Computer Science Project Topics

Business Educators’ Rating of Techniques for Improving the Teaching of Information and Communication Technology in Tertiary Institutions in Anambra State

Business Educators’ Rating of Techniques for Improving the Teaching of Information and Communication Technology in Tertiary Institutions in Anambra State

Business Educators’ Rating of Techniques for Improving the Teaching of Information and Communication Technology in Tertiary Institutions in Anambra State

Chapter One

Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to ascertain business educators rating of techniques for improving the teaching of information and communication technology in tertiary institutions in Anambra State. Specifically, the study seeks to ascertain from the rating of business educators the suitability of:

  1. Organized practical work as a technique for improving the teaching of ICT in tertiary institutions in Anambra State.
  2. Project method of instruction as a technique for improving the teaching of ICT in tertiary institutions Anambra State.
  3. Individualized instruction as a technique for improving the teaching of ICT in tertiary institutions Anambra State.
  4. Instructional games and simulation as a technique for improving the teaching of ICT in tertiary institutions in Anambra State.



This chapter will review works of early writers that are relevant to the study. Such literature will be done under the following subheadings:

Conceptual Framework


Information and communication technology


Business education

Theoretical Framework

Theories of learning

Theoretical studies

ICT Needs of Business Education Students Availability and use of ICT in tertiary Institutions

The Role of Business Educators in ICT Needs of Business Education Students

Technological Innovations and the Changing Nature of the Office

Availability of Instructional Resources and the Selection of Teaching Methods and Strategies

Instructional Methods

Organized Practical Work

Lecture Method

Inquiry Method

Project Method

Discussion Method

Discovery Method

Demonstration Method

Individualized instruction

Simulation and Games

Related Empirical Studies

Summary of literature Review

Conceptual Framework


Technique involves all the processes or ways adopted for effective teaching (Gilbert, 2000).  Nwankwo (2014) defined techniques as the various teaching   methods which are employed by educators in teaching effectively. Thasaurus (2016) defined technique as the manner and ability which a teacher employs for teaching or in a particular art or field of endeavor. Technique is also defined as a systematic procedure, formula or routine use in accomplishing a task (Business

Techniques can further be defined As a way of carrying out a particular task especially in the execution or performance of a teacher or in an artist work as a scientific procedure.

Information and Communication Technology

Information and communication technology is a system that is used in processing, storing and transferring information which can be audio, visual or both in the form of numbers, letters and pictures. The application of lCT in teaching and learning has raised considerable concern among individuals and the government who made it emphatically clear in its NEEDS programme that Nigerian should not be caught in the web of ignorance because other nations anchor their development programmes and plans on technologies such as ICT [Nationa1 Planning Commission, 2014]. To this effect, efforts were made by the Federal Government of Nigeria at different times to promote the provision and utilization of ICT equipment in educational institutions, especially in the universities which are regarded as the highest level of education (Okoli, 2012). Information and Communication   Technology.

According to Igberaharha (2009), involves the use of networks, expert systems, and artificial intelligence in what is now known as electronic commerce (e-commerce) or electronic business. E-commerce helps to facilitate the exchange of information, goods and services between companies and their customers. Business operations are also much dependent on ICT. This is because the impact of information and communication technology is felt in all aspects of an organization’s life from manufacturing to the service sector particularly marketing.

Igberaharha, (2009) opined that information technology affects the entire marketing strategic framework and covers relationships with suppliers and manufacturers, the internal organization of the firm and the firm interaction with its customers. It helps marketers to work with customers in more efficient ways such as linking purchases to specific customers. In the school system especially at university level, there are some techniques used in teaching ICT. Such techniques include project method of instruction, individualized instruction, organized practical work and instructional games, and simulation.


Teaching is a natural phenomenon  which is as old as human beings. From biblical point of view, teaching and learning started at the Garden of Eden immediately after the creation of man. At that beginning, God taught the man that for every tree in the garden of Eden he may eat, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he should not eat else he will die (Gen 2:178). Here the original nature of teaching and learning is implicit because God was showing man the trees in the garden and giving him information concerning the effects of eating the two broad categories. This act of showing something to somebody or giving information to somebody is the prehistoric definition and generally acceptable descriptive meaning and nature of teaching and learning (Ogo, 2009).

Teaching is the act of filling the  learners’ mind with information and showing him something, impacting knowledge or sharing information, fall into the descriptive facet of the concept of teaching and learning. Teaching has been described and defined by many educators. According to Akudolu (2009), teaching is the provision of experience and guidance of activities designed to promote learning. It is an effort made to help some acquire knowledge to change an attitude, knowledge, ideas, skills or appreciation. Brown, (2003) defined teaching as an attempt to help someone acquire change in behaviours.

