Human Resource Management Project Topics

Effective Recruitment and Selection as a Tool for Achieving Higher Employee Productivity in an Organization

Effective Recruitment and Selection as a Tool for Achieving Higher Employee Productivity in an Organization

Effective Recruitment and Selection as a Tool for Achieving Higher Employee Productivity in an Organization

Chapter One


  1. to access the efficiency and effectiveness of first bank of Nigeria Plc recruitment and selection  policies as well as comparing them to the practices.
  2. To find out the effectiveness of recruitment and selection pressures used. And recommend possible improvement.
  3. To access and ensure the employment of competent and well  qualified  staff that  care able, willing and capable of  working with the best of their ability toward achieving greater productivity as well as organizational objective according to the required standard.
  4. To access and ensure the total eradication of bias and favouritism and also to exhibit justice and fair play in terms of recruitment and selection exercise undertaking to fill in, the  vacant  spaces in an organization.
  5. To determine the judicious maintenance of both human and material resources in the organization.


Literature review


An organization of its size must be  conscious of the fact that for its continuous growth, it must adopt good recruitment and selection techniques. By carrying out a good recruitment programme, the organization will be able to boast of competent staff who will be achiever in their respective jobs.

Of all resources available to an organization, human resources occupies a unique position. Laurace (2000) once wrote that “all the activities of any enterprise are initiated and determined by the persons who make up that establishment. Plants, offices, computers, equipment and all that a modern firm also are in introduction except for human effort and direction. This, in the words of Drucker (1988) shows that “human being has one set of qualities possessed by no resource, it has the ability to coordinate, to integrate, to judge and to imagine”.

Rue and Byars (2004) on the other hand stated that “human resource available to management in an organization are only one part of resource which must be coordinated. But it is through combine  efforts of people that monetary and material resources are utilized for organizational objectives. in essences are utilized  for organizational performance itself is a function of the  quality and quantity of human resources charged with the coordination of “itself and other resources.

Bohlander  and sherman (1998) wrote that the personnel of any organization constitutes of most important resource, and one that can be acquired only by  means  of effective recruitment and selection efforts.

According to Bernard Unperson (1982) “Executive recruitment is a costly, time consuming process”. It can be dangerous if competitors learn prematurely of replacements, and it is often embarrassing since it violates the  principle of promotions from within, yet an American Management Association (AMA) survey shows  its use is steadily growing. There are so many reasons advanced by companies for expansion of recruitment, the simple reasons being business growth and diversification.

Hence below (1984), pointed out that recruitment is the preliminary phase of the employment procedure which aims to attract people to the company to be reviewed for possible employment. In his opinion, the procedure of employing efficient and satisfied workers begins with recruitment. Emphasis here is placed on proper tapping of recruitment sources to achieve effective selection of available manpower. In considering recruitment sources therefore, the composition of the labour market is of consideration importance.

According to Chruden (1987), recruitment is the process of attracting qualified personnel, matching them with specific and suitable jobs and assigning them to those jobs. The aims being to develop and maintain adequate manpower resources upon which an organization can depend when it needs additional employees.

One has little to wonder why therefore Bohlander & Sherman (1998), opined that recruitment is the positive counter part of selection.

Yoder (1960) indicated that finding recruits is a positive action, whereas the act of eliminating  all, but the most desirable from a group of candidates makes the selection function negative, from all  indications, recruitment is a continuing effort involving daily application.





The research design adapted for this study followed a pattern of survey research and descriptive research. The survey research method was used in this study. This is  considered  appropriate because  survey design generally  can be  used to  effectively investigate problem in realistic settings, the survey research provides the research’s wit the accurate description of the  respondents, opinion the  survey several variables  and uses multi-variant  statistics to analyze  the data.


Research population comprises of the management and staff of first bank Plc, Bank road, Kaduna which constitute the study  population for the research. The number of the research population is  four  hundred and two (402) personnel.


DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                                                                       


This chapter is to authenticate whether the organization can achieve increased productivity through effective recruitment and selection policy with special  reference to the   first bank Plc, Bank  Road, Kaduna, in wchih data were collected.

The data as well as information gathered as a result of  this research work through  questionnaires and interviews as well as documents made available are presented in tabular form and percentage will also be used for analysis of that data, a comprehensive analysis will follow each table.




The following constitute the summary of findings for the study.

