Economics Project Topics

Money Supply and Unemployment Rate in Nigeria

Money Supply and Unemployment Rate in Nigeria

Money Supply and Unemployment Rate in Nigeria\

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

This study has three specific objectives:

  1. To examine the relationship between money supply and the unemployment rate in Nigeria over a specified period.
  2. To analyze the effectiveness of monetary policies in influencing unemployment dynamics in Nigeria.
  3. To provide evidence-based recommendations for policymakers to enhance the impact of monetary policies on reducing unemployment and promoting economic growth.



Conceptual Review

The Concept of Unemployment

Unemployment is a significant economic concept that has been extensively studied and analyzed in Nigeria (Akeju & Olanipekun, 2014). It refers to the condition where individuals of working age are willing and able to work but cannot find gainful employment (Essien et al., 2021). This state of joblessness is a critical concern for policymakers as it affects the overall well-being of citizens and the nation’s socio-economic development (Ndekwu, 2021).

Unemployment can be categorized into different types based on its nature and causes. One of the primary types is frictional unemployment, which occurs when individuals are between jobs or transitioning from one employment to another (Essien et al., 2021). This type of unemployment is considered temporary and can be the result of a voluntary job search or a mismatch of skills and job openings.

Another type of unemployment is structural unemployment, which arises due to a mismatch between the skills possessed by the workforce and the requirements of available jobs (Akeju & Olanipekun, 2014). This form of unemployment is often caused by technological advancements, changes in the economy, and shifts in consumer preferences, making certain jobs obsolete or redundant.

Cyclical unemployment is another critical type of unemployment that is closely linked to the business cycle (Ndekwu, 2021). It occurs when there is a downturn in economic activity, leading to a decrease in aggregate demand and job losses in various sectors. Conversely, during periods of economic expansion, cyclical unemployment tends to decrease as economic activity picks up.

Additionally, there is also seasonal unemployment, which is characterized by fluctuations in employment due to seasonal changes in demand for certain products or services (Akeju & Olanipekun, 2014). For example, industries like tourism and agriculture may experience temporary job losses during off-peak seasons.

In summary, unemployment is a complex economic concept with various types that impact the labour market in Nigeria. The understanding of these types is crucial for policymakers to design effective measures to tackle unemployment and promote sustainable economic growth (Essien et al., 2021). By addressing the different causes of unemployment, policymakers can implement targeted strategies to reduce joblessness and enhance the overall economic well-being of the country (Ndekwu, 2021).

 The Concept of Economic Growth

Economic growth is a fundamental concept in understanding the development and progress of an economy, and it has been extensively studied and explored in Nigeria (Essien et al., 2019). It refers to the sustained increase in the production and consumption of goods and services within an economy over time (Akeju & Olanipekun, 2014). Economic growth is a key indicator of an economy’s health and prosperity and is closely linked to improvements in the standard of living and overall well-being of the population (Ndekwu, 2021).

Several economic theories have been proposed to explain the drivers and determinants of economic growth. The neoclassical growth theory posits that economic growth is primarily driven by factors such as capital accumulation, technological progress, and human capital development (Akeju & Olanipekun, 2014). According to this theory, increased investments in physical and human capital lead to higher productivity and economic growth.

Another prominent theory is the endogenous growth theory, which emphasizes the role of innovation, knowledge, and technological advancements in driving economic growth (Essien et al., 2019). In this theory, investments in research and development, education, and technology lead to sustained economic growth and improvements in living standards.

Economic growth is measured using various indicators, including gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI). GDP is the total value of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders, while GNI includes GDP along with net income from abroad (Essien et al., 2019). These indicators provide a comprehensive view of an economy’s overall performance and its contribution to the global economic landscape.

Other indicators of economic growth include per capita income, which measures the average income per person in a country, and the Human Development Index (HDI), which assesses a nation’s progress in health, education, and income (Akeju & Olanipekun, 2014). These indicators provide valuable insights into the distribution of economic benefits and the overall well-being of the population.

In summary, economic growth is a critical concept in understanding the development and prosperity of an economy in Nigeria. Theories such as neoclassical growth and endogenous growth provide valuable frameworks for analyzing the drivers of economic growth. Additionally, indicators such as GDP, GNI, per capita income, and HDI offer important metrics for assessing an economy’s performance and its impact on the well-being of the population (Ndekwu, 2021). Understanding economic growth and its determinants is essential for formulating effective economic policies and strategies to promote sustainable development and improve the standard of living for Nigerians (Essien et al., 2019).







This chapter presents the methodology employed in this study to investigate the relationship between monetary policies, financial sector development, and unemployment in Nigeria. The research design, population, sampling technique, sources, methods of data collection, data analysis method, validity and reliability testing, and ethical considerations will be discussed in detail.

