Education Project Topics

Comparative Analysis of Education/economics and Economics Students Pattern of Carryover in Courses Between 2007-2010 in University of Benin

Comparative Analysis of Educationeconomics and Economics Students Pattern of Carryover in Courses Between 2007-2010 in University of Benin

Comparative Analysis of Education/economics and Economics Students Pattern of Carryover in Courses Between 2007-2010 in University of Benin

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study to find out weather significant difference exist between academic performance and carry over of Economics education student and Economics students Courses.

  1. What is the level of carryover in Economics education student in university?
  2. What is the level of carryover in Economics student in university?



This chapter discuss the review of the literature based on the following sub-headings.

Teacher qualification and academic performance and carry over

Influence of Discipline of Teachers on Academic Achievement of  students

Faculty location and academic performance and carry over

Teachers’ Qualification and Students’ Performance

Olayemi (2001) observed that the depreciation that has endangered both Economics education student/Economics student in university of Benin as a result of the relevance of teachers’ qualification with the subject(s) taught.  The  students learn more from teachers who hold a Bachelor Degree in Education or NCE with the wealth of experience in teaching   the methodology of a professional teacher is quite different in the field of academics.  Ogunniyi (1982) cited by Bolarinwa says that the use of continuous assessment is to obtain information about the state of the development of the learner and to help grow by providing him with suitable facilities and opportunities that make him demonstrate from time to time, the knowledge understanding , attitudes, and skills acquired as a result of exposure to various experiences.  The studies also suggest that students learn more from experiences than they do from less experienced ones.  Professional development of high quality enhances students.

The roles of teachers are very important in teaching; for instance, in faculties where there are formal teaching methods, the teachers are the source of all the knowledge that the children acquire in the class.   He is able to determine how well the students learning and knows the most effective way of providing assistance.

Good course content and technology enhance student’ learning (Mayer etal, 2000).  Researchers have found out that greater gains in student’s achievement occur in classes with few students than in the large classes (Kinger 1998). Class size reduction allows for individualized attention. Small classes also enhance safely, discipline and order. Reduction in class size does not however guarantee quality if qualified teachers and appropriate classroom buildings are not available to cater for the expansion in the number of classrooms. According to sears (1978) the building furniture and equipment contribute remarkably to the intellectual growth of the learners more especially, the instructional strategies are often influenced by the quality and quantity of the faculty facilities. When students are overcrowded in a terrible condition, this will have a disruption of the student’s mental activities and situation that generally initiatives against effective teaching and intellectual growth of the leaners more especially, the instructional strategies are often influenced by the quality and quantity of the facilities. When students are overcrowded in a terrible condition, this will have disruption of the student’s mental activities and situation that generally initiates against effective teaching and intellectual development of the students. Furthermore, for effective teaching, well-equipped Library and subject norms are needed but the truth is that majority of Nigerian university of Benin today lack these essential facilities.

In most of Nigerian university of Benin, classroom accommodation is grossly inadequate as a result of the large enrolment in the faculties; the classrooms are usually overcrowded with up to eighty or more students receiving instructions in a classroom designed for only thirty to forty students. In most cases, the chairs and desks are not enough, in some faculties students up while some sit on bare floor to learn. The studies also suggest that students learn more from experienced teachers than they do from less experienced one. Teachers’ Professional development enhances high quality of students’ performance. Whilaker (1995) was of the opinion that teachers are important factor in creating positive learning environment. He further stressed that as professional they know that teaching is more than simply passing information.   Many teachers are aware of the need of engaging in the ‘search for more life-enhancing and effective processes. Teachers’ interest in initiating life enhancing learning activities and qualities than those associated with their initial training as teachers.  Teachers need new knowledge, skills and qualities in to cope with the complete process of classroom management and organization. Onabamiro (1997) was of the opinion that some teachers in our university of Benin lack mastery of their subject and thereby cannot communicate effectively while some are too rigid in their teaching methods.

In term of consistency and role modeling some teachers do not practice what they preach, for instance, a teacher who frequently comes late to the class, talks tactlessly smokes freely in the faculty premises, dress shabbily, indulges in moral laxity, absents  him/herself without reasonable excuses, exhibits insubordination to the principal and fellow staff is not likely to be taken seriously by the students when he teaches in the class and therefore such teachers’ teaching is not likely to have a positive impact on the term of learning.

