Business Administration Project Topics

Influence of Motivation on the Performance of Employee in Al.Hikmah University

Influence of Motivation on the Performance of Employee in Al.Hikmah University

Influence of Motivation on the Performance of Employee in Al.Hikmah University

Chapter One 

Objective of the study

The objective of the study is to investigate influence of motivation on the performance of employee in Al.hikmah University. The specific objectives are;

  1. To determine the effect of promotion on productivity of Al.hikmah University.
  2. To ascertain the effect of adequate salaries and wages on creativity of Al.hikmah University.
  3. To determine the effect of allowances on efficiency of Al.hikmah University
  4. To ascertain the effect of good working environment on profitability of Al.hikmah University.




Motivation is one in every of the key parts in worker performance and productivity. so high performance can stay elusive to organisations while not adequate workers motivation. Human efforts square measure needed to realize the goals of organisations. the general performance of Associate in Nursing organsiation is directly addicted to the quantity of efforts absolutely applied by staff on an individual basis or jointly towards attaining the specified goals. Commitment of staff may be a reflection of the amount of their motivation. the priority of management concerning performance is indirectly a priority concerning motivation (Agu, 2003). The term motivation springs from the latin word “movere” desiring to move. during this context, motivation represents the psychological processes that cause arousal, direction and persistence of voluntary actions that square measure goal directed (Kreitner,Campbell, McHenry, and Wige. 2007). in keeping with Bateman,Chow, and Stede(2009), motivation suggests that the forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person’s efforts. Motivation is that the psychological processes that arouse and direct people’s purposeful behaviour (Kinicki, Komaki, Heinzmann Lawson, 2003). Cole (2002) submits that motivation may be a method within which individuals make a choice from different varieties of behaviour so as to realize personal goals. though definitions of motivation vary, common theme will be found. First, The conceptualization points to energetic forces or desires skilled by people that direct them to behave in bound ways in which. Second, The notion of a goal orientation suggests that behaviour is directed towards some fascinating finish. Third, Individual motivation is additional probably to be sustained once alien and intrinsic outcomes square measure viewed as rewarding and satisfying. Besides, the definitions exclude the operations of spontaneous or reflex behaviour and focuses on individual selection. sweat selection isn’t simply a rational method, however one that is significantly suffering from the emotions and deeply control values of the individual. With relevancy the definitions of the on top of students, motivation within the geographical point merely suggests that the extent to that a personal needs and tries laborious to try and do well at a specific job. Motivation in work is usually delineate as intrinsic and alien in nature (Sansone,Dematteo, Eby, and Sundstrom , 2000). in keeping with Jones, Mike,and Galbrath,2006), motivation of worker will return from intrinsic or alien sources. within the read of harzberg,Locke,Faren, Mc Caleb, Shawk, and Denny (1957) cited in Armstrong (2000), intrinsic and alien sources of motivation square measure classified as styles of motivation. Intrinsic motivation is that the self-generated factors that influence individuals to behave during a specific manner or to additional during a specific direction. These factors embody responsibility (feeling that employment is vital and having management over one’s own resources), autonomy (freedom to act), scope to use and develop skills and talents, attention-grabbing and difficult work and opportunities for advancement. On the opposite hand, alien motivation suggests that what’s done to or for individuals to encourage them. This includes rewards like raised pay, praise, or promotion and punishments like disciplinary action, withholding pay or criticism (Armstrong 2000).

