Business Administration Project Topics

Leadership Behavioural Pattern and Its Effect on Employee Performance in Benid Industries Limited

Leadership Behavioural Pattern and Its Effect on Employee Performance in Benid Industries Limited

Leadership Behavioural Pattern and Its Effect on Employee Performance in Benid Industries Limited

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

  1. To assess the historical leadership behavioural patterns within Benid Industries Limited.
  2. To identify the impact of leadership behavioural patterns on employee performance.
  3. To analyze the effectiveness of leadership behavioural interventions implemented in enhancing employee performance.



Conceptual Review

Leadership Behaviours

Leadership behaviours encompass a multifaceted set of actions and approaches that leaders employ to guide and influence their teams (García‐Morales et al., 2018). Effective leadership is contingent on a leader’s ability to navigate diverse situations, and this section will delve into specific aspects of leadership behaviours: communication styles, decision-making processes, and motivational and inspirational techniques.

Communication is a cornerstone of leadership, and the style adopted by leaders significantly influences organizational dynamics (Cox et al., 2018). Leaders must convey information transparently, inspire confidence, and foster collaboration. According to Cox, Kartsonaki, and Keogh (2018), effective communication is pivotal in establishing trust and cohesion within a team. Examining the communication styles within Benid Industries Limited provides insights into how leaders convey information, articulate visions, and ensure a shared understanding among team members. This exploration is crucial for understanding the broader leadership landscape within the organization.

Leadership involves making critical decisions that impact organizational directions and outcomes (Gelman, 2018). The decision-making processes employed by leaders can vary, ranging from autocratic to participative approaches. Cox et al. (2018) emphasize the significance of inclusive decision-making processes for organizational success. Analyzing decision-making within Benid Industries Limited unveils the mechanisms through which leaders assess information, involve team members, and navigate complexities. This scrutiny aids in comprehending the organizational culture and the level of autonomy granted to employees in decision-making processes.

Motivating and inspiring employees are integral components of effective leadership (Grewal & Freeman, 2019). Leaders must foster a positive work environment, encourage creativity, and inspire commitment to organizational goals. The study will explore the motivational and inspirational techniques employed within Benid Industries Limited, drawing from the insights of Dash (2018) and Dalluay and Jalagat (2022). This examination sheds light on whether leaders within the organization utilize intrinsic or extrinsic motivators, how they cultivate a sense of purpose, and the strategies employed to boost employee morale.

In summary, this section of the literature review scrutinizes the intricacies of leadership behaviours, focusing specifically on communication styles, decision-making processes, and motivational and inspirational techniques within the context of Benid Industries Limited. Insights from the provided references offer a theoretical foundation for understanding these leadership dimensions, guiding the subsequent analysis of how these behaviours impact employee performance in the organizational setting.

 Employee Performance

Examining employee performance is essential for understanding the effectiveness of leadership behaviours within Benid Industries Limited. This section delves into key aspects of employee performance, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs), job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.

Key Performance Indicators are crucial metrics used to evaluate the success of an organization and the contributions of its employees (Dunne et al., 2022). In the context of Benid Industries Limited, understanding the specific KPIs relevant to its industry is paramount. The study will draw insights from Nielsen et al. (2017) and Mgeni (2021) to explore how leaders within the organization establish, communicate, and measure KPIs. This examination is crucial for assessing the alignment between leadership goals and the broader organizational objectives.

Job satisfaction directly influences employee engagement, productivity, and retention (Davis et al., 2018). Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the work environment, and their behaviours impact the satisfaction levels of the workforce. The literature review will leverage insights from studies such as Dalluay and Jalagat (2022) and Easton and McCulloch (2020) to analyze the role of leadership behaviours in fostering job satisfaction within Benid Industries Limited. By understanding the factors influencing job satisfaction, the study aims to provide recommendations for optimizing leadership strategies to enhance overall employee contentment.

Organizational commitment reflects the extent to which employees are dedicated to the goals and values of the organization (Nielsen et al., 2017). Leaders contribute significantly to cultivating organizational commitment through their behaviours and communication. Delving into this aspect within Benid Industries Limited, the study will refer to research by Grewal and Freeman (2019) and Naeem and Khanzada (2018). Analyzing the existing literature on organizational commitment provides a framework for evaluating the impact of leadership behaviours on employees’ emotional attachment and dedication to the organization.