 Research Design

The research design for this study is a correlational survey research design. This design is appropriate for examining the relationships between variables and their correlation in a specific population (Creswell, 2021). It allows for the investigation of associations among variables without manipulating them, making it suitable for exploring the links between monetary policies, financial sector development, and unemployment in Nigeria. The use of a correlational survey design is justified as it enables the study to assess the extent of relationships between these variables, providing valuable insights into their connections and effects.

 Population of the Study

The target population for this study comprises the working-age population in Nigeria. Justification for this target population is based on the study’s focus on unemployment and its implications for the labour force. As the working-age population represents individuals actively seeking employment opportunities, understanding the relationship between monetary policies, financial sector development, and unemployment in this specific group is crucial for formulating effective policies and interventions.



 Data Analysis and Interpretation





  Summary of Findings

The study undertaken to explore the intricate interactions between money supply, monetary policies, and unemployment dynamics in Nigeria spanning the period from 2010 to 2022 has yielded illuminating insights. The hypotheses set forth sought to unravel the significance of these relationships, and through a meticulous analysis of the ANOVA results, a comprehensive understanding of the study’s findings emerges.

The initial hypothesis posited a potential connection between the money supply and the unemployment rate in Nigeria. Through a rigorous ANOVA analysis, which scrutinized the variance explained by the model’s predictors in comparison to the unexplained variance, a nuanced picture emerged. The F-test, a robust statistical tool, was employed to assess this hypothesis’s validity. The resulting F-statistic, standing at approximately 2.306, and the corresponding significance value (Sig.) of 0.145 were pivotal in interpreting the hypothesis. The significance value was compared against the standard significance level of 0.05 (5%) to evaluate the hypothesis.

The examination of these statistical values highlights that the calculated significance value surpasses the conventional significance level. This indicates that the hypothesis proposing a significant relationship between the money supply and the unemployment rate is not substantiated by the current analysis. The empirical evidence does not present a compelling case for a robust link between these variables during the specified time frame. This outcome underscores the potential presence of unaccounted-for factors that might exert a more significant influence on unemployment dynamics.

Shifting the focus to the second hypothesis, which asserts that monetary policies do not wield a significant impact on unemployment dynamics in Nigeria, the ANOVA results unveil further layers of understanding. The evaluation of this hypothesis hinged on the F-statistic, which gauges the proportion of variance attributed to the model’s predictors in comparison to unexplained variance. The calculated F-statistic quantified at 2.304, and its corresponding significance value of 0.145 held the key to deciphering the hypothesis. The significance value’s comparison to the chosen significance level elucidated the hypothesis’s outcome.

The scrutiny of these values concurs with the hypothesis’s assertion that monetary policies do not hold a significant impact on unemployment dynamics. The significance value’s elevation beyond the conventional threshold suggests that the empirical support is insufficient to establish a strong connection between monetary policies and unemployment dynamics within Nigeria over the analyzed period. It is conceivable that the intricate interplay of a myriad of economic variables, both domestic and international, might contribute to the intricacies of the observed outcomes.

In culmination, the holistic implications of these findings underscore the intricate nature of economic relationships and the complex influences that shape labour market dynamics. While the study’s outcomes may not definitively establish significant relationships, they emphatically underscore the need to consider auxiliary variables and external factors that could impact unemployment rates in Nigeria. The absence of statistical significance should not overshadow the potential practical import of the examined relationships; rather, it signals the necessity for a more comprehensive exploration encompassing a broader contextual landscape.

This study stands as a testament to the intricate interplay of economic variables and their role in shaping labour market trends within the Nigerian context. The ANOVA analysis has unearthed insights that may not have aligned entirely with the initial assumptions, yet they serve as a foundation for future inquiries. The convoluted nature of economic dynamics and the multifaceted influences that sway labour market outcomes have become palpable. This study does not merely provide conclusions but rather paves the way for future research that can delve more profoundly into the underlying currents governing unemployment trends in Nigeria.


In conclusion, the extensive examination of the relationship between money supply, monetary policies, and unemployment dynamics in Nigeria from 2010 to 2022 has yielded notable insights. The meticulous analysis of the ANOVA results unveils a nuanced portrayal of these interconnections. While the hypotheses suggested potential relationships, the statistical outcomes, notably the calculated F-statistics and associated significance values, present a sobering realization.

