Business Administration Project Topics

Investigating Leadership Style Behavioural and Managerial Competency of Successful HR Manager

Investigating Leadership Style Behavioural and Managerial Competency of Successful HR Manager

Investigating Leadership Style Behavioural and Managerial Competency of Successful HR Manager

Chapter One

Objectives of the study

This study aims at investigating leadership style behavioural and managerial competency of successful hr manager.

  1. To identify which of the leadership styles is the most dominant.
  2. To know the relationship between leadership style behavioural and managerial competency of successful hr manager
  3. To investigate the differences between the leadership techniques in the leadership styles.
  4. To shed light on the compelling notion that the hr Managers’ competency profile influences the performance of an organization.



Understanding Leadership

Leadership has been a topic of study for social scientists for much of the twentieth century, yet there has been no consensually agreed-upon definition of it (Jyoti & Bhau, 2015; Sofi & Devanadhen, 2015; Xu & Wang, 2008; Bass, 1990). Many authors have studied this phenomenon, and some have argued that there is no conscious definition of what leadership is, no dominant paradigm for studying it, and little agreement regarding the best strategies for developing and exercising it (Bennis, 2007; Hackman & Wageman, 2007; Vroom & Jago, 2007). However, Ngodo (2008) views leadership as a form of direction in which a person can give to a group of people he steers affairs in such a way that will influence the behavior of another individual, or group. Ngodo (2008) perceives leadership to be a reciprocal process of social influence, in which leaders and subordinates influence each other in order to achieve organizational goals. Sun (2002) defines leadership as the process of influencing people so that they make an effort by their own will and enthusiasm towards obtaining the group’s goals.

Leadership is a critical management skill, involving the ability to encourage a group of people towards a common goal. Leadership focuses on the development of followers, their needs and building their capacity (Klein et al., 2013). It is imperative for managers occupying leadership positions to focus on the development of value system of employees, their motivational level and moralities with the development of their skills (Uchenwamgbe, 2013; Ismail et al., 2009). This approach will essentially help followers achieve their goals as they work in the organizational setting. As posited by Khan et al. (2014), followers will be encouraged to be expressive and adaptive to new and improved practices and changes in the environment.

According to Michael (2010) leadership has a direct cause-effect relationship upon organizations and their success. Leaders determine values, culture, change tolerance and employee motivation. They shape institutional strategies including their execution and effectiveness. It should be stressed that leaders can be found at any level of an institution and are not exclusive to management. Successful leaders do, however, have one thing in common. They influence those around them in order to reap maximum benefit from the organization’s resources, including its most vital and expensive human resources/capital. This success can only be achieved and probably sustained in organizations where appropriate leadership style or styles are employed at a given time. Leadership is also a process which involves the use of non-coercive influence to shape a group or organizational goals, motivate behaviour towards achieving the goals as well as define the group’s culture (Northouse, 2009).

Despite the variations in the definitions, there are at least three important implications of these definitions. Firstly, leadership is a process engaged in by certain individuals (leaders). It is an ongoing activity in an organization. Secondly, it involves other people in the form of subordinates or employees who by their willingness are influenced by the leader. Therefore, the subordinates formalize the leader’s authority by making leadership process possible. Thirdly, the aim of leadership is the accomplishment of a goal and objectives. A seemingly endless variety of definitions have been developed, and there is a common thread which runs through all the definitions and that is the concept of influence. Leaders therefore influence others to help accomplish group and organizational objectives. However, it should be noted that the use of appropriate leadership style at a given time is a conduit for organizational success.





In this chapter, we described the research procedure for this study. A research methodology is a research process adopted or employed to systematically and scientifically present the results of a study to the research audience viz. a vis, the study beneficiaries.


Research designs are perceived to be an overall strategy adopted by the researcher whereby different components of the study are integrated in a logical manner to effectively address a research problem. In this study, the researcher employed the survey research design. This is due to the nature of the study whereby the opinion and views of people are sampled. According to Singleton & Straits, (2009), Survey research can use quantitative research strategies (e.g., using questionnaires with numerically rated items), qualitative research strategies (e.g., using open-ended questions), or both strategies (i.e., mixed methods). As it is often used to describe and explore human behaviour, surveys are therefore frequently used in social and psychological research.


According to Udoyen (2019), a study population is a group of elements or individuals as the case may be, who share similar characteristics. These similar features can include location, gender, age, sex or specific interest. The emphasis on study population is that it constitutes of individuals or elements that are homogeneous in description.

This study was carried to examine investigating leadership style behavioural and managerial competency of successful hr manager. Nigeria Bottling company in Lagos state form the population of the study.




This chapter presents the analysis of data derived through the questionnaire and key informant interview administered on the respondents in the study area. The analysis and interpretation were derived from the findings of the study. The data analysis depicts the simple frequency and percentage of the respondents as well as interpretation of the information gathered. A total of eighty (80) questionnaires were administered to respondents of which only seventy-seven (77) were returned and validated. This was due to irregular, incomplete and inappropriate responses to some questionnaire. For this study a total of 77 was validated for the analysis.




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was to ascertain investigating leadership style behavioural and managerial competency of successful hr manager. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing investigating leadership style behavioural and managerial competency of successful hr manager


This study was on investigating leadership style behavioural and managerial competency of successful hr manager. Three objectives were raised which included:  To identify which of the leadership styles is the most dominant, to know the relationship between leadership style behavioural and managerial competency of successful hr manager, to investigate the differences between the leadership techniques in the leadership styles and to shed light on the compelling notion that the hr Managers’ competency profile influences the performance of an organization.. A total of 77 responses were received and validated from the enrolled participants where all respondents were drawn from Nigeria Bottling company. Hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square statistical tool (SPSS).


Through the investigation into the leadership styles, behavioral traits, and managerial competencies of successful HR managers, several key findings have emerged. Successful HR managers exhibit a diverse range of leadership styles, including transformational, servant, democratic, and transactional leadership, tailored to their organizational context and team dynamics. They demonstrate essential behavioral traits such as emotional intelligence, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and ethical integrity. Moreover, successful HR managers possess managerial competencies that enable them to effectively lead their teams, navigate challenges, and drive positive organizational outcomes.

Despite the diverse array of leadership styles and behavioral traits observed among successful HR managers, several common challenges persist. These challenges include resistance to change, organizational culture barriers, limited resources, resistance from senior leadership, skills gaps, and resistance to feedback. Overcoming these challenges requires strategic planning, stakeholder engagement, investment in training and development initiatives, and fostering a culture of openness, trust, and continuous learning within the organization.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are proposed:

  1. Organizations should invest in leadership development programs tailored to HR managers, focusing on enhancing leadership styles, behavioral traits, and managerial competencies. These programs should include training on emotional intelligence, communication skills, problem-solving, adaptability, and ethical leadership.
  2. HR managers should work to align leadership styles and behavioral traits with the organization’s culture, values, and objectives. This may involve promoting a culture of innovation, transparency, and collaboration conducive to effective leadership and employee engagement.
  3. Organizations should allocate adequate resources, including time, budget, and personnel, to support HR managers in their leadership development efforts. This may involve providing access to training resources, coaching and mentoring opportunities, and leadership development workshops.
  4. HR managers should engage with organizational stakeholders, including senior leadership, employees, and external partners, to gain buy-in and support for leadership initiatives. Building alliances and fostering collaboration can help overcome resistance to change and drive successful implementation.
  5. HR managers should prioritize continuous learning and professional development to stay abreast of emerging trends, best practices, and evolving leadership theories. This may involve participating in professional associations, attending conferences, and pursuing advanced certifications in HR leadership.


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