Nursing Project Topics

Challenges and Utilization of Nursing Process Among Nurses in Harvey Road General Hospital Yaba

Challenges and Utilization of Nursing Process Among Nurses in Harvey Road General Hospital Yaba

Challenges and Utilization of Nursing Process Among Nurses in Harvey Road General Hospital Yaba


Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study were:

  1. To identify the challenges encountered by nurses in utilizing the nursing process at Harvey Road General Hospital in Yaba.
  2. To explore the factors contributing to the ineffective utilization of the nursing process among nurses in the hospital.
  3. To recommend strategies to improve the utilization of the nursing process and enhance patient care delivery at Harvey Road General Hospital.



Conceptual Review

Nursing Process: Understanding the fundamentals and components

The nursing process serves as a fundamental framework guiding nurses through the complexities of patient care (Lin et al., 2017). At its core, the nursing process comprises five distinct stages: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation (Müller-Staub et al., 2022). Assessment marks the initial phase, wherein nurses gather comprehensive data about the patient’s health status, including physical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions (Kebede, Endris, & Zegeye, 2017).

Following assessment, nurses proceed to diagnose the patient’s health problems or needs based on the collected data (Rabelo-Silva et al., 2017). This involves identifying actual or potential health issues and formulating nursing diagnoses that guide subsequent care planning (Nomura, Silva, & Almeida, 2022). Care planning entails setting realistic and measurable goals in collaboration with the patient and other healthcare team members (Bruylands et al., 2019).

Once goals are established, nurses proceed to implement the planned interventions aimed at addressing the patient’s health needs (Scheiber, Mayer, & Müller, 2020). This may involve administering medications, providing patient education, and coordinating care with other healthcare professionals (Mwang, Meng’anyi, & Mbugua, 2019). Implementation must be carried out in a systematic and evidence-based manner to ensure the delivery of safe and effective care (Okaisu et al., 2020).

Finally, the evaluation phase involves assessing the outcomes of nursing interventions and determining their effectiveness in achieving the established goals (Setyaningrum, Nurjannah, & Rustiyaningsih, 2019). Nurses compare the patient’s actual response to the desired outcomes and modify the care plan as necessary (Miskir & Emishaw, 2018). Evaluation serves as a crucial feedback loop, informing future iterations of the nursing process and facilitating continuous improvement in patient care delivery (Rouleau et al., 2017).

Overall, the nursing process provides a systematic and patient-centred approach to care delivery, ensuring that the diverse needs of patients are addressed holistically (Opare et al., 2017). By guiding nurses through each stage of care provision, from assessment to evaluation, the nursing process facilitates effective communication, collaboration, and coordination among healthcare team members (Rycroft-Malone, 2022). Ultimately, understanding the fundamentals and components of the nursing process is essential for promoting optimal patient outcomes and enhancing the quality of care delivery within healthcare settings (Appiah, 2019).





The methodology section of this study outlines the research design, population, sampling technique, sources and methods of data collection, method of data analysis, validity and reliability, and ethical considerations employed to address the objectives of the research. Each component of the methodology is carefully selected to ensure the rigour and validity of the study’s findings.

Research Design

The research design selected for this study is a quantitative survey research design. This design is chosen to gather numerical data from a large sample of respondents at Harvey Road General Hospital in Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria. The use of a survey design allows for the systematic collection of data on the challenges and utilization of the nursing process among nurses in the hospital. A quantitative approach enables the researchers to analyze data statistically, providing numerical insights into the prevalence and significance of identified challenges.



Data Presentation



Summary of Findings

The comprehensive analysis conducted on the utilization of the nursing process at Harvey Road General Hospital has yielded valuable insights into various aspects of nursing practice, patient care delivery, and organizational dynamics. Through a combination of quantitative surveys, demographic assessments, and statistical analyses, the study has provided a nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by nurses in implementing the nursing process, as well as the factors influencing patient care outcomes.