The methodology employed in this research aimed to systematically investigate the leadership behaviours and their impact on employee performance within Benid Industries Limited. Following a comprehensive review of various research methods and philosophical underpinnings, this chapter outlines the chosen research design, population, sampling technique, sources and methods of data collection, data analysis, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

The research design chosen for this study was a quantitative survey research design (Saunders et al., 2019). This design was selected based on the nature of the research objectives, which required a systematic collection of numerical data to analyze the relationships between leadership behaviours and employee performance. The quantitative survey design allowed for the measurement of leadership variables and their effects on employee performance within a specific organizational context.

The justification for adopting a quantitative survey research design lies in its ability to provide a structured approach for gathering data from a large sample size, facilitating statistical analysis and generalizability of findings (Anderson et al., 2020).

Population of the Study

The target population for this study comprised all employees within Benid Industries Limited, with the total population being approximately 1200 individuals (Saunders et al., 2016). Given the size and diversity of the organization, the decision to include the entire workforce was made to ensure a comprehensive representation of experiences and perspectives.

The justification for selecting the entire population was rooted in the desire to obtain a holistic understanding of leadership behaviours and their impact on employee performance across various departments and hierarchical levels, enhancing the external validity of the research (Saunders et al., 2016; Beiske, 2017).



Data Presentation




Summary of Findings

The research findings offer a comprehensive understanding of various facets related to leadership within Benid Industries Limited. The study, anchored in a mixed-methods approach drawing from surveys and statistical analyses, delves into employees’ perceptions and experiences related to leadership behavioural patterns, their impact on performance, and the effectiveness of leadership interventions. The summary below distils the key insights gained from the analysis of tables and statistical results.

Tables 4.1 and 4.2 present the distribution of the questionnaire and demographic information of respondents, respectively. Notably, 86.7% of the questionnaires were returned and completed, with the majority of respondents falling within the age range of 35-44 (59.6%). The sample predominantly comprised males (85.6%), and a majority held Master’s degrees (52.9%).

Table 4.3 reveals that the majority of respondents perceived the leaders at Benid Industries Limited as consistently communicating a clear vision and mission to employees. Approximately 67.3% either strongly agreed or agreed with this statement. This indicates a positive perception among employees regarding the clarity and transparency of organizational goals set by leadership.

Moving to Table 4.4, which explores decision-making processes, a significant proportion of respondents (73.1%) either strongly agreed or agreed that the decision-making approach within the organization reflected a collaborative and inclusive method. This suggests that employees perceive a participatory and inclusive decision-making culture, fostering a sense of involvement and shared responsibility.

Table 4.5 investigates the effectiveness of leaders’ motivational and inspirational techniques. The results show that a substantial majority (68.3%) of respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that leaders demonstrated effective motivational techniques. This emphasizes the importance of leadership’s role in inspiring and motivating employees.

In Table 4.6, which assesses the impact of leadership on organizational culture, the majority of respondents (77.9%) either strongly agreed or agreed that the leadership approach fostered a positive and empowering organizational culture. This indicates a positive perception of leadership’s influence on shaping a workplace culture that promotes employee well-being and engagement.

Table 4.7 explores the impact of leadership’s clear communication on employee understanding of organizational goals. A total of 67.3% of respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that the leadership’s clear communication positively contributed to employee understanding of organizational goals. This underscores the importance of effective communication in aligning employees with organizational objectives.

Moving to Table 4.8, which evaluates inclusive decision-making processes, results indicate positive perceptions among respondents. A majority (73.1%) either strongly agreed or agreed that inclusive decision-making processes led to increased employee engagement and commitment. This emphasizes the value of involving employees in decision-making to foster commitment and engagement.

Tables 4.9 to 4.12 delve into specific aspects related to leadership and employee satisfaction. The findings suggest that the leadership’s clear communication, inclusive decision-making processes, effective motivational techniques, and positive organizational culture contribute significantly to employee satisfaction. In summary, these results collectively underscore the critical role of leadership in shaping a positive organizational environment that enhances communication, decision-making processes, and overall employee satisfaction.

Tables 4.13 to 4.16 focus on the effectiveness of leadership interventions. The results reveal positive perceptions among respondents, indicating that leadership interventions have significantly enhanced communication, increased employee involvement in decision-making, improved employee satisfaction through motivational programs, and positively influenced overall employee performance through organizational culture interventions. These findings highlight the strategic effectiveness of leadership interventions in fostering a conducive workplace environment and driving positive employee outcomes.

