Human Kinetics and Physical Education Project Topics

Demotivation of Human Kinetics Students and The Consequences Towards Sports Participation Among Students of the University of Benin

Demotivation of Human Kinetics Students and The Consequences Towards Sports Participation Among Students of the University of Benin

Demotivation of Human Kinetics Students and The Consequences Towards Sports Participation Among Students of the University of Benin


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was threefold:

  1. To explore the factors contributing to the demotivation of Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin.
  2. To assess the consequences of demotivation on sports participation among students.
  3. To propose strategies to mitigate the demotivation of Human Kinetics students and enhance sports engagement within the university.



Conceptual Review

Human Kinetics Education

Human Kinetics Education, encompassing the study of human movement, exercise, and sports, is a multifaceted discipline with profound implications for academic and personal development (Kiper, 2020; Altıntaş & Bayar Koruç, 2022). The scope of Human Kinetics Education extends beyond the traditional realms of physical education, embracing a comprehensive understanding of biomechanics, exercise physiology, and the sociocultural dimensions of sports (Acar & Gündüz, 2017). This interdisciplinary approach allows students to explore the intricate mechanisms of human motion, laying the foundation for a holistic comprehension of the subject.

The importance of Human Kinetics Education in academic settings lies in its ability to contribute to students’ intellectual growth and well-rounded development. The curriculum offers a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Görgüt & Güllü, 2020). Moreover, Human Kinetics Education provides a platform for students to explore their physical potential, promoting a balance between the mental and physical aspects of learning (Chandler, Cronin, & Vamplew, 2022). This synthesis of theoretical and practical components makes Human Kinetics Education a pivotal discipline in the academic landscape.

Furthermore, the relevance of Human Kinetics Education to healthy lifestyles is evident in its role in promoting physical activity and well-being (Frederick & Ryan, 2021). Through courses that emphasize the benefits of regular exercise and sports participation, students gain insights into the importance of leading an active lifestyle for maintaining physical and mental health (Daley & O’Gara, 2018). The discipline acts as a catalyst for cultivating habits that contribute to a healthier society, aligning with broader public health initiatives (Del Pilar Vílchez & De Francisco, 2017).

In essence, Human Kinetics Education provides a comprehensive understanding of human movement, exercise, and sports, offering students a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical applications. The discipline’s importance in academic settings is underscored by its role in fostering intellectual growth, critical thinking skills, and a balance between mental and physical aspects of learning. Moreover, its relevance to healthy lifestyles highlights its contribution to promoting physical activity and well-being among individuals, aligning with broader societal health goals.





The successful execution of any research study relies heavily on the appropriateness and rigour of the chosen methodology. This chapter outlines the research design, population, sampling technique, sources and methods of data collection, data analysis approach, validity and reliability testing, and ethical considerations employed in investigating the demotivation of Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin. Grounded in established research philosophies and methods, this chapter ensures a robust foundation for the study’s objectives and contributes to the growing body of knowledge in the field (Saunders et al., 2019; Bell, 2022).

Research Design

The research design selected for this study is a quantitative survey design, a strategic choice justified by its efficacy in systematically collecting numerical data from a large sample, thereby facilitating a comprehensive understanding of the demotivation trends prevalent among Human Kinetics students (Saunders et al., 2019). Quantitative surveys are particularly valuable in studies where numerical data can provide clear insights into the prevalence and patterns of the phenomenon under investigation. In this case, demotivation, being a multifaceted concept, can be effectively quantified through standardized responses, allowing for structured statistical analysis.

The justification for adopting a survey approach is rooted in its ability to provide standardized information, thereby enhancing the rigour and reliability of the study. This aligns with the overarching goal of investigating demotivation trends within the Human Kinetics student population (Saunders et al., 2019). The structured nature of survey questions ensures consistency in data collection, facilitating comparability and enabling statistical techniques to identify correlations, trends, and patterns. The use of standardized information also contributes to the generalizability of findings, allowing insights gleaned from the surveyed sample to be applied to the broader Human Kinetics student population.



