Nursing Project Topics

Mental Toughness Inclusion in Curriculum Development and Implementation of Professional Training and Practice of Nursing for Excellent Practice and Sustainable National Development

Mental Toughness Inclusion in Curriculum Development and Implementation of Professional Training and Practice of Nursing for Excellent Practice and Sustainable National Development

Mental Toughness Inclusion in Curriculum Development and Implementation of Professional Training and Practice of Nursing for Excellent Practice and Sustainable National Development


Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study are as follows:

  1. To assess the current state of mental toughness training in nursing curriculum development and professional training.
  2. To determine the impact of mental toughness training on the practice of nursing.
  3. To explore the potential benefits of incorporating mental toughness into nursing education for sustainable national development.



Conceptual Review

Mental Toughness in Nursing

Mental toughness is a multifaceted concept that holds immense relevance within the field of nursing (Fisher, 2021). It encompasses a variety of dimensions, with its application in the nursing context marked by a unique set of definitions and considerations. Mental toughness in nursing is often defined as the ability of nurses to maintain focus, adapt to challenging situations, and persevere in the face of adversity while continuing to provide high-quality patient care (Dyer & McGuinness, 2020).

Within the nursing profession, mental toughness plays a pivotal role, as it equips nursing professionals with the fortitude required to navigate the high-stress and emotionally taxing environment that is characteristic of healthcare (Ang et al., 2019). Nurses often find themselves working long hours, encountering emotionally challenging scenarios, and needing to make quick decisions, making the attribute of mental toughness paramount. The importance of mental toughness for nursing professionals is further underscored by the fact that it is closely associated with reduced stress, lower burnout rates, and enhanced overall job satisfaction (Chiang et al., 2021).

Mentally tough nurses exhibit several key characteristics that enable them to excel in their roles (Foster et al., 2019). They demonstrate a high degree of resilience, enabling them to bounce back from adversity and maintain a positive attitude in challenging situations (Imani et al., 2018). These nurses exhibit adaptability and flexibility, readily adjusting to changing circumstances and embracing new methods or technologies in patient care (Haeffel & Vargas, 2021). Determination and perseverance are also prominent traits, allowing them to maintain their focus on patient well-being and continually strive for excellence (Sonnentag et al., 2020). Furthermore, mentally tough nurses excel in decision-making under pressure, ensuring that they can make critical choices swiftly and effectively (Gillespie, Chaboyer, & Wallis, 2017). Their ability to manage stress and stay composed in emotionally charged situations further distinguishes them as valuable assets in the nursing workforce (Li et al., 2020).

In summary, mental toughness in nursing is defined by nurses’ capacity to remain focused, adaptable, and determined in the face of demanding circumstances. Its importance for nursing professionals cannot be overstated, as it is intrinsically linked to lower stress, decreased burnout rates, and heightened job satisfaction. Mentally tough nurses exhibit a unique set of characteristics, including resilience, adaptability, determination, and effective stress management, all of which contribute to their excellence in patient care and sustainability in the nursing profession.

Resilience in Nursing

Resilience in Nursing encompasses a critical aspect of mental toughness, emphasizing the ability of nurses to withstand and recover from challenging situations while maintaining their overall well-being (Earvolino-Ramirez, 2017). It is imperative to explore the definitions and components of resilience in the context of nursing, as they contribute significantly to the development of mental toughness.

Resilience, in the context of nursing, is often defined as the capacity to adapt and bounce back from adversity, retain composure and continue providing high-quality patient care (Mistretta et al., 2018). It involves the ability to cope with stress and adversity while maintaining a positive attitude, personal satisfaction, and a sense of fulfilment in nursing practice (Foster et al., 2019).

The components of resilience among nurses include emotional regulation, effective stress management, a strong support system, and problem-solving skills (Gottlieb & Bergen, 2020). These components collectively enable nurses to navigate the demanding healthcare environment with resilience, leading to positive patient outcomes (Chesak et al., 2021). Moreover, resilience training programs for nurses have been developed to enhance these components. These programs aim to equip nurses with the skills and strategies required to build and sustain their resilience (Kharatzadeh et al., 2020).