In summary, the research findings shed light on the critical role of leadership within Benid Industries Limited. The positive perceptions of employees regarding leadership behavioural patterns, their impact on performance, and the effectiveness of interventions collectively emphasize the importance of strategic and employee-centric leadership in shaping a positive organizational culture and driving employee satisfaction and performance. The study’s mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and statistical analyses, provides a robust foundation for understanding the intricate dynamics between leadership and employee perceptions within the organization


The hypotheses testing conducted in this study yielded insightful conclusions regarding the relationship between historical leadership behavioural patterns, their impact on employee performance, and the effectiveness of leadership interventions within Benid Industries Limited. The results from the one-sample t-tests provide evidence to reject the null hypotheses.

Firstly, the findings reject the notion that historical leadership behavioural patterns lack a significant relationship with employee performance. The statistically significant mean score of 73 indicates a substantial positive relationship, suggesting that the organization’s historical leadership has indeed influenced employee performance.

Secondly, the rejection of the null hypothesis related to the impact of leadership behavioural patterns on employee performance over the past five years signifies a significant positive impact. The mean score of 66 demonstrates a consistent and favourable influence of leadership behaviours on sustained employee performance.

Lastly, the results rejecting the null hypothesis regarding the effectiveness of leadership interventions in enhancing employee performance reinforce the positive impact of such interventions. With a mean score of 89.75, the findings indicate a substantial positive effect of leadership interventions in fostering improved employee performance within the organization.

In conclusion, the study’s results underscore the pivotal role of leadership behavioural patterns and interventions in shaping employee performance within Benid Industries Limited. The rejection of null hypotheses provides empirical support for the significance of effective leadership practices in fostering a positive and high-performing organizational culture.


Based on the findings and conclusions drawn from the study on leadership behavioural patterns and their impact on employee performance within Benid Industries Limited, the following recommendations are proposed:

  1. Leadership Training Programs: Implement regular leadership training programs to enhance the skills and competencies of current and aspiring leaders. These programs should focus on communication, decision-making, and motivational techniques, ensuring alignment with the organization’s goals and values.
  2. Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a system for continuous monitoring and evaluation of leadership practices. Regularly assess leadership behavioural patterns and their impact on employee performance through feedback mechanisms, surveys, and performance metrics.
  3. Strategic Communication Plans: Develop and implement strategic communication plans to ensure clear and consistent communication of the organization’s vision and mission. This can enhance employees’ understanding of organizational goals, fostering a shared sense of purpose.
  4. Inclusive Decision-Making Processes: Encourage and institutionalize inclusive decision-making processes within the organization. This can be achieved by involving employees in decision-making, thereby promoting engagement, commitment, and a sense of ownership among the workforce.
  5. Employee Recognition and Motivation Programs: Establish and maintain programs that recognize and motivate employees. Effective motivational techniques should be tailored to the preferences and needs of the workforce, promoting job satisfaction and overall performance.
  6. Cultural Integration Initiatives: Develop initiatives that foster a positive and empowering organizational culture. Leadership should actively contribute to shaping and reinforcing the desired culture, emphasizing values that align with employee well-being and performance.
  7. Leadership Succession Planning: Implement a robust leadership succession planning strategy to ensure a continuous pipeline of capable leaders. Identify and groom potential leaders within the organization, providing them with opportunities for growth and development.
  8. Regular Organizational Climate Surveys: Conduct regular organizational climate surveys to gauge employee perceptions of leadership behaviours and the overall work environment. This will provide valuable insights for continuous improvement and targeted interventions to address specific concerns.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study significantly contributes to the existing body of knowledge in the field of organizational leadership and employee performance. The examination of leadership behavioural patterns and their subsequent impact on employee performance within Benid Industries Limited offers valuable insights and extends our understanding of effective leadership practices in the following ways.

Firstly, the study provides nuanced insights into the specific leadership behaviours that influence employee performance. By systematically analyzing the historical behavioural patterns and their correlation with performance metrics, the research identifies key areas where leadership interventions can be targeted for improvement.

Secondly, the findings contribute to the understanding of the effectiveness of leadership behavioural interventions. The study not only explores the existence of a relationship but quantifies the impact of these interventions on employee performance. This nuanced perspective is crucial for organizations seeking evidence-based approaches to enhance leadership effectiveness.

Furthermore, the study offers practical recommendations tailored to the specific context of Benid Industries Limited. These recommendations, grounded in the empirical findings, provide actionable steps for organizational leaders, human resource professionals, and decision-makers, thus bridging the gap between theory and practice.


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  • Cox, D., Kartsonaki, C., & Keogh, R. H. (2018). Big data: Some statistical issues. Statistics & Probability Letters, 136, 111-115. doi:10.1016/j.spl.2018.02.015
  • Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2017). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. SAGE Publications.
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