Data Presentation



Summary of Findings

The study aimed to explore the phenomenon of demotivation among Human Kinetics students at the University of Benin, focusing on its contributing factors, consequences, and potential intervention strategies. Through a quantitative survey design and the analysis of data collected from 120 respondents, several significant findings emerged, offering insights into the complexities of demotivation within this academic context.

One key finding of the study was the identification of various factors contributing to demotivation among Human Kinetics students. These factors included the workload of academic courses, the lack of recognition or appreciation for achievements, insufficient support from faculty members, and personal conflicts unrelated to academics. The study revealed that these factors collectively contribute to a sense of disillusionment and disengagement among students, impacting their motivation levels and overall academic experience.

Furthermore, the study highlighted the significant impact of demotivation on students’ participation in sports activities. The findings indicated that demotivated students were less likely to actively engage in sports, displaying lower levels of interest and enthusiasm for physical activities on campus. Moreover, demotivation negatively influenced students’ willingness to join sports teams or clubs, indicating a direct link between motivation levels and extracurricular involvement.

In addition to understanding the factors contributing to demotivation and its impact on sports participation, the study also explored potential intervention strategies to address this issue effectively. Findings suggested that implementing targeted interventions, such as providing more opportunities for recognition and rewards for achievements, offering mentorship programs or counselling services tailored to Human Kinetics students, and implementing flexible course structures or workload management strategies, could help alleviate demotivation and enhance sports engagement within the university.

Overall, the study’s findings underscored the importance of addressing demotivation among Human Kinetics students to foster a supportive and engaging academic environment. By identifying key factors contributing to demotivation and exploring potential intervention strategies, the study provided valuable insights for academia, administration, and policymakers, offering pathways for enhancing students’ motivation levels and promoting active participation in sports activities within the university setting.


The hypotheses tested in this study aimed to shed light on the relationship between academic stress, and demotivation among Human Kinetics students, their sports participation, and the potential impact of implementing targeted intervention strategies. The findings from the statistical analysis provided valuable insights into these relationships, enabling a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play within this academic context.

Firstly, the results of the one-sample t-test indicated a significant relationship between academic stress and the demotivation of Human Kinetics students. The findings revealed that academic stress was indeed a contributing factor to students’ demotivation, highlighting the importance of addressing academic pressures to promote motivation and engagement within the field.

Secondly, the analysis suggested that demotivated Human Kinetics students were less likely to actively participate in sports activities. This finding underscores the interconnectedness between motivation levels and extracurricular involvement, emphasizing the need to address demotivation to encourage greater engagement in sports among students.

Lastly, the study explored the potential impact of implementing targeted intervention strategies on students’ motivation and sports participation. The findings indicated that such interventions would not negatively influence motivation and sports participation among Human Kinetics students. Instead, they suggested that tailored interventions could effectively alleviate demotivation and enhance sports engagement within the university setting.

In conclusion, the results of the hypotheses tested provide valuable insights into the complex relationship between academic stress, demotivation, and sports participation among Human Kinetics students. By addressing academic stressors and implementing targeted interventions, universities can create a supportive environment that fosters motivation and encourages active participation in sports activities. These findings have significant implications for academia, administration, and policymakers, offering actionable strategies for promoting student well-being and engagement within the field of Human Kinetics.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from this study, the following recommendations are proposed to address demotivation among Human Kinetics students and promote sports participation within the university setting:

