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Impact of Tax Reforms on the Economic Growth of Nigeria

Impact of Tax Reforms on the Economic Growth of Nigeria

Impact of Tax Reforms on the Economic Growth of Nigeria


Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study are as follows:

  1. To assess the impact of tax reforms on revenue mobilization in Nigeria.
  2. To evaluate the effect of tax reforms on the business environment and investment climate in Nigeria.
  3. To analyze the relationship between tax reforms and economic growth in Nigeria.



Conceptual Review

Taxation in Nigeria

Taxation in Nigeria has a rich historical background that has evolved over the years. Historically, taxation in Nigeria dates back to pre-colonial times when various ethnic groups collected taxes for different purposes (Abomaye-Nimenibo, 2017). The British colonial administration introduced a more structured tax system in the early 20th century, mainly to finance colonial activities and infrastructure development (Edewusi & Ajayi, 2019). Since gaining independence in 1960, Nigeria has continued to develop its taxation system to meet the evolving needs of the nation.

In pre-colonial Nigeria, various ethnic groups employed taxation as a means of revenue generation and resource allocation. Taxes were levied on commodities like yams, livestock, and palm produce, with the revenue used to support community development, trade, and defence (Abomaye-Nimenibo, 2017). These pre-colonial tax systems were often decentralized, reflecting the diverse nature of Nigeria’s regions.

The British colonial administration significantly influenced the development of taxation in Nigeria. Colonial authorities introduced taxes to finance their activities, including infrastructure development, security, and administrative costs (Ojo, 2008). This marked the transition from decentralized and community-based tax systems to a more centralized and structured approach, where taxes were imposed uniformly across the territory (Edewusi & Ajayi, 2019).

In modern Nigeria, various tax types play a significant role in revenue generation and economic development. The Nigerian tax system encompasses direct and indirect taxes, including income tax, value-added tax (VAT), company income tax, customs and excise duties, and others (Inyiama & Ubesie, 2022). These taxes serve different purposes and are imposed at various levels of government—federal, state, and local.

Income tax is a direct tax levied on individuals’ and businesses’ income, including wages, salaries, and profits. It is a crucial source of revenue for the Nigerian government (Adeusi et al., 2020). Company income tax specifically targets corporate profits, providing substantial contributions to the government’s budget (Etim et al., 2020).

Value-added tax (VAT) is an indirect tax levied on the value added to goods and services at each stage of production and distribution. VAT has become a significant source of revenue for the Nigerian government (Inyiama & Ubesie, 2022). It impacts consumers through increased prices on goods and services but offers a more stable source of revenue than direct taxes (Korkmaz, Yilgor, & Aksoy, 2019).

Customs and excise duties are imposed on imported and locally produced goods, serving the dual purpose of generating revenue and protecting domestic industries (Inyiama & Ubesie, 2022). These duties are crucial for controlling trade and ensuring the quality of imported and locally manufactured products.

Tax Policy and Administration in Nigeria

Nigeria’s tax policy and administration have undergone significant changes over the years. The federal and state governments have the authority to levy taxes, and each has its tax laws and policies (Etim et al., 2021). Tax policy aims to set the rules for taxation, including tax rates, exemptions, deductions, and incentives (Ayuba, 2022). Effective tax administration, on the other hand, focuses on collecting taxes efficiently, ensuring compliance, and minimizing tax evasion (Ogbonna & Appah, 2022).

Efforts have been made to streamline tax policy and administration, and these changes have had a notable impact on the nation’s fiscal system. The Nigerian tax authorities have worked to improve tax collection mechanisms, reduce tax evasion, and enhance compliance (Appah, 2014). Additionally, tax policies have evolved to encourage investment, economic growth, and foreign direct investment (Etim et al., 2020).





The methodology chapter of this research outlines the approach, techniques, and tools employed to investigate the impact of tax reforms on economic growth in Nigeria. The study aimed to understand the relationship between various tax reforms and their consequences on the country’s economic development. To achieve this, it was essential to carefully design and execute the research process (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2016).

Research Design

The research design serves as the blueprint for the study, guiding the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data (Anderson, Fontinha, & Robson, 2020). In this study, a correlational research design was employed. This design was chosen because it allows for the examination of the relationships and connections between different variables without manipulation. Given that the study focused on assessing the impact of tax reforms on economic growth, the correlational design was deemed appropriate to investigate these relationships comprehensively.

A correlational research design is a method that facilitates the exploration of relationships and connections between different variables. It doesn’t involve experimental manipulation of these variables, making it well-suited for this study (Anderson, Fontinha, & Robson, 2020). In the context of the research, the primary objective was to assess the impact of tax reforms on economic growth. To achieve this, it was essential to identify and investigate the relationships between various tax reform measures and macroeconomic indicators, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, investment rates, and government expenditures.

Correlational research design allowed for the thorough examination of these relationships without the need for experimentation or altering the variables intentionally. This approach was in line with the study’s aims, which were focused on understanding the existing connections rather than causing any changes. By adopting this design, the research could provide valuable insights into how tax reforms correlated with economic growth in the Nigerian context (Anderson, Fontinha, & Robson, 2020).