The organization mostly use internal and external source of recruitment to fill vacant positions in the organizations through transfers, promotion and posting, which also makes the organization to be able to inject new blood or ideas into the system. It also shows recruitment and selection is the most important factor of human capital department. If an organization is to operate efficiently, each position within the structure must be staff by person who is best qualified for the job.

As analysis of some of the major problems and short comings observed and highlighted by respondents indicate that in any organization, efficiency and high rate  of productivity can only be achieved by good policies and procedure of recruitment and selection of employees.

The study revealed that any organization needs competent and well trained employees for its success therefore recruitment and manpower development requires good method of training and duty of interpreting and implementation policies and procedures. The first bank, Bank Road, Kaduna selection and training needs should be done according to the needs so to achieve its objectives. It also shows that interaction/orientation programmes is one of the organization top most priority to have an effective placement.

Training programmes are mostly based on  nomination, but some are also done through application, which does not bring an effective use of the  training programme in the organization, because people that are made for the training are not chosen, as the organization tries to share training among the staff.

The organization also provides its workers with maximum motivational needs to brings about a conducive environment that would make  the workers feel committed on their job, as the organization has also brought out ways of apprising  its employees for maximum efficiency, which is mostly to asses training and development need. Paire comparison and ranking method is mostly used to judge employees techniques.


In conclusion, the study has  demonstrated that First Bank plc carry out an effective recruitment and selection technique which has enable it to stand up till this moment. The organization through this medium as shown in world class human resource manpower to carry out all the activities, as it has been discovered that there is a need to recognize and identify the necessary human resources training and development policies, as well as articulate human resources reward and compensation policies that will enable any organization attain its goals. Through this means the organization has been able to provide its workers with conducive working environment that makes recruitment and selection to be  fully attained in the organization structure, as it also has a well laid down organization structure that  brings about a tight-fit in all aspects of the  organization.


In a study of this nature, it is highly necessary to make some recommendations which is implemented will improve the performance of the organization. To this end, the researcher hereby recommends the following.

  • First Bank Nigeria Plc should try to follow due process while recruiting and selecting employees. There is much need for a well established organization to evaluate an efficient recruitment policy and procedure that would enable the right materials to be recruited and trained for the right job. This is because  of the fact that, vacancies  are filled as the occurred without finding out the needs to fill them. In most cases politics, religion and  other environmental influence  override recruitment and selection of employees. The writer is of the view that the recruitment and selection policies should be reviewed.
  • Selection of employees for training should  not be  based only on merit or the number of years the employees has spent in employment, the selection should based more on the need of the organization for such effective developmental  activities will be.
  • The bank should also to encourage internal type of recruitment and selection with those existing employees will be motivated and encouraged.
  • Managers should also be exposed to the modern concepts of management techniques there are quite a number of management courses organized by reputable management consultancies and organizations must regularly take advantage of these course to broaden the outlook of their manage and to make them effective in the performance of their duties as well as appreciate those whose work under them.
  • The method of communication in the bank should be standardized and  modern system of communication should be provided in order to allow a free flow of necessary and important information at the right time and right  place  from the management downwards and upward from the  workers to management. Hence, a good communication channels can established  a cordial relationship between  the  various department in the bank  and worker  should be given time to ask policies as this create a sound reliable atmosphere in the bank.
  • On the side of the customer, management should endavour to give customer satisfaction, customers should be made feel some sense of belonging because they are the reason for the existence of the bank, customer should not be allowed to wait for a longer time before being served.

Consequence upon the above recommendations, staff of the bank will have a positive attitude and approach to work and efficiency of labour  force will be maximized.


  • Aliyu, M.B. (2002) Human Resource Planning. 1st edition, printed by Gimi Kaduna.
  • Appleby, Robert C. (1999) Modern Business Administration. 3rd edition, Massachusetts: Pitman publishing limited.
  • Albers, Henry H. (2008) Principles of management. A modern Approach, 7th edition New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  • Authur, W Sherman and Boh lander, W. Gorge (1998) Managing Human Resources. 9th edition, south-west publishing Co; USA
  • Beach, D.S.(1980) Personal Management of people at work 1st edition, Macmillan, New York.
  • Bernard, U (1982) recruitment and selecting personnel in united Kingdom 2nd edition, Lesly publisher, London.
  • Black, S (2007) Human Resource Management and 1st edition, India, prentice Hall.
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