Education Project Topics

Impact of Internet Usage on the Academic Performance of Students in Nigeria

Impact of Internet Usage on the Academic Performance of Students in Nigeria

Impact of Internet Usage on the Academic Performance of Students in Nigeria


Objective of the Study

The main objective of this study is to find out the use of internet services and how it affects student’s performance. Specifically, the aims of the study are to

  1. Find out the frequency of internet use.
  2. Find out the most preferred location of internet use.
  3.  Find out the purposes for browsing the internet.
  4. Find out the most used internet service.
  5. Find out the influence of internet use on academic performance.
  6. Find out the problems faced by students during internet use.




This chapter comprises the detailed explanation of the concept ‘internet’ by other researchers who have conducted research on this topic or related topic in the past. It goes further to investigate the frequency of internet use, the most frequently preferred location of internet usage, the purpose for browsing the internet, use of internet service, internet access and students’ academic performances. Finally the challenges encountered in the use of internet by undergraduate students.

Concept of Internet

The internet according to Wells (2000) is a computer mediated communication tool, providing the individual with access to a broad spectrum of information and unique communication technologies. The internet is a global system for interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consist of millions of private, public, academic, business and government network of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The internet carries a vast range of information resources and services such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.

The origin of the internet reaches back to research of the 1960 commissioned by the United States government in collaboration with private commercial interests to build robust, fault tolerant and distributed networks.  The finding of a new U.S backbone by the National Science Foundation (N.S.F) in the 1980’s as well as private funding for other commercial backbones lead to worldwide participation in the development of new network technologies and the merger of many networks. The commercialization of what was by the 1960’s an international network resulted in its popularisation and incorporation into virtually every aspect of modern human life.

As of 2009, an estimated one-quarter of earth’s population uses the services of the internet. The internet has no centralized governance in either technological implementation or policies for access and usage, each constituent network sets its own standard, only the over-reaching definitions of the two principal name spaces in the internet, the internet protocol address, space and the domain name system, are directed by a maintainer organization i.e. the internet co-operation for assigned names and numbers (ICAN).





This chapter deals with the methodology or steps taken during the course of this study for the purpose of establishing the desired objectives issues like the type of design taken during the course of the study are stated. Research instruments, method of data administration as well as method of data analysis.

Research Design

To ensure the desired goals and objectives, a survey type of research was carried out because the study is concerned with the collection of data for the purpose of describing and interpreting existing conditions, prevailing practises and attitudes among other things.

Population of the Study

A population is any group of individuals that has one or more characteristics in common and that is of interest to the researcher. In other words it is a group of individuals with at least one common characteristic which distinguishes that group from other individuals (Best and Kahn, 2006, p.13). The population for this research is the entire undergraduate students of the University of Ilorin including 500 level law students which brings the population to fifteen thousand (15,000) students.




This chapter contains a detailed and precise analysis of the demographic data of respondents by virtue of the questionnaire distributed during the course of research. A total of 375 questionnaires were distributed and 200 representing 53% were collected back well responded to on which the analyses were based.

From table 4.4, 108(54%) of the respondents preferred internet usage from their personal home, 19(10%) preferred it in the school library, 43(21%) preferred it at the cybercafé and 30(15%) of the students preferred internet location at different places not stated. The findings show that a greater number of the population 108(54%) preferred location internet usage was at their personal home. The result corresponds with Hanueur (2004) which said that 83% of the internet users had access to internet at their home.




This chapter contains the summary, recommendations and conclusions of the research.


The study examined the issue of internet use and its implication on the academic performance of the undergraduate students of the University of Ilorin, Nigeria. The research went further to identify the frequency of internet use, most preferred location of internet usage, purpose for browsing the internet, the most used internet service and the challenges facing the effective use of the internet. The literature review of the work also had a detailed review of the concept of internet based on past research of other scholars. The results have so far demonstrated that the use of internet contributes immensely to the academic performances of students.

Finally to ensure that equal opportunity was given to the students, the research was conducted using a survey kind of research which gives room for effective studying of the populations. Samples were taken from the various levels. Simple frequency and percentage was used for analysing data. The major findings include slow functioning of internet servers, lack of computer skills among undergraduate students and problem of paying for online services.


  1. There is a need for extensive training programmes organised at regular intervals so that all categories of users can improve their efficiency in the use of the internet.
  2. To solve the problem of slow functioning of internet connectivity, the university body should acquire high speed internet connection with maximum bandwidth.
  3. The cost of browsing should be reviewed downward so that student’s access to internet can increase. Students should be informed of possible resource websites via website guides which could be pasted on the notice boards at strategic places on campus and cyber-cafe to enable students know the websites that will fetch them relevant academic materials. This will reduce fruitless exercise experienced by students who claim not to get relevant materials when browsing and it can also help improve academic performance as a result of adequate research.
  4. Government should as a matter of necessity improve on the present state of power in the country. Internet can only be accessed when there is power to start up servers and computers. If there is constant power supply in the country, it will help boost student’s research by access to internet from personal homes.
  5. Despite the short comings of the internet, its role as distinct from the use of textbooks and lecture notes should be emphasized by academic staff to help motivate students do research and increase and broaden their knowledge.
  6. Printing facility should be provided so that users can get print out of their study materials and other important documents.


The fact that internet and its services play an important role on the student’s academic performance cannot be over emphasized. This it does through constant exposure of students to up-to-date information and relevant information in their various fields of study. The number of hours spent on the internet will have an effect on the student’s academic performance. The study shows that the use of internet for study purpose and academic achievements are directly proportional to each other. It was revealed that majority of respondents access the internet every day.

Even though the access to internet services has been grossly affected by the level of poverty and degree of exposure amongst other factors, the reduction in rates charged at internet and computer education centres could go a long way to enabling students have more access to latest and useful academic materials. If this suggestion and other recommendations in this study are taken it consideration, it is assumed that the future of the internet use and its academic influence on students is bright.


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