English Education Project Topics

Effects of Instruction in Sentence Construction on Secondary Student’s Achievement in Composition Writing in Kanke Local Government Area, Plateau State

Effects of Instruction in Sentence Construction on Secondary Student's Achievement in Composition Writing in Kanke Local Government Area, Plateau State

Effects of Instruction in Sentence Construction on Secondary Student’s Achievement in Composition Writing in Kanke Local Government Area, Plateau State


Objectives of the Study

The study aimed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. To assess the impact of targeted instruction in sentence construction on secondary students’ ability to compose coherent and grammatically correct sentences.
  2. To evaluate the influence of sentence construction instruction on students’ overall proficiency in composition writing.
  3. To investigate the long-term retention and application of sentence construction skills following instructional interventions.



Conceptual Review

Composition Writing

Composition writing is a multifaceted process that involves various stages, from brainstorming ideas to revising and editing the final draft (Silva, 2021). At its core, composition writing requires students to organize their thoughts coherently and express them effectively in written form. This process encompasses not only the generation of content but also the structuring of ideas and the selection of appropriate language and tone to convey the intended message (Bitrus, 2021).

Effective composition writing begins with the prewriting stage, during which students brainstorm ideas, outline their thoughts, and gather relevant information (Anyebe, 2021). This phase is crucial for laying the foundation of the composition and establishing the main points that will be developed throughout the writing process. By engaging in prewriting activities such as freewriting, concept mapping, or outlining, students can clarify their ideas and identify the key elements to include in their compositions (Muhammad, 2020).

Once the prewriting stage is complete, students proceed to the drafting phase, where they translate their ideas into coherent sentences and paragraphs (Galti et al., 2018). During this stage, students focus on elaborating on the main points identified in the prewriting phase and organizing them into a logical sequence. Drafting allows students to experiment with language and structure, refining their ideas as they progress through the composition (Khoshsima et al., 2022).

Revision and editing are integral components of the composition writing process, allowing students to refine their work and polish it for publication (Owolabi & Adaramati, 2021). Revision involves reviewing the content of the composition, clarifying ideas, and strengthening the argument or narrative. Editing, on the other hand, focuses on correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax to ensure clarity and coherence (Okeke, 2020).

Throughout the composition writing process, students may encounter challenges and obstacles that require problem-solving and critical thinking skills to overcome (Echoga, 2018). These challenges may range from difficulties in generating ideas to struggles with organizing content or expressing ideas clearly. By navigating these challenges and persevering through the writing process, students develop resilience and confidence in their abilities as writers (Treasure, 2022).

Sentence Construction

Sentence construction is a fundamental aspect of composition writing, encompassing the arrangement of words and phrases to form grammatically correct and coherent sentences (Jafari & Zarei, 2015). Effective sentence construction involves understanding the basic components of a sentence, including subjects, predicates, and objects, and employing grammatical rules and conventions to convey meaning accurately (Bukhari, 2022).

At its core, a sentence consists of a subject, which acts, and a predicate, which describes the action or state of being (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2021). Understanding the relationship between the subject and predicate is essential for constructing meaningful sentences. Additionally, sentences may contain objects, complements, and modifiers to provide further information and enhance clarity (Kafanchan Education Zone, 2021).





In this chapter, the methodology employed in the research is elucidated. The chosen research design, population of the study, sampling technique, sample size determination, sources and methods of data collection, data analysis approach, validity and reliability testing, and ethical considerations are all outlined (Saunders et al., 2019; Bell, 2022; Frankfort-Nachmias et al., 2021).

Research Design

The research design for this study is a quantitative survey research design. This choice is justified by the need to gather numerical data from large sample size to analyze the effects of instruction in sentence construction on secondary students’ achievement in composition writing comprehensively (Saunders et al., 2019).

Population of the Study

The target population for this study comprises secondary students in Kanke Local Government Area, Plateau State, Nigeria. Justification for this population selection lies in its relevance to the research objectives and the need to understand the impact of instructional strategies on composition writing among secondary students (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).



Data Presentation

The results presented in Table 4.1 indicate that out of the total 120 distributed questionnaires, 108 were returned and completed, representing a response rate of 90%. On the other hand, 12 questionnaires were not returned or remained incomplete, accounting for 10% of the total distributed. This suggests a high level of participation and engagement from the respondents in this study.

The high completion rate of 90% reflects a strong willingness and commitment among the participants to contribute to the research by providing their responses. This level of engagement is essential as it enhances the reliability and validity of the data collected, thereby increasing the credibility of the study findings. The completion of a significant majority of the questionnaires also indicates that the survey instrument was well-designed and comprehensible to the respondents, facilitating their ease in providing accurate and relevant information.



Summary of Findings

The study aimed to investigate the effects of targeted instruction in sentence construction on secondary students’ composition writing skills. The findings, derived from a comprehensive analysis of various aspects of composition writing, provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of instructional interventions and their impact on students’ writing proficiency.

Firstly, the study examined the effect of targeted instruction on students’ ability to construct coherent and grammatically correct sentences. Results from Tables 4.5 to 4.8 revealed a significant improvement in students’ sentence construction skills following instruction. Specifically, a majority of students agreed or strongly agreed that targeted instruction helped them construct sentences with improved coherence and grammatical correctness. Moreover, instruction enhanced students’ understanding of sentence structure and boosted their confidence in constructing effective sentences. These findings suggest that targeted instruction plays a crucial role in improving students’ ability to construct sentences, which is fundamental to overall composition writing proficiency.

