Education Project Topics

Influence of Teachers Factors on Student Academic Performance in Basic Education in Kuje Area Council FCT Abuja

Influence of Teachers Factors on Student Academic Performance in Basic Education in Kuje Area Council FCT Abuja

Influence of Teachers Factors on Student Academic Performance in Basic Education in Kuje Area Council FCT Abuja


Objectives of the Study

The following specific objectives were investigated in this study:

  1. To examine the relationship between teachers’ qualifications and student academic performance in basic education in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja.
  2. To assess the impact of teaching experience on student academic performance in basic education in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja.
  3. To investigate the influence of teaching methods on student academic performance in basic education in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja.



Conceptual Review

The Concept Teacher Factors

The concept of teacher factors encompasses various dimensions that influence student academic performance. Teachers’ qualifications, including their educational background and certifications, play a crucial role in shaping the quality of education delivered in the classroom (Agharuwhe, 2021). Educators with strong subject knowledge and pedagogical skills are better equipped to engage students effectively and facilitate learning experiences that promote academic achievement. Furthermore, teachers’ experience levels and teaching methods significantly impact the learning outcomes of students (Ewetan & Ewetan, 2021). Experienced educators often possess insights into effective instructional strategies tailored to meet the diverse needs of learners, fostering academic growth and attainment.

Moreover, the dedication and commitment of teachers are essential factors influencing student academic performance (Ijaiya, 2020). Educators who are passionate about their profession and invested in the success of their students create a supportive learning environment conducive to academic excellence. Additionally, the effectiveness of teachers is not solely determined by their attributes but also by the broader context in which they operate (Rice, 2021). Factors such as school infrastructure, administrative support, and community engagement can significantly impact teachers’ ability to fulfil their roles effectively and contribute to student achievement.

Furthermore, the concept of teacher factors extends beyond individual characteristics to encompass the interactions between teachers and students within the classroom environment (Yusuf & Adigun, 2020). Effective communication, positive teacher-student relationships, and a supportive classroom climate are essential elements that contribute to student engagement and motivation. Additionally, teachers’ ability to differentiate instruction and accommodate diverse learning needs influences the academic success of all students, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities (Bamidele & Adekola, 2017).

Moreover, teacher factors are influenced by broader systemic factors, including educational policies and institutional structures (Clotfelter et al., 2021). Policies related to teacher recruitment, training, and professional development shape the quality of the teaching workforce and, consequently, student outcomes. Furthermore, school leadership and organizational culture play a crucial role in supporting and empowering teachers to excel in their roles (Lawal, 2022). By fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement, educational institutions can create conditions conducive to teacher effectiveness and student success.

Additionally, the concept of teacher factors intersects with socioeconomic factors, which can impact educational opportunities and outcomes (Tella, 2020). Teachers working in high-poverty schools may face additional challenges related to student attendance, parental involvement, and resource availability, which can affect their ability to meet the diverse needs of their students. Furthermore, cultural factors may influence teachers’ pedagogical approaches and communication styles, requiring educators to be culturally responsive and inclusive in their practices (Duada & Udofia, 2020).




Research Philosophy

The research philosophy guiding this study is positivism, which aligns with the quantitative survey research design employed (Saunders et al., 2019). Positivism emphasizes the objective observation and measurement of phenomena, aiming to uncover empirical patterns and regularities. This approach is suitable for investigating the influence of teacher factors on student academic performance in basic education in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja, as it allows for systematic data collection and statistical analysis to test hypotheses and draw generalizable conclusions.

Research Design

A quantitative survey research design is chosen for this study to gather data from a large sample of respondents efficiently (Bell, 2022). This design involves administering structured questionnaires to gather numerical data on the variables of interest, such as teacher qualifications, teaching experience, and student academic performance. The use of a quantitative survey research design is justified by its ability to provide precise measurements, facilitate statistical analysis, and generate reliable findings.

Population of the Study

The target population for this study comprises teachers and students in basic education in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja. Justification for selecting a population of 1000 respondents stems from the need for adequate representation and diversity within the sample to ensure the generalizability of findings (Charan & Biswas, 2013). Given the scope of the study and available resources, a population of 1000 respondents provides a sufficient sample size to draw meaningful conclusions about the influence of teacher factors on student academic performance.



