Vocational Education Project Topics

Influence of Parenting Styles on Social Behaviour and Academic Performance of Adolescents in Senior Secondary Schools in Gombe State, Nigeria

Influence of Parenting Styles on Social Behaviour and Academic Performance of Adolescents in Senior Secondary Schools in Gombe State, Nigeria

Influence of Parenting Styles on Social Behaviour and Academic Performance of Adolescents in Senior Secondary Schools in Gombe State, Nigeria


Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study was to determine the influence of parenting style on social behaviour and academic performance of adolescents in Senior Secondary Schools in Gombe State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to:

  1. identify the parenting styles used by parents of adolescents in senior secondary schools in Gombe state,
  2. examine the influence of authoritative parenting style on social behaviour of adolescents in Senior Secondary Schools in Gombe State,
  3. examine the Influence of authoritative parenting style on academic performance of adolescents in senior secondary schools in Gombe
  4. examine the influence of neglectful parenting style on social behaviour of adolescents in senior secondary schools in Gombe State,
  5. examine the influence of neglectful parenting style on academic performance of adolescents in senior secondary schools in Gombe state,
  6. assess the influence of authoritarian parenting style on social behaviour of adolescents in senior secondary schools in Gombe state,
  7. assess the influence of authoritarian parenting style on academic performance of adolescents in senior secondary schools in Gombe state,
  8. assess the influence of indulgent parenting style on social behaviour of adolescents in senior secondary schools in Gombe state, Nigeria.
  9. assess the influence of indulgent parenting style on academic performance of adolescents in senior secondary schools in Gombe state,



This chapter was primarily concerned with reviewing literature related to the study. It was done under the following sub-headings:

  • Theoretical FrameWork
  • Concept ofadolescence
  • ParentingStyles
  • ParentalDiscipline
  • Social behaviour ofadolescents
  • Factors of Academic Performance ofadolescents
  • Related Empirical Studies
  • Summary of Literature Reviewed

Theoretical Framework of the study 

The study is built on attachment theory of Baumrind (2001)The theory considered parenting styles and techniques to be influential on academic performance of students. The theory maintained that parenting behaviors is very important in the lives of college students as with children and adolescents. Scholars such as Darling (1991), Strage and Brandt (1999) have the same opinion, they posits that there is relationship between parenting styles and academic achievement and found a significant relationship between the two. The theory maintained that the more autonomy, demand, and support parents provided, the more students were confident and persistent academically. The theory therefore found a direct link between parenting styles and child‟s sense of mastery of skills. The advocates of the theory posit that parenting styles, dimensions and involvement with their children has impact on adolescent academic, social, cognitive, moral, and emotional development.

Epstein (1995) who is one of the advocates of the theory argued that school, family, and community are important spheres of influence on children‟s development and that a child‟s   educational   development   is   enhanced   when   these   three   environment   work collaboratively toward shared goals. Epstein (1995) encouraged schools to create greater overlap among home, school, and community through the implementation of activities across six types of involvement: parenting, communication, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and collaboration with community. By implementing activities across all six types of involvement,  educators may help  improve  student‟s achievement.   Scholars  in Nigeria that supported the theory include Debra (2010) who argued that, parenting style has been identified as a major predictor of a child’s future performance in multiple areas including: behavior problems, emotional functioning, academic achievement, psychosocial development, and social skills.




This chapter presented the procedures and method used in conducting the study. The chapter was organized under the following sub headings. :

Research Design

Population for the Study

Sample Size and Sampling Procedure

Instrument for Data Collection

Validity of the Instrument

Pilot Study

Reliability of the Instrument

Procedure for Data Collection

Procedure for Data Analysis

Research Design 

Survey research method was used for this study. This is because it is simply the best method for collecting information from a large population located at different places in natural setting and it is more accurate as in the case of study population. It is a design with attempt to document current collection or attitudes to describe what exists at the moment. Akeredola (2005) viewed the importance of survey research design with a common goal to collection of data from respondents. The data thus gathered from the survey is analyzed and interpretation made. Survey research design that can be used to collect data using questionnaire items to document information should be friendly and easy to administer

Choice of survey research design was based on the fact that, the entire population would not covered as such, stratified and proportional random design enable the researcher to describe and articulate information.



This chapter presented the study summary, conclusion and recommendations.


The research covered all senior secondary schools in Gombe State, Nigeria. Nine research objectives, nine research questions and eight null hypotheses were formulated.

This part presented the literature review of the study, its theoretical framework and empirical studies .This section discussed methodology adopted by the researcher. Survey descriptive design by means of questionnaire as instrument was used to gather data from one hundred and seventy one (171) parents respondents and two hundred and eighty (280) students. The instruments were validated and reliability on efficiency was obtained from the pilot study.

The first part presented the frequencies percentage of bio-data, variables and educational qualification in view of the respondents. The second part answered nine research questions while the test of the research hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance were presented and discussed .The fifth concluded the study, summarized all the five chapters and put several recommendations including suggestions on the same topic in relevant area.


Authoritative and authoritarian parenting style, had more positive influence both on social behaviour and academic performance of adolescents. Neglectful and Indulgent styles have negative influence on social behaviour and academic performance of adolescents students.


In view of the research results and the conclusion drawn, the following recommendations were made ;

  1. Generally, Parenting styles used by parents affect social behaviour and academic Performance of adolescents in Senior Secondary Schools. .Parents are here by encouraged. to improve on their relationship with  their adolescents and choose the right Parenting Style that will help the adolescents to behave socially among his peer group and perform well in the academic aspects.
  2. Authoritative Parenting style has more positive influence among all the Parenting Styles ,Parents are expected to practice authoritative Parenting style in other to help them in relating well with their adolescents.
  3. Authoritative Parenting style has more positive influence on academic Performance of adolescents, Parents should practice that kind of parenting style so that their adolescents can improve on their academic
  4. Adolescents from neglectful Parenting have less positive influence on social behaviour when compared with authoritative and authoritarian parenting style. Therefore, Parents should try and improve on their relationship with their adolescents.
  5. Neglectful Parents should improve on the way they bring up their adolescents so that they can perform well
  6. Parents should practice authoritarian Parenting Style because it will help the adolescents to relate socially with people around
  7. Authoritarian Parenting Style has positive influence on the adolescents because it will help the adolescents to improve on their academic
  8. Indulgent Parenting style should improve on the way they bring up their adolescents so that they can behave well among their peer group when it comes to social aspect of
  9. Indulgent Parenting style should show concern on the academic Performance of the of their adolescents so that they can improve on their academic Performance.

Suggestions for Further Studies

 In view of the limitations of the study, the researcher recommended the following for further studies;

  1. Influence of parenting styles on social behavior and academic performance of adolescents in senior secondary schools should be carried out in other states in Nigeria for


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