Sociology Project Topics

Creating Connections, Building Bridges: Initiating a Paradigm Shift in Social Work, Social Welfare, and Community Health Development Practices in Delta State

Creating Connections, Building Bridges Initiating a Paradigm Shift in Social Work, Social Welfare, and Community Health Development Practices in Delta State

Creating Connections, Building Bridges: Initiating a Paradigm Shift in Social Work, Social Welfare, and Community Health Development Practices in Delta State

Chapter One

Research Objectives

the main objective of this study is to investigate creating connections, and building bridges: initiating a paradigm shift in social work, social welfare and community health development practices in Delta State. specific objectives include:

  1. To evaluate the effectiveness of current social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta.
  2. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of current social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State.
  3. To explore the underlying causes of the key challenges facing the implementation of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State.



Conceptual Review

The Concept of Social Works

Social work is a field of practice that aims to improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities through a range of interventions and services. The role of social workers has become increasingly important in recent years, given the growing complexity and diversity of social issues facing societies around the world. In this section, we will discuss some recent trends and developments in social work practice, as well as some of the challenges and opportunities facing the profession.

One of the key trends in social work practice is the increasing focus on social justice and human rights. Social workers are increasingly recognizing the importance of addressing structural inequalities and promoting social change to achieve a more just and equitable society. For example, in Nigeria, social workers have been advocating for the inclusion of social protection programs in national policies, to address the social and economic inequalities facing vulnerable groups such as women, children, and the elderly (Oluwafemi & Oguntimehin, 2022).

Another important trend is the growing emphasis on evidence-based practice. Social workers are increasingly using research and data to inform their practice and evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions. For example, a recent study in the United States found that social workers who received training in evidence-based practice were more likely to use research in their practice, and reported better outcomes for their clients (Brodsky et al., 2023).

The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration is also increasingly recognized in social work practice. Social workers are working alongside professionals from other fields such as health, education, and law enforcement to address complex social problems. For example, in Nigeria, social workers are collaborating with healthcare professionals to promote mental health and well-being in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (Adeniyi et al., 2022).

In addition, technology is also playing an increasingly important role in social work practice. Social workers are using digital tools to connect with clients, access information, and deliver services. For example, in the United Kingdom, social workers are using virtual reality technology to simulate real-life situations and improve their communication and decision-making skills (Brown & Wilcock, 2022).

Despite these trends and developments, social work practice continues to face several challenges. One of the main challenges is the shortage of trained and qualified social workers, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. This shortage is often compounded by low salaries, inadequate working conditions, and limited opportunities for professional development (Malliaras & Ling, 2023).

In addition, social workers often face ethical and moral dilemmas in their practice, particularly in situations where there are conflicting values and interests. For example, social workers may face challenges in balancing the needs and interests of their clients with the expectations of their employers or the wider community (Reamer, 2022).

In conclusion, social work is a dynamic and evolving profession that plays a crucial role in addressing social issues and promoting social justice. Recent trends and developments in social work practice have highlighted the importance of evidence-based practice, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the use of technology. However, social work practice continues to face some challenges, including the shortage of trained and qualified social workers, and ethical and moral dilemmas.

The Concept of Social Welfare

Social welfare refers to the well-being and quality of life of individuals within a society, which is achieved through providing assistance, support, and resources to those in need. Social welfare programs are vital in assisting those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged, to meet their basic needs, access opportunities, and fully participate in society (Dumitru, 2022). Social welfare is an essential component of social work, which is a profession concerned with improving the welfare of individuals, families, groups, and communities. Social workers are trained to work with people facing social, emotional, and economic challenges, providing counselling, advocacy, and support (Akintayo & Musa, 2023).

In recent years, there has been a shift towards a more holistic approach to social welfare, recognizing the interconnectedness of social, economic, and political factors impacting individual and community wellbeing. This approach emphasizes community engagement and partnership, leading to the design and implementation of social welfare programs (Dumitru, 2022). However, social welfare still faces several challenges. One of the main obstacles is the lack of funding and resources in low- and middle-income countries, which results in limited access to education and healthcare, and high levels of poverty and inequality (Akintayo & Musa, 2023).

Another significant challenge in social welfare is stigmatization and discrimination, which is a result of social attitudes and beliefs about individuals and communities receiving social welfare services (Gbadegesin, 2022). In Nigeria, both the government and NGOs provide social welfare programs. The government’s social welfare programs include cash transfers, school feeding programs, and health insurance schemes. However, implementation is plagued by challenges such as corruption, inefficiency, and lack of coordination (Kudamnya, 2022). NGOs also play a vital role in providing social welfare services, particularly in healthcare, education, and poverty reduction (Aderibigbe & Adesokan, 2023).