Public Service Motivation

A motivation is a justification for doing something or acting in a certain way. Usually, an eagerness, willingness, or desire is conveyed. These admirable qualities are what motivate, guide, and maintain the appropriate behavior. People are driven to work for and in government for a variety of reasons. According to Perry and Hondeghem (2008), the public sector has historically provided certain significant extrinsic motivators that might draw individuals, such as tenure security, possibilities for career and professional growth, and the pension system. People perceive that working in the public sector offers better flexibility for those juggling work with family or other commitments, according to Vandenabeele (2008), who also cited “quality of life” as a draw to the sector. These rational or extrinsic factors, though they could influence someone to look for work in the public sector, fall outside of what is generally defined as “public service motivation” (PSM). The idea that “individuals are motivated to behave in the public arena for the aim of doing good for others and society” is the only aspect of PSM that is relevant (Perry, Hondeghem and Wise, 2010). Public service motivation versus public sector motivation is another key distinction made in the literature. According to Koumenta (2009), some of this is due to governments’ efforts to “break with the tradition of bureaucracy towards one of customer-oriented service. Second, the change from sector to service acknowledges that individuals providing public services while working for private organizations may also have the same values as those traditionally defended by people engaged in the public sector.





Research design

A research design, according to Onwumere (2005), is a type of roadmap that directs the researcher’s inquiry and analysis. It is a structure that the researcher uses to consistently use the scientific process when looking at issues. The descriptive research methodology was used by the researcher. This approach is suitable since it aided in the description, examination, recording, analysis, and interpretation of the study’s variables. Additionally, the considerably larger population from which the data was gathered makes it useful.. Since the respondents are dispersed throughout the departments that make up the case originations and the researcher is interested in gathering their responses via the use of questionnaires, the design is thus acceptable. Because of the factual implications for the study, the researcher also used oral interviews.


In the course of conductivity this Research work two types of data will be collected. The nature of each of these types is briefly described below.

 Primary Data

Data were collected through the administration of questionnaire, observation and the holding of personal interview which are instruments of the survey method research. .

Secondary Data

Secondary sources comprise of existing literatures: materials in the libraries, archives, public offices and Internet. Together this vital data, the following sources were employed by the researcher, textbooks, journal, magazines, internet and unpublished articles


The study population consists of the entire staff of Al.hikmah universiry. The target population of this study includes the Junior(280) and Senior staff (183). With a total number of (468 ) employees, are the available records as at the time of the study.



This chapter present analysis and interprets the data collected for the study. Data were collected in frequency table and percentage were used for data analysis. From a total two hundred and Ten (210) questionnaire sent to the respondents. One hundred and ninety (190) respondents 90% were daily completed and returned, while twenty (20) representing 10% copies were not returned.




1 Promotion significantly affects productivity of Al.hikmah university (X2c = 45.483 is greater than Chi- Square table value X2t =21.03)

  1. Adequate salaries and wages significantly affect creativity of Al.hikmah university (computed X2c = 79.176 is greater than the Chi –Square tabulated value X2t = 21.03)
  2. Allowances significantly affect creativity hat motivation affect productivity of Al.hikmah university (chi- Square computed X2c = 153.665 is greater than ChiSquare table value X2t =21.03).
  3. Good working environment significantly affect profitability of Al.hikmah university (chi-Square computed value X2c = 153.665 is greater than the Chi –Square tabulated value X2t =12.59).


It has been determined that employees highly value the various benefits offered by their employers. Because of this, when these benefits are withheld, employees frequently demonstrate their unhappiness by underperforming and showing a lack of dedication to their task. Therefore, in order to prevent workplace unrest, firms should take into account the requirements and sentiments of their employees rather than just ignoring them. Employees at the three companies prefer monetary compensation to non-monetary compensation.. This shows that monetary rewards have a greater impact on employees’ work behaviors than non-monetary performance rewards. The Al.hikmah university’s employees’ level of job satisfaction and performance are also correlated with the financial incentives offered to them. However, non-cash incentives can also motivate employees and affect their performance-related job behavior.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made;

  1. Monetary rewards like bonuses, performance based rewards, should be provided to attract, retain and motivate employees for the performance of Al.hikmah university.
  2. Non-monetary rewards like autonomy, recognition and praise should be offered to employees to promote employee retention, loyalty and performance of employees.
  3. Reward preferences of employees should be considered in the distribution of reward types (monetary and non-monetary) to deserving employees for maximum employee performance.
  4. There should be a periodic review of financial rewards to reflect the economic realities over time and ensure that such rewards remain valuable to employees, possess motivational and job satisfaction potential for optimum employee output.


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