Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Development a Database Management System for Student Registration in Faculty of Science of National Open University of Nigeria

Design and Development a Database Management System for Student Registration in Faculty of Science of National Open University of Nigeria

Design and Development a Database Management System for Student Registration in Faculty of Science of National Open University of Nigeria

Chapter One


The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. To design and develop a database management system for student registration in faculty of science, National Open University of Nigeria.
  2. To examine the advantages of database management system for student registration.
  3. To identify the limitations in the development of database management system for student registration.


Literature Review

information technology system

The collection of data and information using automated system to achieve major accuracy and efficiency has been recognized in different tertiary institution. an information system for capturing information about a student’s personal details and managing it in well-developed locations called database are now in most tertiary institutions. The introduction of computer into information technology has greatly improved the information need of various institutions; the success of this application depend on intensive research of computer information that case, different questions can role in such as “what is a computer system” Alvin kelvin.  (1984) defined a computer as an electronic device that is capable of performing automatically and at a high speed a sequence of logical operations based on the instructions it was giving.

(Carry N Praguki,E,micheal R. Irwin, and Jennifer Reardon (access 2003 bible pg952)defined a computer as an electronic device that can accepting data and instructions, process these data based on the instructions to create output.ememzie (1990), defined a computer system as “Computers are obedient servants who are ever ready to carry out difficult procedures and produce output when compared with human time of computing”.

Mrsembelemi (1995), defined computer as a system that is can accept input data, store data and process the data based on commands given by the computer user to produce expected output.

ADAM defines information system as the collection of software, hardware, data, information, procedures and people that work together to provide expected and useful information to run a particular organization or institution.

OBINNA (2008) he defined information system as interrelated components working together to collect, process, and store and disseminated information to support coordination, control, analysis, visualization and sometimes decision making in an organization.

The computerization of information systems supports the movement of data and information within the organization. It enable workers and official to carryout activities which are of high importance and benefit to the organization.

A well developed and structured management information system is useful in an organization or institution because of the rate of change and complex nature of present situations. The management information system (MIS) is to a very strong system and management orientation for the development of efficient and effective use of computer in all area of application. WILLIAMS (2005).

Management information system, from definition, management information system is a planned system for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating data in the form of information needed to carry out the function of management (OBINNA 2009).The management information system is an example of an information system.


An information system is classified into different organizational levels and it is sub divided into six standard levels which are listed and explained below:-

  1. Executive support system (ESS):- this is an information system in which is used by senior managers of an organization or institution to make decisions. ESS serves the strategic level of the organization. They address unstructured decisions and create a generalized computing and communication environment rather than providing any fixed application or specific capability.
  2. Knowledge work system (KWS):-this information system serve the information need of the knowledge level of the organization. Knowledge work system aid the knowledge workers, knowledge workers are people who hold formal university degree and who are often members of a recognized profession, like engineers, doctors, lawyers and scientists. Their work consist of primarily creating information and knowledge.
  3. Office automation system (OAS):- this information system is information technology applications designed to increase the productivity of data workers in the office by supporting the coordinating and supporting activity of the typical office. Office automation coordinates diverse information workers, geographic units, and functional areas.
  4. Management information system (MIS):- this information system serve the management level of an organization, provide managers with reports and in some cases, with online access to the organization’s current performance and historical records. Typically, they are oriented almost exclusive to internal, not environmental or external, events. MIS primarily serves the function of planning, controlling, and decision making at the managerial level.
  5. Decision support system (DSS):- this information system also serve the management level of the organization. DSS help managers to make decisions that are semi structured, unique, or rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.
  6. Transaction processing system (TPS):-these are basically business systems that serve the operational level of the organization. A transaction processing system is a computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transaction necessary to the conduct of the business.







System Analysis is one example of the many phases that form the System Development Life Circle, (SDLC) which is a step-by-step approach to the development of a complex system. System Analysis has to do with the gathering and use of important information pertaining to a certain system. In a more plain definition, system analysis has to do with the collection of data, understanding of the processes involved, identification of problems and recommendations that wholly affects the performance of the system.

The objective of system analysis is to provide a new efficient system which satisfies the need of the user or organization as well as giving room for future enhancements and improvements by providing answers to the following questions such as: What is being done, How is it being done, Who is doing it, When is he doing it, Why is it being done and How can it be improved? During the system analysis a thorough investigation of the old or existing system in use is carried out in order to properly understand the information flow, the limitations and weaknesses the current system possesses, providing of solutions to these limitations which may include the improvement of the existing system or development of a complete system from scratch.



 System Testing-: Software testing is the method of running various test in order to determine if a software works or not. It is the method of debugging and correcting all errors in a program. Where there are many modules sometimes written by various programmers testing includes integrated testing of all the modules combined.




In every sector of the economy be it financial, health, education, legal, I.T  e.t.c. they all carry out one project or another. Even at the lowest levels, we all carry out various projects whether in small or large scale. Proper planning and execution of these projects have brought tremendous growth developed in the world today and the advent of the information technology world has brought a lot of innovations and added advantage of which student information database is not an exception. Though the more advanced countries such as the United States of America (USA), United Kingdom (UK) and other developed countries have taken advantage of such a system, it should be noted that Nigeria is still lacking in this area.

Student information database is offlinebased,collaborative applications that help student administration managers in carrying out their responsibilities such as scheduling, cost control and budget management, resource allocation, collaboration, student information documentation management, student information planning and management. It allows the student information administrators to collaborate with student information resources, manage student users information, analyze risks, assign tasks, coordinate schedules at anytime from anywhere in the world. During the project, we investigated the existing system and the problems associated with it, and discovered that a new system had to be developed. We also discovered that the implementation of this new system is completely feasible in the Nigeria universities, and the many advantages that will be produced from it and its great effect in all the various educational sectors in the country.


The manual approach of accomplishing student information management is fast becoming a thing of the past. Many developed countries such as the United States of America (USA), and many developing countries, are beginning to reach out to better, easier, less time consuming, less tedious means of achieving student information management schemes by the development of highly advanced and sophisticated software to handle the day-to-day student management processes. These sophisticated software aim at reducing cost of the operation while increasing the quality of the final output.

The rapid advancement in technology, has largely affected our way of life which include, business, entertainment, sport, education, health care e.t.c. Computer software development, forms a large part of this advancement. Student information management software will go a long way to redefine student management methods, in our ever growing 21st century economy.


With the constant change in the world today, which is brought about by the continuous technological enhancement that has greatly affected the economy, it should be noted that there is a need to always stay up to date with these changes as they come. Thus I would like to make the following recommendations;

  1. Topics in such areas as student information management system should be recommended for students projects. Since student management happens to be a wide research area of which this project cannot cover all, researchers should ensure to carry out a proper and thorough research in order to produce a more advanced system that meets the need of the current time period.
  2. Within the next ten (10) years, systems that are currently in use and considered as the latest and highly advanced, will be outdated and replaced by more highly advanced systems that would perform the job ten times faster and better. Thus researchers who would work on this sort of topic should ensure to look at the limitations of current systems in use and use them as a basis for improvement.
  3. Schools such as universities, secondary and tertiary schools in Nigeria, should adopt the use of the student information database in carrying out any project they wish to embark on in the near future, taking advantage of the positive effects and embracing this technological innovation as it relates to their area of specialties.
  4. The various schools that would make use of the system should ensure to stay up to date with the latest technological enhancements and improvements in the systems by making certain the system is reviewed and updated at least after every six months of use.\



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