A researcher conducted by Brestford entitled, the influence of classroom interactions on students, was aimed at having a greater knowledge of how mutual interactions between teachers and the students could affect students’ attitudes and the   learning outcome.    A group of students were selected as the research sample from various high faculties in British locality.  The interaction that occurred between the teachers and the students were observed.





This chapter describe research design population for the study example for the study research instrument administration of the instrument data analysis

Research Design

The expost facto/causal comparative research design was employed in the study. The research design is useful whenever two groups differ on independent variables of the groups and the hypothesis about differences on one or more dependent variables of the groups need to be tested. In this study the expost facto design is deemed fit because the study attempted to test hypotheses on the performance of two groups which differ on characteristics.

Population of the Study

The population of the study consists of all Economics education student and Economics students  in Edo state. There are 194  Economics education student in university of Benin and 145  Economics student in university of Benin.



This chapter present data analysis and discussion of findings based on the research question and hypothesis.

Research question 1

What is the level of carryover  in Economics education student ? To answer this research question data collected were subjected to percentage and frequency counts the results were presented in the table below.



The result obtained also revealed that students in Economics students   University of Benin in rural areas performed better in Basic Science than their Economics education student counterpart. The result obtained also revealed that students in Economics students Secondaryfaculties in rural areas performed better in Basic Science than those in Economics education student in university of Benin in rural areas this is because majority 55% had credit pass in Economics students faculties whereas few 35% had credit pass in rural Economics education student faculties. Generally, students in rural areas had low performance when compared to those in urban faculties. The low level of students performances in rural Economics education student faculties might perhaps be attributed to what we can described as poor staffing in faculties.

Frequent withdrawal of children from faculty, truancy, the study also agrees with Oke(1992), Adeyemi (1998) and Onipede (2003) that Economics students faculties in rural areas perform better.

The result of the analysis had shown that male students in both Economics education student and Economics student in university of Benin in Edo state outperformed their female counterparts.

The result revealed a credit pass of 46.44% and 44.82% male and female students respectively. The result of this study is in line with those of Adhimabi and Heneveld(1995) who observed that male students outperformed the female students academically.

However, result of this study disagrees with the study of Yahaya (2005) who opined that gender analysis of performance is not on biological differences.

It is obvious from the results presented above, that students in the Economics student in university of Benin performed better than their counterparts in the Economics education student faculties, lending credence to earlier study reported (Braun, Jenkins &Grigg, 2006; Lubienski & Lubienski, 2006; and Yoloye, 1988;). This of course could be attributed to a number of factors.


The study concludes that:

  1. Students in Economics student in university of Benin in urban areas in Edo state performed better than those in Economics education student University of Benin
  2. Students in Economics students University of Benin in rural areas performed better in University of Benin.
  1. Male students in Economics students faculties in BeninState performed better than female students.
  2. Male students in Economics education student in university of Benin in Edo state performed better than their fellow female students


Base on the findings of the study the following recommendation were made

  1. The state should provide opportunities for teachers andScience teachers of other subjects to attend seminars, service courses and workshops to avail them the opportunity of keeping abreast with effective andcurrent methods of teaching to facilitate   teaching in faculties.
  2. Qualified teachers with NCE, BSc (ed) must be employed to teach in faculties    .
  3. The salary of teachers should be enhanced and science allowances paid promptly to encourage and motivate them to work hard.
  4. The use of internet and information communication technology (ICT) is stronglyrecommended for the teaching in Faculties, Economics students organizations and individuals concerned with the business of education should endeavor to address the obstacles hindering effective academic performance and carry over of students. This can be done by developing achievement motivation in students through achievement motivation training.
  1. There is the need for the recognition of individual differences in students and the need to deal with them accordingly. Counselors should provide the necessary assistance and psychological support for students from single parent family so as to overcome their emotional problems.
  2. There is also the need to keep enlightening the parents of the importance of the home structure on the life of children. This is necessary so that parents can understand the implications and consequences of parental separation and thus mobilize all resources to curtail the problems arising from the situation. Generally, there is need to combat the continuing declining state of education by providing more funds and materials for the up-liftment of our educational system.

Finally, faculty counselors should be employed in institutions of learning and adequate supervision to be put in place to ensure provision of necessary guidance services to students.


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