Furthermore, the study investigated the influence of instruction in sentence construction on students’ overall proficiency in composition writing. Tables 4.9 to 4.12 demonstrated a significant positive correlation between instruction and students’ overall proficiency in composition writing. Students reported noticeable improvements in their composition writing abilities, including vocabulary usage, sentence structure, and overall organization, following instructional interventions. These findings underscore the importance of targeted instruction in enhancing students’ composition writing skills holistically.

Additionally, the study examined the long-term retention and application of sentence construction skills following instructional interventions. Tables 4.13 to 4.16 revealed that students demonstrated sustained retention and application of skills over time. Even after some time had passed, students reported that the sentence construction techniques they learned remained relevant and applicable to their writing tasks. This suggests that instructional interventions have a lasting impact on student’s writing skills, highlighting the importance of continued practice and reinforcement of learned concepts.

Overall, the findings of the study provide robust evidence of the effectiveness of targeted instruction in sentence construction on students’ composition writing skills. The results underscore the importance of incorporating targeted instructional strategies into the curriculum to enhance students’ writing proficiency. By focusing on sentence construction skills, educators can empower students with the essential tools needed to communicate effectively and express their ideas coherently in writing. Additionally, the study highlights the need for ongoing research and professional development initiatives to further explore effective instructional approaches and their impact on students’ academic achievement. Through continuous efforts to improve writing instruction, educators can better support students in developing the critical literacy skills necessary for success in academic and professional endeavours.


The hypotheses tested in this study aimed to examine the effectiveness of targeted instruction in sentence construction on secondary students’ composition writing skills. Through the use of one-sample t-tests, the study investigated whether there was a significant improvement in students’ ability to construct coherent and grammatically correct sentences, whether instruction in sentence construction positively correlated with students’ overall proficiency in composition writing and whether students demonstrated sustained retention and application of sentence construction skills over time following instructional interventions.

The results of the hypotheses testing revealed significant positive findings across all tested domains. Students exhibited marked improvement in their sentence construction skills after receiving targeted instruction, leading to enhanced coherence and grammatical correctness in their writing. Moreover, instruction in sentence construction positively correlated with students’ overall proficiency in composition writing, indicating a holistic improvement in their writing abilities. Furthermore, students demonstrated sustained retention and application of sentence construction skills over time, highlighting the lasting impact of instructional interventions on their writing proficiency. These findings underscore the effectiveness of targeted instruction in enhancing students’ composition writing skills and emphasize the importance of incorporating such instructional strategies into the educational curriculum to promote academic success.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations are proposed to enhance the effectiveness of instruction in sentence construction and improve students’ composition writing skills:

  1. Incorporate Targeted Instruction: Educational institutions should integrate targeted instruction in sentence construction into their curriculum, emphasizing the importance of teaching students how to construct coherent and grammatically correct sentences.
  2. Utilize Varied Instructional Strategies: Educators should employ a variety of instructional strategies, such as process-based approaches, conferences, mind mapping techniques, and graphic organizers, to cater to diverse learning needs and enhance student’s understanding of sentence construction.
  3. Provide Ongoing Support and Feedback: Teachers should offer continuous support and feedback to students as they develop their sentence construction skills, providing opportunities for practice and revision to reinforce learning.
  4. Integrate Technology: Incorporating technology-based tools and resources, such as interactive writing platforms and grammar-checking software, can supplement traditional instruction and provide additional support for students in improving their sentence construction.
  5. Promote Metacognitive Awareness: Encourage students to reflect on their writing processes and identify areas for improvement, fostering metacognitive awareness and empowering them to take ownership of their learning.
  6. Collaborative Learning Opportunities: Create opportunities for peer collaboration and feedback, such as peer editing sessions or group writing projects, to enhance students’ understanding of sentence construction through social interaction and shared learning experiences.
  7. Professional Development for Educators: Provide professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills in teaching sentence construction effectively, staying abreast of current research and best practices in writing instruction.
  8. Assessment and Monitoring: Implement regular assessment and monitoring mechanisms to evaluate students’ progress in sentence construction and composition writing, using both formative and summative assessments to inform instructional decisions and interventions.

Contribution to Knowledge

The findings of this study contribute significantly to our understanding of the role of targeted instruction in sentence construction on students’ composition writing skills, particularly in secondary education settings. Firstly, the study sheds light on the effectiveness of various instructional strategies, such as process-based approaches, conferences, and mind-mapping techniques, in improving students’ ability to construct coherent and grammatically correct sentences. By identifying the positive impact of these strategies on students’ writing proficiency, the study offers valuable insights into effective pedagogical practices for educators to employ in their teaching.

Secondly, the study highlights the importance of providing ongoing support and feedback to students as they develop their sentence construction-skills. By emphasizing the need for continuous practice and revision, the study underscores the role of educators in facilitating students’ learning processes and fostering metacognitive awareness. This contributes to existing literature by emphasizing the significance of scaffolding instruction to support students’ development as competent writers.

Furthermore, the study expands our understanding of the relationship between instruction in sentence construction and students’ overall proficiency in composition writing. By examining the retention and application of sentence construction skills over time following instructional interventions, the study addresses a gap in the literature regarding the long-term impact of such instruction on students’ writing abilities.

Moreover, the study underscores the importance of integrating technology-based tools and resources into writing instruction to supplement traditional approaches. By advocating for the incorporation of interactive writing platforms and grammar-checking software, the study acknowledges the changing landscape of education and the need to adapt instructional practices to meet the needs of digital-native learners.


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