This chapter presents the research design, population of the study, sample size, sampling technique, method and sources of data collection, research instrument, validity and reliability of the study, method of data collection, data analysis, and the ethical considerations for this study.

Research Design

According to recent research, a quantitative survey research design involved collecting data from a sample of the population to make statistical inferences about the population (Chen & Yan, 2022; Kim, 2022). It is considered appropriate for large-scale studies where data from a substantial number of participants were needed (Saleem, Akhtar, & Asghar, 2023). In the current study, a sample of 120 respondents was targeted, making quantitative survey research design a suitable option.

A quantitative survey research design offered several advantages, including the ability to generalize findings to a larger population, test hypotheses, and obtain a high degree of accuracy in data collection (Sandelowski, 2022; Wang & Feng, 2023). Additionally, it enabled the use of statistical methods to analyze data, providing objective results that could be quantified and replicated (Bergdahl & Hertting, 2022).

 Population of the Study

According to recent literature (Akinwale, Ayoade, & Okorie, 2022; Egbule, 2023), the population of the current study is comprised of social workers, healthcare professionals, and community development workers in Delta State. The target population for this study is 600 respondents. This number is appropriate for the research question and objectives and allows for a sufficient representation of the population. However, due to logistical constraints and time limitations, a smaller sample of 200 respondents will be conveniently selected from the target population for the study (Akintoye & Aluko, 2022; Oghenejobo & Eruvbetine, 2023). The sample size was determined using a sample size calculator, which takes into account factors such as confidence level, the margin of error, and population size (Fayemiwo & Adeyeye, 2022). This ensures that the sample size is appropriate for the study and allows for statistically valid results.3.3 Sample Size The sample size for this study is 90 respondents. The sample will be conveniently selected from the target population.



Data Presentation




Summary of Findings

The findings from Tables 4.2 to 4.19 provide insights into the challenges facing the implementation of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State, Nigeria. The high proportion of female respondents indicates the need to address gender disparities in the field. The fact that most respondents had a bachelor’s degree and worked for NGOs or the government suggests that these organizations play a critical role in the provision of social services in the state.

Furthermore, the data indicate that the respondents had adequate knowledge of the concepts and practices related to social work, social welfare, and community health development. However, the results also suggest the need for improvement in current practices in Delta State, as most respondents agreed that there is a need for improvement.

The challenges identified in the study include the lack of adequate funding, limited public awareness and understanding, inadequate staffing levels, limited infrastructure and equipment, and ineffective collaboration and coordination among relevant stakeholders. These challenges have significant implications for the implementation of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State.

To address these challenges, there is a need for increased investment in social services, including funding and infrastructure development. Public awareness campaigns are also necessary to educate the population on the importance of social services, while training and capacity-building initiatives can address the issue of inadequate staffing levels. Effective collaboration and coordination among stakeholders can enhance the implementation of social services and promote the well-being of the population in Delta State.

The analysis of the data obtained from Tables 4.2 to 4.7 revealed that the respondents had a good understanding of the concepts and practices related to social work, social welfare, and community health development. However, despite their knowledge, the majority of the respondents still believed that there was a need for improvement in the current practices in Delta State. This implies that although the practitioners possess the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver effective services, there may be barriers or limitations that prevent them from doing so.

The need for improvement in current practices is particularly significant because it suggests that the current state of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State may not be meeting the needs of the community. The implications of this finding are vast, and it highlights the need for policymakers and practitioners to review and re-evaluate the current practices to identify areas for improvement.

One potential implication of this finding is that there may be a gap between policy and practice. It is possible that the policies and guidelines set forth by the government are not being effectively implemented or are not tailored to the specific needs of the community. Therefore, policymakers should work closely with practitioners to develop policies and guidelines that are effective, relevant, and feasible to implement.

Another implication of this finding is that there may be a need for additional resources, such as funding, equipment, and staffing, to improve the delivery of social work, social welfare, and community health development services. Limited resources can hinder the ability of practitioners to provide high-quality services, and it may be challenging to attract and retain skilled professionals without adequate resources. Policymakers should, therefore, consider increasing investment in these areas to ensure that practitioners have the resources they need to deliver effective services.

Overall, the finding that there is a need for improvement in current practices highlights the need for continued efforts to strengthen social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State. By addressing the barriers and limitations identified by practitioners, policymakers can improve the delivery of services and ensure that the needs of the community are being met.

Furthermore, the analysis of the challenges facing the implementation of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State revealed several key challenges. These include the lack of adequate funding, limited public awareness and understanding, inadequate staffing levels, limited infrastructure and equipment, and ineffective collaboration and coordination among relevant stakeholders. These challenges pose significant obstacles to the implementation of these practices in the state.

