Computer Science Project Topics

Design and Implementation of a Departmental Portal (Case Study of Computer Science Department)

Design and Implementation of a Departmental Portal (Case Study of Computer Science Department)

Design and Implementation of a Departmental Portal (Case Study of Computer Science Department)

Chapter One

 Aim and Objectives

The Aim of this project is to create a system whereby common educational challenge can be tackled without much stress from the students or staffs.

Objectives of the project include:

  1. Creating a system whereby students can copy and submit their assignments online.
  2. Gets information about their academic history without necessary going through the course lecturer.
  3. Keep records of all Students in all
  4. Generates quick Result of each and every
  5. Automatic Generate student identification number which differs from the matric
  6. Generate black list for
  7. The system   can   allow   the   administrator   to   select   the   unnecessary information and delete them from the
  8. Administrators have total control on Site; he can delete or edit
  9. Provide the facility like send mail for recover
  10. Upload course details.



In this computer age, information and management system is very common in Schools. The Appropriate use of these systems helps to reduce the workload and increase the work efficiency. The aim of this literature is to review the existing system which is commonly used in other School, and also understand the technology issues of this project case.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

There seems to be some controversy whether students today are technologically prepared for the 21st Century Digital Age. “Available evidence shows that American adults and children have a poor understanding of the essential characteristics of technology, how it influences society, and how people can and do affect its development. Neither the educational system nor the policy-making apparatus in the United States has recognized the importance of technological literacy” (National Academy of Engineering, 2002). Technologies are growing at a tremendous rate and U.S. citizens are not equipped to make well-considered decisions or to think critically about technology. In short, we are not “technologically literate” (National Academy of Engineering, 2002).

The introduction of computer into information technology has massively improved the information need of organizations; the success of this machine is dependent on the knowledge base. Therefore, one can be prompted to ask aloud “what a computer is?” A computer is an electronic device that can perform automatically and at a high speed a sequence of logical operations according to instructions given to it inform of a pre-arranged program (Funk, 1980).

A computer is an electronic device capable of accepting data and instructions, processing the data based on the instructions to generate results or output in such a manner that is yet to be equalled by any other known machine to mankind(Anigbogu, 2000).

Roblyer, et al (as cited in Roblyer, 2000) states, “. . . the future of educational technology rests to a great degree on us (educators): how we view technology, how we respond to the challenge it presents, and how we see it helping us accomplish our own informed vision of what teaching and learning should be.”

In America, between the academic school years of 1991-92 and 1996-97, inventories of computers grew 186% with an additional 1.2 million computers added in 1996-97 alone. In 1996-97 there were an estimated 6.3 million computers in virtually 100% of the nation’s schools (Market Data Retrieval, 1997 as cited by U.S. Department of Education, 2002a). In 1998, 89% of schools had Internet connections (U.S. Department of Education, 1999 as cited by U.S. Department of Education, 2002). However, technology alone does not make a difference; rather the key element is how it is used. The National Education Technology Plan 2004 (U.S. Department of Education, 2004), reports that today nearly every public school has access to the Internet, but the real issue lies in the lack of adequate training and lack of understanding of how computers can be used to improve learning.

In 1999 the Milken Family Foundation conducted its second annual survey (Solomon and Widerhorn, 2000) of district technology coordinators. Previously, assessments were believed to have been tied more to equipment measures than technology planning and advancement. The purpose of this survey was to obtain accurate and up-to-date school technology data by state. According to the survey, student-to computer ratio was the most common summary statistic on the status  of school technology. Survey results indicated a significant drop in student-to- computer ratio, 36.3 to one in 1997-98 as compared to 18.5 to one in 1998-99.

In recent years, there has been an enormous growth in the areas of online courses and virtual schools, customizing instruction to meet the needs of individual students. According to the Education Week Research Centre (as cited in Fox, 2005), 22 states have established state virtual schools and 16 states have at least one cyber charter school Chin et al. (2000) reported that the online environment is potentially an arena in which new practices and new relationships can make significant contribution towards learning. However, Jones et al. (2000) identifies the Internet as an ideal vehicle for college management system, delivering of course materials and providing student with flexibility, reliability and freedom of choice. Slay (1997) agreed that there is current trends towards the delivery of courseware via the World Wide Web. Well (1999) expanded that the Internet is primarily a delivery vehicle for information, which assists with facilitation of the teaching and learning process.