The findings indicate that the proposed significant relationships between the money supply and unemployment, as well as between monetary policies and unemployment dynamics, have not been fully substantiated by empirical evidence. The calculated significance values exceeding conventional thresholds underscore the complexity of these relationships, suggesting that additional factors beyond the scope of this study could play pivotal roles.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were recommended:

  1. Enhanced Data Collection: To deepen the understanding of the relationship between money supply and unemployment, collect more comprehensive and granular data, specifically focusing on monetary aggregates and unemployment rates across different sectors and regions. This will provide a more nuanced view of the impact of money supply on various segments of the economy.
  2. Policy Synchronization: Facilitate closer coordination between monetary and fiscal policies. Investigate how a synchronized approach between these two policy domains can contribute to stabilizing unemployment rates, especially during economic downturns or periods of heightened inflation.
  3. Dynamic Modeling: Develop dynamic econometric models that account for lags and time-dependent relationships between monetary policy changes and subsequent shifts in unemployment. This approach can capture delayed effects and offer a more accurate depiction of the intricate dynamics.
  4. Industry-Specific Interventions: Tailor monetary policies to cater to specific industries that are particularly sensitive to changes in money supply. Identify key industries that are crucial for employment generation and design policies to bolster their growth and stability.
  5. Forward-Looking Analysis: Incorporate anticipatory analysis to assess potential changes in money supply and their expected impact on unemployment. By providing early warnings of potential unemployment fluctuations, policymakers can be better equipped to implement timely interventions.
  6. Unemployment-Specific Metrics: Develop specialized unemployment metrics that account for factors unique to the Nigerian labour market, such as underemployment and informal sector employment. This will provide a more accurate reflection of the employment situation.
  7. Capacity Building: Foster collaborations between research institutions, government agencies, and international organizations to enhance the capacity for econometric analysis and policy formulation. This can result in more robust research outcomes and better-informed policy decisions.
  8. Policy Communication: Improve the communication of monetary policy decisions and their intended impact on employment to the general public. Enhancing transparency and public awareness can mitigate uncertainties and facilitate smoother policy transitions.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study delves into the intricate nexus between money supply, monetary policies, and unemployment dynamics in Nigeria from 2010 to 2022. In doing so, it enriches the existing body of knowledge by providing nuanced insights into the complexities of unemployment fluctuations within the context of monetary policy interventions.

One of the significant contributions of this study lies in its empirical examination of the relationship between money supply and unemployment dynamics in Nigeria. By subjecting this relationship to rigorous analysis through the application of ANOVA techniques, the study offers an evidence-based evaluation of the hypothesized connection. The findings elucidate that the purported significant relationship between money supply and unemployment is not robustly substantiated by the empirical data. This contributes to the discourse by emphasizing the intricate nature of such interconnections and suggesting that additional variables or factors may play a pivotal role in shaping unemployment dynamics.

Moreover, the study contributes to the understanding of the impact of monetary policies on unemployment trends. By subjecting the second hypothesis to statistical scrutiny, the analysis unveils that monetary policies lack significant influence on unemployment dynamics in Nigeria. This empirical insight provides clarity to policymakers and researchers alike, fostering a deeper comprehension of the role of monetary tools in addressing unemployment challenges. This contribution assumes relevance in the formulation of evidence-based policy decisions and the design of effective interventions.

Furthermore, the study enriches the knowledge landscape by highlighting the potential limitations of focusing solely on monetary variables in explaining unemployment dynamics. By showcasing that the empirical relationships between money supply, monetary policies, and unemployment may not be as straightforward as hypothesized, the research underscores the necessity of considering a broader spectrum of economic factors. This revelation fosters a more holistic understanding of unemployment dynamics, prompting researchers to explore additional variables and their intricate interplay with monetary policies.

The study’s contribution extends to its methodological approach as well. The application of ANOVA techniques to scrutinize the hypothesized relationships stands as a noteworthy methodological choice. By employing this approach, the research provides a structured framework for assessing variance, offering a robust foundation for interpreting the empirical evidence. This methodological clarity serves as a model for future research endeavours seeking to explore intricate economic relationships within a quantitative framework.


  • Akeju, O. O., & Olanipekun, W. D. (2014). Unemployment and Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 5(13), 1-10.
  • Aliero, H. M., Ibrahim, B., & Shuaibu, M. I. (2021). Financial Sector Development and Unemployment Nexus: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Administrative Sciences, 10(2), 52-64.
  • Aliero, R. A., Aminu, U. I., & Inuwa, I. S. (2021). Financial Sector Development and Employment Generation in Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 12(4), 1-10.
  • Arevuo, M. (2022). Keynes Hayek: The Clash that Defined Modern Economics – A Review. History of Economic Ideas, 30(1), 171-175.
  • Bai, J., & Perron, P. (2018). Testing and Estimating Multiple Structural Changes in Linear Models. Econometrica, 66(1), 47-78.



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