Data Presentation

The results from Table 4.1 indicate that out of the total 120 questionnaires distributed, 108 were returned and completed, accounting for 90% of the total sample. On the other hand, 12 questionnaires were not returned or completed, representing 10% of the total sample. This high response rate of 90% suggests a favourable level of engagement and willingness among participants to contribute to the study. The completion rate reflects the effectiveness of the data collection process and the validity of the responses obtained. The high percentage of returned and completed questionnaires indicates the reliability of the data collected, enhancing the credibility of the research findings. Additionally, the low percentage of non-returned or incomplete questionnaires suggests minimal non-response bias, further strengthening the validity of the study outcomes. Overall, these results demonstrate the robustness of the data collection process and support the validity and reliability of the research findings.

Table 4.2 presents the distribution of participants by gender. Among the 108 respondents, 6 were male, representing 5.6% of the sample, while 102 were female, accounting for 94.4% of the sample. This significant disparity in gender distribution reflects a predominantly female participant pool in the study. The high percentage of female participants could potentially influence the generalizability of the findings, particularly if gender-specific factors significantly impact the research variables. However, it’s important to note that the study’s focus may inherently attract more female participants, depending on the nature of the research topic or setting. Therefore, while the gender distribution may not be entirely representative of the population, it is reflective of the sample obtained.



Summary of Findings

The study conducted in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja aimed to investigate various factors influencing student academic performance in basic education. Through a comprehensive analysis of data collected from teachers and students, several key findings emerged, shedding light on the complex interplay between teacher-related variables, teaching methods, socio-economic factors, and student outcomes.

Firstly, the study revealed a significant positive correlation between teachers’ qualifications and student academic performance. Teachers with higher qualifications, such as advanced degrees and certifications, were found to have a greater impact on student learning outcomes. This underscores the importance of investing in the recruitment and training of qualified educators to improve educational quality and student achievement.

Furthermore, teaching experience was identified as another critical factor influencing student academic performance. Experienced teachers were found to contribute positively to student learning, with their years of teaching experience correlating with higher academic achievement among students. This highlights the value of retaining experienced educators and providing ongoing professional development to enhance teaching effectiveness.

In addition to teacher-related variables, the study also explored the impact of teaching methods on student academic performance. Student-centred teaching approaches, such as active learning techniques and inquiry-based learning, were found to lead to better academic outcomes compared to traditional teaching methods. This suggests that innovative pedagogical strategies tailored to student needs and learning styles can significantly enhance educational outcomes.

Moreover, the study examined the role of socioeconomic factors in shaping student academic performance. Significant disparities in academic achievement were observed based on factors such as school location, type, and students’ socio-economic backgrounds. Addressing these disparities and promoting educational equity and access emerged as critical priorities for improving overall student outcomes in the region.

The findings also highlighted the importance of school environment and educational policies in influencing teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Supportive school environments that foster collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement were associated with better student outcomes. Additionally, well-designed educational policies that provide resources, support, and guidance for teachers and schools were found to positively impact student academic performance.

Overall, the study’s findings underscore the multifaceted nature of student academic performance in basic education and the various factors that contribute to educational success. By understanding and addressing these factors, policymakers, educators, and stakeholders can work together to create an enabling environment that promotes educational excellence and student success in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja.


The results of the hypotheses testing in this study provide valuable insights into the factors influencing student academic performance in basic education in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja. Firstly, the hypothesis testing revealed a significant positive correlation between teachers’ qualifications and student academic performance, debunking the notion that teacher qualifications have no impact on student outcomes. This underscores the importance of investing in the recruitment and training of qualified educators to enhance educational quality and student achievement.

Secondly, the hypothesis testing demonstrated that teaching experience positively affects student academic performance, contrary to the belief that inexperienced teachers may be as effective as experienced ones. This finding emphasizes the value of retaining experienced educators and providing opportunities for ongoing professional development to improve teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes.

Thirdly, the hypothesis testing indicated that effective teaching methods significantly contribute to improved student academic performance, challenging the notion that teaching methods have little influence on student outcomes. This underscores the importance of implementing innovative pedagogical strategies tailored to student needs and learning styles to enhance educational outcomes.

Overall, the findings from the hypotheses testing highlight the complex interplay between teacher-related variables, teaching methods, and student outcomes in basic education. By debunking misconceptions and providing evidence-based insights, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of the factors influencing student academic performance and underscores the importance of evidence-based policymaking and educational interventions to promote student success in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja.