This chapter outlines the research methodology employed to address the objectives of the study. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the research design, population, sampling technique, sample size, data sources, data collection methods, data analysis, validity, reliability, and ethical considerations. These methodological aspects were carefully selected and justified to ensure the study’s credibility and robustness.

Research Design

In this study, a research design was carefully selected, with a preference for a quantitative survey design. A survey, a systematic and structured approach for gathering data from a particular population or sample to scrutinize their perspectives, attitudes, conduct, or attributes, was identified as the most fitting method (Saunders et al., 2019).

The rationale behind opting for a quantitative survey design was grounded in the requirement to obtain numerical data from a considerable number of respondents. This approach facilitated the utilization of robust statistical analysis techniques, enabling the derivation of findings that could be generalized to a broader context (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

By collecting data quantitatively, the study aimed to capture a comprehensive and quantifiable representation of the phenomenon under investigation. This choice allowed for structured data collection which is essential for conducting statistical analyses. With a focus on [mention the specific characteristics or factors], the study aimed to ensure that data collection and analysis were consistent and systematic, enhancing the rigour and accuracy of the research. This methodology offered a standardized means of assessing and evaluating the elements being investigated. Moreover, it facilitated the quantification of results, enabling the application of statistical tests to detect correlations, patterns, and trends within the dataset. Consequently, the chosen research design aligned with the study’s objective of providing empirical evidence, numerical insights, and generalizable conclusions, making it a suitable choice for this research endeavour.

Population of the Study

The research design chosen for this study was a quantitative survey design (Saunders et al., 2019). A survey serves as a systematic and structured method for collecting data from a specific population or sample to examine their views, opinions, behaviours, or characteristics. The selection of a quantitative survey design was justified by the necessity to collect numerical data from a substantial number of respondents, enabling statistical analysis and the generation of generalizable findings (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). The quantitative approach facilitated the examination of a large sample size to draw meaningful conclusions based on numerical data, aligning with the research’s objective to provide statistical validity and generalizability.

The target population for this study included [justify the target population of 1200 respondents]. The choice of this population was predicated on the research objectives, which aimed to gather a comprehensive understanding of [briefly state the focus of the study]. It was imperative to target a diverse and representative population to ensure that the findings of the study could be applied more broadly (Saunders et al., 2019). By selecting [justify the target population of 1200 respondents], the research encompassed a variety of perspectives, characteristics, and experiences, essential for the study’s capacity to draw well-founded conclusions and recommendations. This choice aligned with the research’s goal of generating insights that could inform [mention the potential implications of the research] (Saunders et al., 2019).



Data Presentation

In Table 4.1, which presents the distribution of questionnaires for your study, it is evident that a substantial portion of the distributed questionnaires was returned and completed. Specifically, 104 out of 120 questionnaires were returned and fully completed, constituting 86.7% of the total. Conversely, 16 questionnaires, or 13.3% of the total, were not returned or left incomplete. These results indicate a high response rate in terms of the completed questionnaires, suggesting that the respondents were generally cooperative and engaged in providing their input. Such a response rate can be interpreted as a positive indicator of the level of interest and willingness of the participants to contribute to the study. It is important to note that the high percentage of valid, returned, and completed questionnaires strengthens the validity and reliability of the study’s findings, as it reflects a robust dataset.

The high percentage of valid, returned, and completed questionnaires, amounting to 86.7% of the total, provides a solid foundation for the study’s data analysis and the subsequent interpretation of results. This response rate not only indicates the participants’ willingness to engage with the research but also underscores their commitment to the topic under investigation. Additionally, the 13.3% of unreturned or incomplete questionnaires could be attributed to various factors, such as time constraints or unforeseen circumstances. While these non-responses may have potential implications for the study, their limited percentage suggests that the impact on the overall results might be relatively minimal. Nevertheless, it is essential for future analyses to consider potential non-response bias and to explore ways to mitigate any potential effects on the study’s findings.