The analysis of the challenges facing the implementation of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State highlighted several significant challenges. Firstly, the lack of adequate funding impedes the implementation of these practices in the state. Without sufficient funding, it is challenging to provide essential services and resources to individuals and communities that need them the most. Secondly, limited public awareness and understanding of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices contribute to the challenges facing their implementation. Educating the public about the importance of these practices could increase public support and understanding, leading to more significant investments in these areas.

Thirdly, the inadequate staffing levels and limited infrastructure and equipment also hinder the implementation of these practices in Delta State. Without adequate staff and infrastructure, it is difficult to provide quality services and programs to those who need them. Moreover, the lack of effective collaboration and coordination among relevant stakeholders poses a significant challenge to the implementation of these practices. Effective collaboration and coordination are essential to ensure that resources and services are adequately distributed and that everyone receives the necessary support and assistance.

The implications of these findings suggest the need for significant improvements in the implementation of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State. Addressing the challenges identified in the study requires the involvement and collaboration of various stakeholders, including the government, NGOs, and the public. It is necessary to increase funding for these practices, raise public awareness, and improve staffing levels, infrastructure, and equipment. Effective collaboration and coordination among stakeholders are essential to ensuring the success of these practices.

The study found that the majority of the respondents in Delta State, Nigeria, working in social work, social welfare, and community health development practices were female, aged between 26 and 35 years, with a bachelor’s degree and working for NGOs or the government. Respondents had between 6 to 10 years of experience in their field and had received training related to these fields. Although respondents had adequate knowledge of the concepts and practices, they agreed that there was a need for improvement in the current practices. Implementation challenges included a lack of funding, limited public awareness and understanding, inadequate staffing levels, limited infrastructure and equipment, and ineffective collaboration and coordination among stakeholders. The study highlights the importance of targeted interventions and the need for a paradigm shift to improve these practices in Delta State, emphasizing their significance for providing quality services and programs to individuals and communities in need.


In conclusion, this study has provided valuable insights into the state of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State, Nigeria. The findings reveal that while there is adequate knowledge and training among practitioners, there are significant challenges in implementing these practices due to the lack of adequate funding, limited public awareness and understanding, inadequate staffing levels, limited infrastructure and equipment, and ineffective collaboration and coordination among relevant stakeholders.

These findings highlight the need for a paradigm shift in the current practices in Delta State and the importance of targeted interventions to address the challenges identified in this study. There is a pressing need for stakeholders in the government, NGOs, and the general population to work together towards the provision of quality services and programs to individuals and communities in need. This study provides a useful starting point for further research and discussion on how to improve social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State and beyond.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made:

  1. Increase funding for social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State to improve their implementation and effectiveness.
  2. Develop and implement public awareness campaigns to increase understanding of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State.
  3. Increase staffing levels and provide adequate training for social workers, welfare officers, and health workers to improve the quality of services provided.
  4. Provide adequate infrastructure and equipment, including facilities, technology, and transportation, to support the implementation of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State.
  5. Foster collaboration and coordination among relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, NGOs, and community members, to improve the implementation and sustainability of these practices.
  6. Develop and implement evidence-based interventions and programs that are tailored to the specific needs of the communities in Delta State.
  7. Incorporate community-based participatory approaches in the implementation of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices to ensure that the needs and perspectives of local communities are taken into account.
  8. Establish a monitoring and evaluation system to track the progress of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State, and to identify areas that need improvement.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study has contributed significantly to the body of knowledge on social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State, Nigeria. The study has highlighted the key challenges facing the implementation of these practices and has proposed practical recommendations to address them.

One significant contribution of this study is the identification of the need for a paradigm shift in social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State. This shift can be achieved through targeted interventions that address the challenges identified in the study, such as the lack of adequate funding, limited public awareness and understanding, inadequate staffing levels, limited infrastructure and equipment, and ineffective collaboration and coordination among relevant stakeholders.

Additionally, this study has contributed to the understanding of the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of social work, social welfare, and community health development among practitioners in Delta State. The findings suggest that while practitioners have adequate knowledge of the concepts and practices related to these fields, there is a need for improvement in the current practices in the state.

Suggestions for Further Studies

The following suggestions for further studies were made in this study:

  1. A comparative study of social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State and other states in Nigeria, with a focus on the challenges and opportunities for implementing these practices in different contexts.
  2. An investigation of the effectiveness of existing interventions and strategies aimed at addressing the challenges facing social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State. This study could involve an evaluation of current programs and policies, as well as the development and testing of new interventions.
  3. An exploration of the role of technology in enhancing social work, social welfare, and community health development practices in Delta State. This study could focus on the use of technology in areas such as service delivery, data management, and community engagement, and could involve the development and testing of innovative technological solutions to address the challenges facing these practices.


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