Implications of the Study

The implications derived from the findings of this study hold significant importance for various stakeholders involved in the education sector, including policymakers, school administrators, teachers, and students themselves. Firstly, the identification of a positive correlation between teachers’ qualifications and student academic performance underscores the critical role of investing in teacher training and professional development programs. Policymakers should prioritize initiatives aimed at improving the qualifications and skills of educators to enhance the quality of instruction and ultimately improve student outcomes. Additionally, school administrators must ensure that hiring practices prioritize qualified and competent teachers, while also providing ongoing support and opportunities for professional growth.

Moreover, the recognition of teaching experience as a positive factor influencing student academic performance highlights the importance of retaining experienced educators within the education system. School administrators should implement strategies to incentivize teacher retention and provide opportunities for experienced teachers to mentor and support their less-experienced counterparts. Furthermore, the findings emphasize the need for comprehensive teacher induction programs to facilitate the smooth transition of novice teachers into the profession and enhance their effectiveness in the classroom.


Based on the findings and implications of this study, the following recommendations are proposed to enhance student academic performance and improve the overall quality of education in Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja:

  1. Invest in Teacher Training and Professional Development: Education authorities should prioritize the training and professional development of teachers to ensure they possess the necessary qualifications, skills, and pedagogical knowledge to effectively facilitate student learning.
  2. Implement Mentorship Programs: Establish mentorship programs within schools to pair experienced teachers with novice educators. This will provide valuable support and guidance to new teachers, facilitating their professional growth and effectiveness in the classroom.
  3. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement: Encourage a culture of continuous improvement among educators by providing opportunities for ongoing professional development, peer collaboration, and reflective practice. This will help teachers stay updated with best practices and innovative teaching methods.
  4. Promote Student-Centered Learning Approaches: Encourage the adoption of student-centred learning approaches that promote active engagement, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among students. Teachers should be trained and supported in implementing interactive and inquiry-based teaching methods.

Contribution to Knowledge

The findings of this study make several significant contributions to the existing body of knowledge in the field of education, particularly concerning factors influencing student academic performance in basic education within the context of Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja. Firstly, this study adds to the understanding of the relationship between teacher qualifications and student achievement. By empirically demonstrating a positive correlation between teachers’ qualifications and student academic performance, it reaffirms the importance of investing in educators’ professional development and ensuring they possess the necessary expertise to effectively facilitate learning.

Secondly, this research contributes to the literature on the impact of teaching experience on student outcomes. The findings highlight the positive influence of teaching experience on student academic achievement, emphasizing the value of experienced educators in promoting better learning outcomes. This underscores the significance of providing opportunities for teachers to gain practical experience and refine their instructional practices over time.

Limitations of the Study

Despite its contributions, this study is not without limitations that warrant acknowledgement. Firstly, the research focused solely on the context of Kuje Area Council, FCT Abuja, which may limit the generalizability of the findings to other educational settings. The unique socio-cultural and institutional characteristics of this locality may influence the observed relationships between teacher factors and student academic performance differently than in other regions. Therefore, caution should be exercised when applying the findings to broader contexts, and further research in diverse settings is needed to validate the results.

Secondly, the study relied primarily on quantitative data collected through surveys, which may have inherent limitations in capturing the complexities of educational phenomena. While quantitative methods offer valuable insights into patterns and associations, they may overlook nuanced qualitative aspects of teacher-student interactions and classroom dynamics. Incorporating qualitative approaches such as interviews or observations could provide a richer understanding of the factors influencing student academic performance and complement the quantitative findings.

Suggestions for Further Studies

Building on the insights gained from this study, several avenues for further research emerge to deepen our understanding of the complex dynamics between teacher factors and student academic performance. Firstly, future studies could explore the mediating mechanisms through which teacher qualifications, teaching experience, and instructional methods influence student outcomes. By examining variables such as teacher-student interactions, classroom climate, and instructional practices, researchers can elucidate the underlying processes driving the observed relationships and identify strategies for optimizing teaching effectiveness.

Secondly, there is a need for longitudinal research to investigate the long-term effects of teacher characteristics on student academic trajectories. Longitudinal studies tracking students’ progress over multiple years would provide valuable insights into how variations in teacher qualifications and experience impact students’ academic growth and achievement trajectories. Moreover, such studies could shed light on the persistence of teacher effects over time and their implications for educational equity and access.

Additionally, future research could adopt a comparative approach to examine how different educational contexts and policy environments shape the relationships between teacher factors and student outcomes. By comparing diverse educational systems, such as public and private schools or urban and rural settings, researchers can identify contextual factors that moderate the impact of teacher characteristics on student performance. This comparative perspective can inform policy decisions aimed at improving teacher quality and enhancing educational outcomes across varied contexts.


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