance with flexibility, concern for people and sensitivity for customers. It emphasizes individual development, morale, teamwork participation and consensus (Cameron & Quinn, 1999).
  • Task culture: This refers to a non permanent organisation structured to solve a particular issue and is disbanded once the issue or task is completed (Hodge & Anthony, 1991). It concentrates on external positioning with a high degree of flexibility, individuality and discretion rather than seeking stability and control. Its key values are creativity and risk taking.
  • Power culture: This is an organization that focuses on external maintenance with a need for stability and control in order to have a competitive position. It focuses more on external (market) rather than internal issues. This culture tends to view the external environment as threatening, and seeks to identify threats and opportunities as it seeks competitive advantage and profits (Cameron & Quinn, 1999).
  • Role culture:This refers to an organization that focuses on internal maintenance with the need for stability and control. The culture focuses more on internal than external issues and values stability and control over flexibility and discretion. It is the traditional “command and control” model of organizations.


Organisational culture is gaining support as a predictive and explanatory construct in organisation science (Liu et al. 2006), where; if managed and controlled is useful as a management tool for organisational effectiveness and performance. Abdul Rashid, Sambasivan and Johari (2003) argue that several researches have been conducted to identify the nature and type of OC in organisations with a view to eliciting the key values, beliefs, and norms in an organisation that have given much impetus to the success and superior performance of the organisation. To elicit some of these researches and their successes in establishing relationship between OC and performance require that the concept of OC be understood first. Culture involves beliefs, values and behaviour which exist at various levels and manifest in a wide range of characteristics of organisational life (Krumbholz and Maiden 2000). Included in the wide range of organisational life where culture manifests itself is performance. Therefore, OC is important to organisational success (Twati and Gammack, 2006). Success can be regarded as a performance construct with differing areas as components. Martins and Terblanche (2003) assert that OC seems to be a critical factor in the success of any organisation with particular emphasis on creativity and innovation. This indicates that organisational culture affects the way creative and innovative solutions are encouraged.




Research design

The researcher used descriptive research survey design in building up this project work the choice of this research design was considered appropriate because of its advantages of identifying attributes of a large population from a group of individuals. The design was suitable for the study as the study sought to an assessment of the effect of organizational culture on the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria

Sources of data collection

Data were collected from two main sources namely:

(i)Primary source and

(ii)Secondary source

Primary source:

These are materials of statistical investigation which were collected by the research for a particular purpose. They can be obtained through a survey, observation questionnaire or as experiment; the researcher has adopted the questionnaire method for this study.

Secondary source:

These are data from textbook Journal handset etc. they arise as byproducts of the same other purposes. Example administration, various other unpublished works and write ups were also used.

Population of the study

Population of a study is a group of persons or aggregate items, things the researcher is interested in getting information an assessment of the effect of organizational culture on the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria. 200 staff of selected quantity surveying firms in Lagos state was selected randomly by the researcher as the population of the study.




Efforts will be made at this stage to present, analyze and interpret the data collected during the field survey.  This presentation will be based on the responses from the completed questionnaires. The result of this exercise will be summarized in tabular forms for easy references and analysis. It will also show answers to questions relating to the research questions for this research study. The researcher employed simple percentage in the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain an assessment of the effect of organizational culture on the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria

In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of organizational culture on the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria


This study was on an assessment of the effect of organizational culture on the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria. Three objectives were raised which included: To examine the effect of organizational culture on the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria, to identify the type of organizational culture that existed among the quantity surveying firms in Nigeria, to identify factors hindering the performance of quantity surveying firms in Nigeria. In line with these objectives, two research hypotheses were formulated and two null hypotheses were posited. The total population for the study is 200 staff of selected quantity surveying firms in Lagos state. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study. A total of 133 respondents made up surveyors, builders, senior staff and junior staff was used for the study. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed using simple percentages and frequencies


While it is reasonable to conclude that the QSFs should give emphasis to these cultures in enhancing their performance drives, it is suggested that priority should be accorded to both reward and stability cultures due to their broad based influence on the performance of QSFs. This findings of this study also implicate that against the backdrop of QSFs playing the latter/rear game in organizational effectiveness and performance in the construction industry, a new course has been channeled not only to see improved QSFs but also a performance sustaining one. With the immense contribution of culture to organizations, the management of QSFs is not expected to give sole consideration to organizational culture in driving performance but embrace an all encompassing organizational strategies so as to remain competitive in the global marketplace.


Given our economic downturn, it will be a dream to expect government to sponsor research despite being the biggest provider of clientele to the industry. However, the industry, led by regulators, professional bodies, practitioners and academics should educate government to differentiate between best value and lowest price and view value beyond accountability and transparency. Efforts should be made to ensure the amendment of our procurement laws to include flexibility that will provide a basis for innovation and creativity within the industry


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