Moreover, the correlational research design was well-suited to handle complex, real-world data sets, which were essential for this study. It enabled the exploration of multifaceted relationships between a range of macroeconomic variables and different tax reform measures. This approach was instrumental in unravelling the intricate dynamics of taxation and economic growth in Nigeria over the selected time frame (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

In summary, the selection of a correlational research design was a deliberate and appropriate choice for this study. It allowed for a comprehensive examination of the relationships between tax reforms and economic growth in Nigeria (Anderson, Fontinha, & Robson, 2020). By opting for this design, the research adhered to its core objectives and ensured that the complexity of the real-world macroeconomic data was effectively addressed. This design laid the foundation for a robust investigation into the impact of tax reforms on economic growth without the need for manipulation or intervention (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

Population of the Study

The population of the study in this research comprised macroeconomic variables relevant to the study. These variables included tax revenue data, GDP growth rates, investment figures, and government expenditure levels. By examining these macroeconomic indicators over a specific period, the study aimed to identify trends and patterns related to the impact of tax reforms on economic growth in Nigeria. The utilization of macroeconomic variables offered a holistic perspective on the subject matter, considering the study’s overarching objectives (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).



The provided data from Chart 1, which represents Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate from 2010 to 2022, reveals several key insights into the country’s economic performance during this period. Firstly, it’s evident that the GDP growth rate fluctuated significantly over these years, showing both peaks and troughs. This fluctuation reflects the economic volatility experienced by Nigeria and highlights the challenges it faces in maintaining a stable growth trajectory.

Of particular concern is the downturn in the GDP growth rate observed between 2015 and 2017. During this period, the growth rate dropped to as low as 0.81%, indicating a period of economic stagnation. Such low growth rates can have adverse implications for various sectors of the economy and suggest a need for policy interventions to stimulate growth.




The study aimed to investigate the impact of tax reforms on economic growth in Nigeria. Through a detailed analysis, the research findings reveal essential insights into the relationship between taxation and economic development in the context of a developing nation, Nigeria.

One of the key findings of the study is that tax reforms have a significant positive impact on revenue mobilization in Nigeria. The analysis, which involved multiple regression, ANOVA tests, and various statistical parameters, demonstrated a meaningful relationship between tax reforms and increased revenue collection by the government. This is a crucial finding, as efficient revenue mobilization is fundamental for a government to finance essential services, infrastructure development, and social programs. Tax reforms in Nigeria, including changes in tax policies, rates, and administration, have contributed to improved revenue collection, thus enhancing fiscal sustainability.


In conclusion, the results of the hypotheses tested in this study shed light on the critical relationship between tax reforms and economic growth in Nigeria. The findings have several important implications for the Nigerian government and policymakers, as well as for the broader understanding of economic development in developing nations.

In summary, the study’s findings highlight the pivotal role of tax reforms in Nigeria’s economic development, emphasizing their positive impact on revenue mobilization, the business environment, and economic growth. The implications for fiscal sustainability and investment climate are substantial, emphasizing the need for continued efforts to enhance the country’s tax system and create a more conducive environment for businesses and investments. These findings contribute to the broader understanding of taxation and economic development in developing nations and provide valuable insights for Nigerian policymakers as they work towards sustainable economic growth and development.


Based on the findings of this study, several recommendations emerge for policymakers, tax authorities, and stakeholders in Nigeria:

  1. Strengthen Tax Reforms: The study has demonstrated the positive impact of tax reforms on revenue mobilization and economic growth. Therefore, the Nigerian government must continue and even intensify its efforts in implementing comprehensive tax reforms that enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and fairness in the tax system.
  2. Diversify Revenue Sources: Overreliance on oil revenue leaves Nigeria vulnerable to global oil price fluctuations. To achieve fiscal sustainability, the government should diversify its revenue sources, with a particular focus on increasing non-oil revenue through well-structured taxation.
  3. Enhance Tax Compliance: Addressing tax evasion and improving compliance is crucial to ensuring that the full potential of tax revenue is realized. The tax authority should invest in technology, data analytics, and taxpayer education to enhance compliance.
  4. Promote Investment Climate: As demonstrated in the study, tax reforms have a positive effect on the business environment and investment climate. Policymakers should focus on creating a business-friendly environment that attracts both domestic and foreign investments.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study makes significant contributions to the existing body of knowledge in several key areas related to taxation, economic growth, and fiscal policy, particularly in the context of Nigeria and other developing economies. The contributions can be summarized as follows:

Empirical Insights into Tax Reforms in Nigeria: One of the primary contributions of this study is its empirical investigation into the impact of tax reforms on revenue mobilization and economic growth in Nigeria. While previous studies have discussed the importance of tax reforms in theory, this research provides concrete evidence of the positive effects of such reforms, adding depth to our understanding of how they operate in practice.

Diversification of Revenue Sources: The study emphasizes the critical need for Nigeria to diversify its sources of revenue beyond oil. It underscores that a heavy dependence on oil revenue poses significant economic risks. By highlighting the positive role of tax reforms in revenue mobilization, the study offers a practical roadmap for governments seeking to expand their revenue base, a valuable contribution to the literature.

Tax Compliance and Efficiency: The findings of this study underscore the significance of tax compliance and administrative efficiency in enhancing revenue collection. This knowledge is essential for tax authorities seeking ways to minimize revenue leakage, thus making a substantial contribution to the field of tax administration.

Suggestions for Further Studies

Building on the findings and limitations of this study, several avenues for further research emerge. These suggestions for further study aim to deepen our understanding of taxation, economic growth, and fiscal policy in both the Nigerian context and other developing economies:

Long-Term Impact of Tax Reforms: Future studies could explore the long-term effects of tax reforms on economic growth in Nigeria. A longitudinal analysis could reveal how the impact of specific reforms evolves over time and whether certain reforms have sustained positive effects.

Regional Disparities: Investigating regional disparities in the impact of tax reforms within Nigeria would provide insights into how different states and regions are affected differently. This could lead to more tailored tax policies that consider the unique economic conditions in various areas of the country.


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