The above mentioned author agreed that the Internet has an important role to play within education the educational sector in any country. The Internet being used, as only a delivery vehicle might not be the most effective usage of the tool, as the literature will discuss in further sections, but as an interactive tool between a student in a college and the school. It will contribute towards the learning process as reported by Rogers (2001).

Adams (2011) comments there has been little critical discussion relating to the potential shifts in teaching and learning practices, and overall there is little evidence-based research supporting continued investment in e-learning from a pedagogical perspective. The rapid adoption of LMS has occurred in a vacuum of research into their teaching and learning effectiveness (Beer, Jones et al. 2009). Overall, LMS are a “taken for granted teaching technology, based on accessibility and convenience (Weigel 2005), as well as [meeting] perceived student demand for digitally enhanced learning environments” (Adams 2011: 253). However, there is increasing recognition that “LMS are not pedagogically neutral technologies, but rather through their very design they influence and guide teaching. As the systems become more incorporated into everyday academic practices, they will work to shape and even define teachers’ imaginations, expectations and behaviours” (Coates, James et al. 2005: 27). Mersham (2009), states “the choice of medium or LMS is a major consideration in e-learning. This software facilitates management of educational courses, including course development, presentation and administration…. E-learning pedagogy exists direct and is mutually dependent on relationship with the technologies, supporting and allowing certain activities while preventing others”.





This chapter is a compendium of the methods of data collection, the critical analysis of the previous system which involves; the processes in the system, flowchart of the system and the problems of the system. Analysis of the new system which includes; aim and function of the system, input requirement specification of the system, the processing requirement specification of the system, the output requirement specification of the system and the advantages of the new system.

 Research Methodology

Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. According to Ranjit (2005), research methodology is defined as the step-by-step analysis of the principles of methods, rules and postulates employed by a discipline or the development of methods to be applied within a discipline or a particularprocedure.

Methodology in research can be considered to be the theory of correct scientific decisions (Karfman as cited in Mouton & Marais 1996:16). In this study, methodology refers to how the research was done and its logical sequence. The main focus of this study was the exploration and description of the experiences of students involved in the departmental registration processes, therefore the research approach was qualitative. Mouton (1996:35) describes methodology as the means or methods of doing something.

According to Burns and Grove (2003:488), methodology includes the design, setting, sample, methodological limitations, and the data collection and analysis techniques in a study. Henning (2004:36) describes methodology as coherent group of methods that complement one another and that have the ability to fit to deliver data and findings that will reflect the research question and suit the researcher purpose. It is a science of studying how research is to be carried out. Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena are called research methodology. It is also defined as the study of methods by which knowledge is gained. Its aim is to give the work plan of research.

This is concern with the set of methods and principles used to carry out this project work successfully. It deals with techniques applied in data analysis and design.




This chapter covers the processes involved in the design and implementation of the new system. Also, it contains the system flowchart, choice and reason for choosing the preferred programming language and steps of efficient maintenance to ensure adequate functionality of the system.



Review of Achievement

This system has automated the existing manual system. It can be monitored and controlled remotely; it reduces the man power required. It provides accurate information always. Manipulations of records can be reduced. All gathered information’s can be saved and can be accessed at any time. The data which is stored in the repository helps in taking intelligent decisions by the management.

The system be can accessed by every students/staff of the department through internet connected computers with the aid of his/her login details. Every user will have a home page with his/her profile management facilities. Through links that displays in the home page the user can access different options of the website assigned to him.

Suggestion for Further Research

System is so much flexible so in future it can be increased easily and new modules can be added easily. Addition of online student admission, online fees payment, computerized result processing, online hostel allocation and e-learning modules should be added. In future you can add new module like library management system, it can also include online accounting system.


Based on the research work carried out and on the experience gotten during this research work the following are recommended:

  • Existing student should visit the site for necessary
  • That the department should try to implement the new system, since it has a lot of advantage than the manual system so as to promote advancement in the technology of the
  • That student should look into this research work and carryout further research on
  • The system should be constantly


The implementation of Departmental portal has been successfully created and the web interfaces have been successfully designed. The system designer has successfully achieved all the planned objectives.The administrators are expected to maintain the reliability and accuracy of database while inserting, editing and deleting of each student’s registration entries. The implementation of the system would help tackle some of the problems associated with manual systems for keeping of information as well as minimize processing time and accessing time of data.


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