Effective teaching along with phraseology “teaching effectively” is used interchangeably in many ways. Apart from trying to distinguish between the two areas of interest, each has in some cases, confusing interpretations. Effective teaching is therefore determined indirectly by the outcome/achievement of the learners. By way of basic definition hinged on academic achievement, effective teaching is one through which the learners produce high test scores.  Biddle (2006) in highlighting the concept of effective teaching stated that effective teaching is the basis of a successful learning. It identifies and builds on previous knowledge; real life connection develops deep understanding and monitors and reflects on learning. To promote effective learning and teaching in business education, Avolos (2004) identified five guiding principle. The principles emphasize the need to:

  1. Understand the learner
  2. Understand the learning process
  3. Provide a supportive and challenging environment
  4. Establishing worldwide learning partnerships
  5. Shape and respond to a variety of social and actuarial contexts.

Business Education

According to Hubert (2014), Business Education involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories and process of business. According to him, business education occurs at several levels, including secondary schools and tertiary institutions. Business education is education for training in business skills that enables students after graduation from university programmes to set-up their own businesses and run them successfully. The curriculum of business education at the university level is well articulated and covers many areas of career opportunities. These are information and communication technology, management, accounting, marketing and secretarial studies.




This chapter describes in detail the methods adopted in carrying out this study. The procedure was done research design, area of the study, population of the study, instrument for data collection, validation of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data collection and method of data analysis.

Research Design

The research design that was used for this study is a descriptive survey. This design will be used to collect information from the respondents regarding the subject matter of the study. Nworgu (2006) noted that it is most preferable to use survey design when the subject of an investigation centres on individual opinions or views, attitudes and perception. The design is considered appropriate in this work because the work deals on getting individuals’ opinions on the techniques for improving the teaching and learning of ICT in tertiary institutions. Okeke (2008) carried out a similar work using descriptive survey and was successful; hence descriptive survey is considered very appropriate for this study.

Area of the Study

The area of the study is Anambra State. Anambra State is a state in the south east political zone of Nigeria. Its boundaries are formed by Delta state to the north, Imo State to the south, Enugu state to the east and Kogi State to the North. Anambra State lies in the Anambra basin, home to a rich base of natural gas and crude oil. It is also rich in other minerals. The economy of the state is characterized by primary production activities in agriculture, manufacturing and commercial activities. The mainstay of the economy is commerce ad this contributes significantly to the internally generated revenue of the government.

The area of this study is considered appropriate because it has quite a number of tertiary institutions that offer business education programme. There are five tertiary institutions in Anambra State that offer business education programme. These are: Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Chukwemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, Uli, Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Madonna University, Okija and Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe.

Population of the Study

The population of this study consisted of all the business educators in the five tertiary institutions in Anambra State that offer business education programme. Information gathered from the offices of the heads of department of the respective institutions put the number of business educators in the five tertiary institutions that offer business education in Anambra State at 70 (see appendix C; Page131). The population of the study therefore comprises all the 70 business educators in the five tertiary institutions that offer business education programme in Anambra State.

` The entire population would be used as the number of business educators is not too large for this study; hence, using a sample from it becomes unnecessary. Based on these facts, the population therefore remains the sample.



This chapter contains the analysis of data collected for this study. Analysis of demographic information of the respondents are presented in appendix D (pp. 134) while data collected with respect to the research questions and hypotheses are analyzed and presented in Tables 1 – 8.



This chapter deals with the discussion arising from the findings, draws conclusions, implications of the study, recommendations, limitation of the study and suggestions for further studies.

Discussion of Results

Organized practical work as a technique for improving the teaching of ICT

Findings of the study revealed that business educators in tertiary institutions in the area of the study rate organized practical work technique as highly suited for improving the teaching of ICT in business education. This finding is in consonance with that of Agomuo (2007) who stated that business educators now blend organized practical work through the use ICT in teaching business education programmes at tertiary level because of its suitability.  In agreement, Okolocha and Nwadiani (2015) reported that the emergence of ICT resources necessitated the introduction of organized practical work instructional technique in the teaching of business education courses in colleges of education and universities.

The suitability of organized practical work technique for improving the teaching of ICT was championed by Dabesaki (2005) who asserted that organized practical work technique as a technique for improving the teaching of ICT gives students broad viability and availability of educational opportunities where learning can be accessed irrespective of time and space.

Furthermore, findings of this study reveals that gender does not significantly affect respondents’ mean ratings on the extent they rate organized practical work as a technique for improving the teaching of ICT. Further explanation to this finding is that perhaps both male and female business educators must have realize the need to adopt organized practical work techniques in teaching ICT to produce graduates that will compete in today’s business world. This finding agrees with the discovery of Mills (2009) that gender should not be considered when organized practical work technique is used for teaching ICT because it is effective and suitable for arousing student interest and improving the level of teaching.

Project Method of Instruction as a Technique for Improving the Teaching of ICT

Findings of the study revealed that business educators in tertiary institutions in the area of the study rate project method of instruction technique as highly suited for improving the teaching of ICT in business education. The outcome of this study agrees with the assertion of Ohakwe and Okwuanaso (2006) that the project method of instruction enables the recipients of business education to compete favorably in their education endeavors. Ohakwe and Okwuanaso further stated that teaching of business education courses through ICT project method of instruction makes teaching and learning process efficient, effective, easier and less cumbersome. This supports the findings of Ajibade (2009) which revealed that project method of instruction as a technique for teaching ICT is highly suitable for effective transfer of knowledge, content, concept, skills and attitude to the business students in teaching situation.

