Bio-science Project Topics Biology Education Project Topics

Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Its Possible Prevention and Control.

Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Its Possible Prevention and Control.

Intestinal Schistosomiasis and Its Possible Prevention and Control.



This study focuses on creating awareness to citizen of Sango Ota Ogun State Ado Odo Ota Local Government Area on the presences of intestinal  schistosomiasis and its possible prevention and control.



(Antoun et al., 2005) studied on the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Ethiopia. They discovered new transmission foci at different parts of the country. The objective of their study was to assess the establishment of transmission and determine the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni in Ethiopia. Their study shows that the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection using Kato-Katz method was high among male (79.5%) children in Sanja Primary school while it was high among female (75%) children in EwketAmba Primary school. The prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection among Sanja Primary school children in the age groups 5–9 and 10–14 years were 84.6% and 75.2%, respectively while in EwketAmba Primary school, the prevalence was 66% and 77.9% in the age groups 5–9 and 10–14 years respectively. (Antounet al., 2005) The prevalence of schistosome infection in Biomphalariapfeifferi was 16.9% and 0.027% during February and April, respectively. S. mansoni infection was successfully established in laboratory mice and adult worms were harvested after six weeks of laboratory maintenance. Observations made on water contact activities showed swimming, bathing and washing in the river and the stream as the high risk activities for Schistosoma mansoni infection in school children from Sanja Town, northwest Ethiopia.

My research is to check whether Schistosoma mansoni is established and transmitted among pupils in START RIGHT MODEL SCHOOL Sango Ota Ogun State Ado Odo Ota Local Government Area, if it is, then the measure of it prevalence will be seen in this study.




This study was carried out between July 28th and August2nd 2016, in the department of Science laboratory technology school of pure and applied science, Ogun state institute of technology Ogun state, Nigeria.

Materials Inoculating loop Universal bottle Microscope Slides Hand gloves Cotton wool Electricity Ethanol Stool sample


How the stool sample was collected

  1. I label the container with the name, date of birth of student and the
  2. Using a new sterile spool I collected small portion of the student
  3. I made sure the sample doesn’t touch anything aside the spool.








Due to the high percentage of primary school children from START RIGHT MODEL SCHOOL Sango Ota Ogun State Ado Odo Ota Local Government Areahaving intestinal schistosomiasis infections and majority of them are S. mansoni. Hence I there by recommend that the community should be provided with safe water and should uphold awareness about the main routes of transmission of intestinal helminthes. School children should avoid water contact habits in the nearby stream and regular shoe wearing habits should also be developed among them.

WHO has recommended preventative drug treatment for at-risk populations in endemic areas. Other aspects of prevention include providing a safe water supply and snail control.

  • The control of schistosomiasis is with drugs (single-dose praziquantel), education, improved water supplies and
  • There is no vaccine, although development of one may be
  • Drainage of marsh areas where snails
  • Use of molluscicides. This is of limited value, as total elimination is not feasible.
  • Introduction of bio-control agents, such as predatory
  • Travellers should take care if going to an endemicarea:
    • Avoid paddling, wading or swimming in fresh water in endemic
    • Avoid untreated tap water or unchlorinated swimming pools. Heating bathing water or drinking water to 50°C for five minutes kills cercariae. Alternatives such as iodine or chlorine treatment may be used.
    • Filtering water with paper coffee filters removes


The study has shown the establishment of transmission of schistosomamansoni at START RIGHT MODELSCHOOL Sango Ota Ogun State AdoOdo Ota Local Government Area. Therefore, appropriate integrated control measures needs to be introduced to reduce morbidity in the population and also to control the transmission of schistosomiasis in the study area. Further study is advised on the nearby water source, to check whether schistosome is bred in the water source


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