Food Science and Technology Project Topics

Analysis of Physical and Chemical Properties of Soya Bean

Analysis of Physical and Chemical Properties of Soya Bean

Analysis of Physical and Chemical Properties of Soya Bean

Chapter One

 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this work was to analyze the physical and chemical properties of soybean.

Other objectives are;

  1. To carryout analysis of the physical properties of soya bean
  2. To determine the chemical properties of soya bean
  3. To evaluate the physical and chemical properties of soybean cultivars for food processing.



overview of soya bean

Soybean is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean which has numerous uses. The plant, classed as an oilseed rather than a pulse by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, produces significantly more protein per acre than most other uses of land.

Fat-free (defatted) soybean meal is a significant and cheap source of protein for animal feeds and many packaged meals. For example, soybean products, such as textured vegetable protein (TVP), are ingredients in many meat and dairy substitutes.[5] The beans contain significant amounts of phytic acid, dietary minerals and B vitamins. Soy vegetable oil, used in food and industrial applications, is another product of processing the soybean crop. Traditional non-fermented food uses of soybeans include soy milk from which tofu and tofu skin are made. Fermented soy foods include soy sauce, fermented bean paste, natto and tempeh.

The main countries growing soybeans are the United States (32% of world total, 2016 forecast), Brazil (31%) and Argentina (18%).

The genus Glycine Willd. is divided into two subgenera, Glycine and Soja. The subgenus Soja (Moench) F.J. Herm. includes the cultivated soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., and the wild soybean, Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc. Both species are annuals. Glycine soja is the wild ancestor of Glycine max, and grows wild in China, Japan, Koreaand Russia.[8] The subgenus Glycine consists of at least 25 wild perennial species: for example, Glycine canescens F.J. Herm. and G. tomentella Hayata, both found in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Perennial soybean (Neonotonia wightii) originated in Africa and is now a widespread pasture crop in the tropics.

Like some other crops of long domestication, the relationship of the modern soybean to wild-growing species can no longer be traced with any degree of certainty. It is a cultural variety with a very large number of cultivars.

 A Typical Description of Soybean

Like most plants, soybeans grow in distinct morphological stages as they develop from seeds into fully mature plants.


The first of stage of growth is germination, a process that first becomes apparent as a seed’s radicle emerges. This is the first stage of root growth and occurs within the first 48 hours under ideal growing conditions. The first photosynthetic structures, the cotyledons, develop from the hypocotyl, the first plant structure to emerge from the soil. These cotyledons both act as leaves and as a source of nutrients for the immature plant, providing the seedling nutrition for its first 7 to 10 days.




 Experimental Procedure

 Physical Properties of Soybeans

Moisture Content:

The moisture content of a solid is defined as the quantity of water per unit mass of the wet solid. The moisture
content plays an important role in soybean seed. Moisture content of the seed during harvesting varies drastically.

Moisture content is of important interest since it corresponds to one of the main criteria for the process technology. Thermal conversion technology requires biomass fuels with low moisture content, while those with high moisture content are more appropriate moisture content of lesser than 15%, and hence more suitable to serve as feedstock.

The moisture content of a sample will be known using the following formula.




Physical properties of soybean

TABLE 4.1: Mean moisture content of soybeans determined by four methods





This project is focused on physical and chemical properties of soybean. The experimental investigations of both physical and chemical properties were carried out. The various properties of the grain revealed the following:

(1) The bulk density and kernel density decrease with moisture content over the moisture range from 7.4 to
22.22% for soybean.

(2) The specific gravity decreased with moisture content for the moisture range from 7.4 to 22.22% for soybean.
(3) The dynamic angle of repose (emptying) increases with increase in moisture content of the grain for moisture range of 7.4 to 22.22% (wb) for soybean.
(4) The angle of internal friction has a high correlation with moisture content but differs from angle of repose
for the grain studied. The values of internal friction re lower than the values of angle of repose as can be seen in previous figures.

(5) The dynamic coefficients of sliding friction of soybean increases with moisture content and significantly differs from surface to surface for the four surfaces studied. Among concrete, wood, galvanized sheet metal, and mild steel sheet, then values of the coefficient of sliding friction are maximum with respect to concrete.


More research is needed in the area of physical properties of our local agricultural products under our local conditions. This is the only way to generate data that will be appropriate to our indigenous designs. Design and development of devices to study these properties should be embarked on as a matter of urgency, since the modification of the imported ones for our local crops often introduces errors that could be mistaken for treatment effects.


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