Business Administration Project Topics

Effect of Conflict Resolution on Organizational Productivity

Effect of Conflict Resolution on Organizational Productivity

Effect of Conflict Resolution on Organizational Productivity


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is, conflict management and organizational performance as relates to Nestle Nigeria Plc.

Specific objectives include:

  • To identify the causes of conflict in Nestle Nigeria Plc;
  • To examine the relationship between conflict management and organizational performance.



Literature Review

Concept of Conflict

Conflict is a disagreement between two or more people or groups of people. Also, conflict is an outcome of industrial and organizational or institutional intricacies, interactions and disagreements. In essence, conflict can be described as the clash of two or more opposing ideologies, beliefs, interest, values, norms, which results into argument or disagreement. Organizations are collections as well as compositions of people with different social, educational, ethnic and religious background who come together to work as a unified entity in order to achieve a common targeted goals that a single individual among them cannot achieve alone (Oludeyi 2009).In the light of the above, people in an organization tend to have opposing views because of the divergence of opinion, perceptions and expectation of management as well as employees in organizational which often leads to conflicts. No doubt, conflict by nature is a constant phenomenon as well as inevitable in any organization. Ogunbameru (2004) defined conflict as the process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negative notion or is about to negatively affect something that the first party care about.




Research methodology shall be adopted in this project, this is because the effect of conflict resolution on organizational performance which is the main concept in the project cannot be qualified nor captured by a single research method.


There is no single procedure that can be followed in a research investigation; rather than the type of problems to be investigated will determine the particular steps to be taken.

The sources of data collection used in this research work are;

  • Primary sources / Data
  • Secondary sources / Data




This chapter will show presentation, analysis and the interpretation of data collected and the finding of the study out of one hundred questionnaires that were administered, only eighty were carefully completed and returned.

The data collected were analyzed in percentages. The questionnaire has two sections. Section A contained five questions which deal with personal data of the respondents and section B contained the rest of the questions.




The work is structured in five chapters. Chapter one discussed the background of the study, statement of the problem, scope and limitation, objectives, hypothesis and the methodology of the study. Chapter two focuses on the theoretical framework of Mary Parker Follett. Chapter three looks at the historical background of NARICT. Chapter four discuss data presentation and analysis, Chapter five finally discuss the summary, conclusion and recommendations.


Every organization, be it public or private, is established to achieve certain define objectives. Thus, the success or otherwise of an organization to an extent is usually determine by the effective management of conflicts in the organization. Conflicts in organization such as Nestle Nigeria Plc is caused by several factors ranging from scarcity of resources, communication breakdown, differences in knowledge, heterogeneity of the workforce, competition for position, etc. which can affect performance. Management of conflicts in this guise form an integral part of any organization that wants to succeed because if not well taking care of, organization may be heading towards doom in terms of its performance. For conflicts to be managed effectively in organization, an appropriate conflict management style has to be adopted in order to curb the menace.


Based on the research findings of this study, the following recommendations are given by the researcher to serve as a means of improving on the aspect of conflicts management in organizations for best performance:

  • The government should ensure that research institutes especially Nestle Nigeria are funded adequately and also that, management should ensure effective communication channel in order for resources to be put in their best use.
  • The organization’s management and other organization should employ the use of integration method of managing conflicts because of it enormous advantages over other methods.
  • Since organizational performance is a function of conflict management, its mechanism in organization should be straighten more in order to further the improvement in the organization’s performance.


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