  1. Implement Stress Management Programs: Develop and implement stress management programs tailored to the needs of Human Kinetics students. These programs should provide students with coping mechanisms to effectively manage academic stressors, thereby reducing the likelihood of demotivation.
  2. Enhance Recognition and Appreciation: Increase recognition and appreciation for achievements in Human Kinetics through awards, certificates, and public acknowledgement. Recognizing student accomplishments fosters a sense of pride and motivation, encouraging continued engagement in sports activities.
  3. Strengthen Faculty Support: Provide additional support and guidance from faculty members to Human Kinetics students. Faculty members should offer mentorship, counselling, and academic advisement to help students navigate challenges and maintain motivation throughout their academic journey.
  4. Foster Inclusive Sports Culture: Create a supportive and inclusive sports culture on campus by offering accessible facilities and diverse opportunities for participation. Encourage collaboration between sports clubs, teams, and departments to foster a sense of community and belonging among students.
  5. Expand Mentorship Programs: Expand mentorship programs specifically tailored to Human Kinetics students. Pairing students with experienced mentors who can provide guidance, support, and encouragement can help alleviate demotivation and enhance sports engagement.
  6. Review Course Structures: Review and revise course structures to alleviate workload burdens on Human Kinetics students. Implement flexible scheduling options, modular courses, and workload management strategies to ensure a balance between academic rigour and student well-being.
  7. Promote Mental Health Awareness: Increase awareness and education surrounding mental health issues among Human Kinetics students. Offer workshops, seminars, and counselling services focused on stress management, resilience building, and mental health support.
  8. Conduct Regular Surveys: Conduct regular surveys and assessments to monitor student motivation levels, sports participation rates, and satisfaction with support services. Use feedback from students to continually refine and improve intervention strategies and support mechanisms.

Contribution to Knowledge

The findings of this study make significant contributions to the existing body of knowledge in several key areas. Firstly, by investigating the factors contributing to demotivation among Human Kinetics students, this research adds depth to the understanding of student experiences within this academic domain. The identification of specific stressors, such as workload and lack of recognition, provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by students pursuing studies in Human Kinetics, thereby enriching the literature on student motivation and engagement.

Secondly, the study sheds light on the impact of demotivation on sports participation among students. By examining the relationship between demotivation and participation in sports activities, the research highlights the interconnectedness of academic and extracurricular domains in shaping student experiences. These insights contribute to a more holistic understanding of student well-being and engagement in higher education settings.

Thirdly, the study offers practical recommendations for addressing demotivation and promoting sports engagement among Human Kinetics students. The proposed interventions, such as stress management programs and mentorship initiatives, provide actionable strategies for educators, administrators, and policymakers to enhance student support systems and foster a positive learning environment.

Moreover, the research underscores the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive sports culture on campus. By advocating for accessible facilities, diverse opportunities for participation, and recognition of student achievements, the study advocates for the development of a campus environment that values and prioritizes student well-being and engagement in sports activities.

Overall, the findings of this study contribute to knowledge by advancing our understanding of the complex interplay between motivation, academic stress, and sports participation among Human Kinetics students. By illuminating the challenges faced by students and offering evidence-based recommendations for improvement, the research serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders seeking to enhance student experiences and promote holistic development within the university setting.

Limitations of the Study

Despite the valuable insights gained from this study, several limitations should be acknowledged. Firstly, the reliance on self-reported data through questionnaires may introduce response bias and social desirability bias, potentially impacting the validity and reliability of the findings. Participants may provide responses they perceive as socially acceptable rather than reflecting their true experiences or sentiments. Additionally, the cross-sectional nature of the study design limits the ability to establish causality between variables. Longitudinal studies would provide a more comprehensive understanding of how demotivation and sports participation evolve among Human Kinetics students, capturing changes in motivation levels and engagement patterns.

Furthermore, the study’s sample size and composition may also pose limitations to the generalizability of the findings. The sample primarily consisted of students from a single university, potentially limiting the representativeness of the results to broader student populations. Additionally, the unequal distribution of gender and age groups within the sample may affect the generalizability of findings across different demographic groups. Future research could benefit from larger and more diverse samples, encompassing multiple universities or educational institutions to enhance the external validity of the findings and ensure broader applicability to the student population. Addressing these limitations would strengthen the robustness and generalizability of future research in this area.


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