Summary of Findings

The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the perceptions of nursing professionals regarding the integration of mental toughness training into the nursing curriculum and its potential impact on their practice and broader national development. This section presents a comprehensive summary of the results and their implications for nursing education and healthcare systems.

In the first part of the survey, respondents were asked about the current state of mental toughness training in nursing curriculum and professional training. Table 4.9 reveals that a significant 67.3% of the participants either strongly agreed or agreed that mental toughness training is currently integrated into the nursing curriculum and professional training. This suggests a substantial level of consensus among nursing professionals about the presence of mental toughness training in their education and professional development. Furthermore, only 20.2% expressed disagreement or strong disagreement with this statement, indicating that a minority perceives a lack of mental toughness training in their educational and professional programs. This finding suggests that, for the most part, nursing education and training institutions have already recognized the importance of mental toughness and integrated it into their programs.

Table 4.10 investigated whether the existing nursing curriculum adequately addresses the development of mental toughness skills for nursing professionals. A considerable 73.1% of respondents either strongly agreed or agreed that the existing curriculum sufficiently addresses the development of mental toughness skills. This indicates that a large majority of nursing professionals believe their education programs are providing them with the necessary skills to cultivate mental toughness. On the other hand, only 20.2% expressed disagreement or strong disagreement with the statement, suggesting that a minority feels that the curriculum does not address mental toughness adequately. These results underline the confidence nursing professionals have in their educational programs to equip them with the mental toughness skills required for their practice.

In summary, the findings of this study indicate a strong consensus among nursing professionals regarding the importance and effectiveness of mental toughness training. They believe that mental toughness training is currently integrated into nursing education and professional training and that the existing curriculum adequately addresses the development of mental toughness skills. Additionally, the majority of respondents perceive a positive influence of mental toughness training on their practice, decision-making, performance, and ability to cope with high-stress situations. There is also widespread belief in the potential contributions of mental toughness training to sustainable national development, as nursing professionals recognize the specific advantages and broader impacts of such training. Overall, these findings highlight the significance of mental toughness in nursing and its potential to enhance nursing practice and contribute to national development.


In conclusion, the results of this study shed light on the perceptions of nursing professionals regarding the integration of mental toughness training into nursing education and its potential impact on their practice and national development. The findings reveal an overwhelmingly positive outlook among nursing professionals, indicating a strong belief in the presence of mental toughness training within their educational and professional programs. Moreover, they express confidence in the ability of their existing curriculum to adequately address the development of mental toughness skills. The impact of such training on their practice is perceived as highly positive, influencing their decision-making, performance, and their capacity to cope with high-stress situations.

The study also highlights the nursing professionals’ conviction that integrating mental toughness into nursing education has the potential to make a substantial contribution to sustainable national development. They recognize the specific advantages of such integration and believe it can address the evolving healthcare needs of the nation while enhancing healthcare systems. These findings collectively emphasize the perceived importance and effectiveness of mental toughness training, not only for improving individual nursing practice but also for its potential to contribute to broader societal goals.

In summary, the results of this study underscore the significance of mental toughness in nursing and its potential to enhance nursing practice while playing a meaningful role in national development. These findings encourage further exploration and investment in mental toughness training for nursing professionals, to strengthen the resilience and adaptability of healthcare systems and professionals in the face of evolving healthcare challenges.


The following recommendations were proposed for this study:

  1. Enhanced Mental Toughness Training: The study’s findings strongly support the need for enhanced mental toughness training in nursing curricula and professional development programs. Educational institutions and healthcare organizations should prioritize the inclusion of robust mental toughness training to better prepare nursing professionals for the challenges of their practice.
  2. Regular Curriculum Assessment: Nursing programs should regularly assess and update their curriculum to ensure that it adequately addresses the development of mental toughness skills. Periodic reviews should be conducted to guarantee alignment with the evolving demands of the healthcare industry.
  3. Tailored Training Programs: Training programs should be tailored to address specific areas of mental toughness, such as resilience, adaptability, and determination. This customization can help nursing professionals develop the attributes most relevant to their practice.


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