The failure to apply project method of instruction in teaching ICT will eventually lead to the production of half-baked business education graduates who cannot function proficiently in modern offices (Omeje, 2008). The study also found no significant difference in the mean ratings of respondents on the extent they rate organized project method of instruction as a technique for improving the teaching of ICT based on gender. This finding supports Okoro (2013) who reported that male and female business educators found project method of instruction highly suitable in helping students to demonstrate the understanding of what have been learnt which in turn helps to maximize students’ attentiveness to instruction.

Individualized Instruction as a Technique for Improving the Teaching of ICT

Findings of the study revealed that business educators in tertiary institutions in the area of the study rate individualized instruction technique as highly suited for improving the teaching of ICT in business education. The findings of this study concurs with that of  Okoro (2013) which revealed that individualized instruction technique improved the teaching of ICT in areas of providing instruction packages readily available to students and improves both efficiency and effectiveness of business education lecturers as well as aids in evaluation and appraisal of students. This supports the earlier findings of Mandara (2012) which disclosed that the suitability of individualized instruction technique motivates business education teachers and students and also enhances the teaching and learning of various business education courses.

More so, the study also found no significant difference in the mean ratings of respondents on the extent they rate individualized instruction technique as highly suited for improving the teaching of ICT based on gender. The outcome of this study agrees with Okoro (2013) who reported that male and female business educators found individualized instruction highly suitable for improving the teaching of ICT in business education.

Instructional Games and Simulation as a Technique for Improving the Teaching of ICT

Findings of the study revealed that business educators in tertiary institutions in the area of the study rate instructional games and simulation technique as highly suited for improving the teaching of ICT in business education. This finding corroborates with that of Jerry (2006) which revealed that instructional games and simulation technique improves the teaching of ICT because it helps students to actually experience real life learning experience and not just read or hear about it. The author further maintained that, simulations and games allow educators to present ICT topics effectively as well as engaging students in the instructional process. Computer simulations allow students to create and manipulate systems and problems within the normal constraints of time and space. And besides all that, they are interesting and they attract students to learn.

Furthermore, gender does not significantly affect the respondents mean ratings on the extent they rate instructional games and simulation technique as highly suited for improving the teaching of ICT. The outcome of this study is in consonance with Parise and Crosina (2012) who discovered that gender should not be considered when instructional games and simulation technique is used for teaching ICT because it is effective and suitable way of contextualizing and reinforcing course topics and encouraging experimentation with new technologies.


In the light of the findings of this study, it could be concluded that effective teaching of information and communication technologies can be improved in Anambra State when instructional techniques such as organized practical work, project technique, individualized instruction, instructional games and simulation technique are adopted and utilized in tertiary institutions in Anambra state. Therefore, it becomes obvious that one would agree that these techniques are effective in improving the teaching of information and communication technology.

Implications of the study

The findings of this study have serious implications on the teaching and learning of ICT in tertiary institutions. The finding that organized practical work, project technique, individualized instruction and instructional games and simulation technique were rated highly suitable by business educators means that there is need for implementation of these instructional techniques in teaching to sustain information and communication technology learning in the Anambra State. The implication is that business educators need further training so as to constantly update their skills and knowledge in utilizing these techniques for effective and efficient teaching of ICT.


Based on the findings of the study and conclusion drawn, the following recommendations are made:

  1. Deans of faculties and Head of departments should ensure that adequate and effective teaching strategies like the outlined ones here for sustaining ICT learning should be used by lecturers in delivering their lecture to the students.
  2. Administrators of various institutions should organize workshops and seminars on teaching strategies in business education for sustaining ICT learning in their institutions.
  3. Head of departments who adopts the teaching strategies in business education for sustaining information and communication technology learning should sensitize others on the suitable of the strategies.
  4. Business educators should make efforts to own Personal Computer (PC), Internet enabled mobile phones and other internet powered gadgets to supplement gross inadequacies of ICT facilities in the school system to achieve individualized instruction in the teaching and learning process of business education.
  5. The federal government of Nigeria should review the power sector and the Ministry of ICT in the country to achieve uninterrupted power supply and a functional telecommunication network in tertiary institutions in the country.
  6. University authorities should purchase modern ICT equipment for enhancing effective teaching of ICT with a regular systematic maintenance of ICT facilities by university authorities.

Limitation of the Study

The major limitation of this study is that the researcher could not use the entire tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Therefore, findings of the study are valid for application only in one state of the federation.

Suggestions for Further Studies

The following topics are suggested for further study

  1. Extent of application of information and communication technology instructional strategies by business education lecturers in federal universities in Nigeria.
  2. A comparative study on the suitability of ICT methods and traditional methods of instruction in teaching business education in Nigeria.
  3. Information and communication technology instructional strategies competencies possessed by business education lecturers in federal universities in Nigeria
  4. The impact of information and communication technology on the teaching methodologies of business educators in universities and polytechnics in South East of Nigeria.


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