One of the central findings of the study is the significant correlation between staffing levels and the challenges encountered by nurses in utilizing the nursing process. The analysis revealed that inadequate staffing contributes to increased workloads and time constraints for nurses, hindering their ability to perform thorough assessments, develop comprehensive care plans, and execute interventions effectively. This finding underscores the importance of addressing staffing shortages and ensuring adequate nurse-to-patient ratios to support high-quality care delivery and patient safety.

Furthermore, the study identified insufficient training and education among nursing staff as a key barrier to the effective utilization of the nursing process. Nurses with limited training may struggle to understand and apply evidence-based practices, leading to inconsistencies in care delivery and potential gaps in patient outcomes. Investing in ongoing education and professional development programs is crucial for equipping nurses with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver safe, effective, and patient-centred care.

Additionally, the analysis highlighted the impact of organizational factors, such as management support, communication channels, and resource availability, on the utilization of the nursing process. Nurses reported challenges related to poor communication and collaboration among healthcare team members, limited access to necessary resources and equipment, and inadequate support from hospital management. Addressing these systemic issues is essential for creating a supportive work environment that enables nurses to perform their duties effectively and deliver high-quality care to patients.

Moreover, the study examined the influence of external factors, including government policies and regulations, on the implementation of the nursing process at the hospital. Healthcare policies and regulatory requirements can impact various aspects of nursing practice, such as documentation standards, staffing regulations, and scope of practice. Adapting to regulatory changes and aligning nursing practices with industry standards is critical for ensuring compliance and maintaining quality care standards.

In addition to identifying challenges, the study also explored potential strategies for improving the utilization of the nursing process and enhancing patient care delivery at Harvey Road General Hospital. These include increasing staffing levels, providing comprehensive training and education programs, implementing standardized protocols and procedures, improving communication and collaboration among healthcare team members, and ensuring access to necessary resources and equipment.

Overall, the findings of the study provide valuable insights for hospital administrators, nurse leaders, policymakers, and other stakeholders involved in healthcare delivery. By addressing the identified challenges and implementing targeted interventions, Harvey Road General Hospital can enhance the quality of nursing care, improve patient outcomes, and foster a culture of continuous improvement and excellence in patient care. Additionally, the study underscores the importance of ongoing research and evaluation to monitor progress, identify emerging issues, and inform evidence-based practices in nursing and healthcare delivery.


In conclusion, the results of the hypotheses tested in this study provide valuable insights into the factors influencing the utilization of the nursing process at Harvey Road General Hospital. The findings indicate a significant correlation between inadequate staffing levels and the challenges encountered by nurses in implementing the nursing process, highlighting the critical importance of ensuring sufficient staffing to support quality patient care. Additionally, the study reveals that insufficient training and education among nursing staff contribute to the ineffective utilization of the nursing process, emphasizing the need for ongoing professional development initiatives to enhance nursing practice.

Furthermore, the analysis underscores the importance of targeted interventions to address identified challenges and improve the utilization of the nursing process. By implementing strategies such as increasing staffing levels, providing comprehensive training programs, and enhancing communication and collaboration among healthcare team members, Harvey Road General Hospital can overcome barriers to effective nursing practice and optimize patient care delivery.

Overall, the findings of this study have implications for nursing management, hospital administrators, policymakers, and other stakeholders involved in healthcare delivery. By addressing the identified challenges and implementing evidence-based interventions, Harvey Road General Hospital can enhance the quality of nursing care, improve patient outcomes, and promote a culture of excellence in healthcare delivery.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from the study, the following recommendations are proposed:

  1. Increase Staffing Levels: Harvey Road General Hospital should prioritize efforts to increase staffing levels to ensure adequate nurse-to-patient ratios. This will help alleviate workload pressures and facilitate the effective utilization of the nursing process.
  2. Provide Ongoing Training and Education: Implement regular training and educational programs for nursing staff to enhance their skills and knowledge in utilizing the nursing process. These programs should focus on areas such as assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of patient care.
  3. Develop Standardized Protocols and Procedures: Establish standardized protocols and procedures for the nursing process to promote consistency and efficiency in patient care delivery. Clear guidelines will help streamline nursing practices and ensure uniformity across different units within the hospital.
  4. Enhance Communication and Collaboration: Foster a culture of open communication and collaboration among healthcare team members to facilitate the seamless implementation of the nursing process. Encourage interdisciplinary teamwork and promote effective communication channels to improve coordination of care.
  5. Provide Access to Necessary Resources: Ensure that nurses have access to essential resources and equipment required for the effective execution of the nursing process. This includes adequate supplies, technology, and support services to facilitate quality patient care.
  6. Address External Factors: Advocate for supportive government policies and regulations that prioritize nursing practice and patient care. Collaborate with relevant stakeholders to address external factors that may impact the implementation of the nursing process, such as regulatory requirements and resource allocation.
  7. Monitor and Evaluate Performance: Implement mechanisms for ongoing monitoring and evaluation of nursing performance and patient outcomes. Regular assessments will help identify areas for improvement and track progress towards achieving quality care goals.
  8. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Promote a culture of continuous improvement within the hospital, where feedback is encouraged, and lessons learned are used to drive positive change. Create opportunities for staff engagement and participation in quality improvement initiatives to foster ownership and accountability.

Contribution to Knowledge

The findings of this study significantly contribute to the body of knowledge in nursing practice and healthcare management, particularly in the context of Harvey Road General Hospital. Firstly, the study sheds light on the specific challenges faced by nurses in utilizing the nursing process within the hospital setting. By identifying and analyzing these challenges, the research provides valuable insights into the factors that hinder effective patient care delivery. This understanding is crucial for developing targeted interventions and strategies to address the root causes of these challenges.

Secondly, the study highlights the importance of staffing levels, training, and education in facilitating the effective utilization of the nursing process. By demonstrating the correlation between these factors and nursing practice outcomes, the research underscores the significance of investing in human resources and professional development initiatives within healthcare organizations. This insight can inform decision-making processes regarding resource allocation and workforce planning, ultimately leading to improved patient care quality.

Furthermore, the study contributes to the advancement of evidence-based practice by identifying interventions that can enhance the utilization of the nursing process and improve patient care outcomes. Through rigorous data analysis and evaluation, the research identifies promising strategies that can be implemented within Harvey Road General Hospital and potentially scaled up to other healthcare settings facing similar challenges. This knowledge can inform policy development and clinical practice guidelines aimed at optimizing nursing care delivery.

Moreover, the study adds to the existing literature on healthcare management by examining the impact of organizational factors, such as communication, collaboration, and resource allocation, on nursing practice. By exploring the interplay between these factors and nursing process utilization, the research provides a comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics within healthcare organizations. This holistic perspective can guide hospital administrators and policymakers in fostering supportive work environments conducive to quality patient care.

Limitations of the Study

While the study provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by nurses in utilizing the nursing process at Harvey Road General Hospital, several limitations should be acknowledged. Firstly, the research relied on self-reported data from a relatively small sample size, which may limit the generalizability of the findings. The sample predominantly consisted of nurses from a single hospital, which may not fully capture the diversity of experiences and perspectives across different healthcare settings. Additionally, self-reported data are subject to social desirability bias and recall bias, potentially influencing the accuracy and reliability of the responses.

Furthermore, the cross-sectional nature of the study design limits the ability to establish causal relationships between variables. While the research identifies associations between various factors and nursing process utilization, it cannot determine causality or the direction of the relationships. Longitudinal studies or experimental designs would provide more robust evidence of the effectiveness of interventions aimed at addressing the identified challenges. Despite these limitations, the study provides a valuable foundation for future research endeavours aimed at further exploring the complex dynamics of nursing practice and healthcare management.


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