Agricultural Economics and Extension Project Topics

Nigeria: Positioning Rural Economy for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals

Nigeria Positioning Rural Economy for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals

Nigeria: Positioning Rural Economy for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals

Chapter One

Objective of the study

The major objective of this study is to examine the Positioning Rural economy for implementation of sustainable development goals in Chikun Local Government Area, Kaduna State from 2005to 2010.

The specific objectives of this study are to:

  1. Determine the relevance of community development projects and programmes and their effects on sustainable development goals in Chikun Local Government Area;
  2. Examine the effects of community participation on sustainable development goals in Chikun Local Government Area Kaduna State.




This chapter deals with the findings and conclusions of previous works carried out on community development and Sustainable development goals. The purpose is to identify areas of weakness and or strength in the previous works from which some useful lessons can be learnt for this and future studies. We also intend to develop an appropriate theoretical framework from the literatures reviewed. The purpose of the theory is to guide data collection and analysis in relation to the problem being investigated.

Literature Review

The Concept Community Development

Community development has been a universal concept applied to National programmes for Development. The concept and practice of community development has never been a new phenomenon in Nigeria specifically or in the old generally. This was reflected in Battern in Ugwu (2009) community development is not new, but that its principles were in fact applied by a multitude of individual government offices and others,to such a term as community development.




Research Design

For the purpose of this work, the researcher chooses the Survey method of research to justify Positioning Rural economy for implementation of sustainable development goals. Survey research is a systematic way of collecting data through interviews, observations and questionnaire techniques from a sample or total population, depending on the size and composition of a population.

We choose to use survey research method for this work due to the large size and heterogeneous nature of the population. The sample is derived from Community respondents, Community Development Association`s respondents and respondents from Local Government Officials. Survey research is relevant to this study, but we are mindful of its inherent problems of; bias in respondent interaction, the method of data collection to ensure reliability which can affect the validity of data to be collected and our conclusion. The following measures is used to minimize these problems: – careful construction of research instruments (questionnaire and interview schedule), adopting a sample procedure that will ensure proper representativeness of population. For example the Yamani formula for household respondents, since the population is known and purposive/judgmental sample for officials.




This chapter deals with the presentation, analysis and discussion of data acquired from field, personal observations, studies and experience. To answers the research questions postulated. In carrying out the field work, data was collected from Community members, local government officials, Community development associations.

The sample size of Community is 398, while Officials of Local government has 14, the community development associations has16. The total sample size is 428. About 414 questionnaires were administered to sample community members and community development associations 315 were returned 299 for community respondents and 16 for community development associations. While interview was conducted for 14 Local government officials.

The data is thus summarized below:

Data Presentation and Analysis

Responses of Community

Table 4.1 Sex distribution of Community Respondents




This research work made exposition of Positioning Rural economy for implementation of sustainable development goals; as well as establishing the fact that its viability depends on the development approach adopted. The movement of the people designed to promote better living for the whole community, within the active participation of, and if possible on the initiative of the community concerned.

The effects  of Community development, depends largely on the existence of committed local leaders in the areas concerned as well as the extent to which government encourages local planning, initiation and participation in the project or programmes. The wide variations in the scope and impact of Community development activities on the welfare of community members in different parts of the study areas reflect the nature of community people’s involvement, whether high or low through Community Development Associations or self-help groups, their  Leadership and their inclination towards Community development programmes. This implies that in those areas where there are no effective self-help groups, that is Community Development Associations,Community development activities have not made much impact on the social welfare of the Community population. It is often taken for granted that people in the local communities will at one level or the other participate in the development of their communities


This study was premised on the assumption that community development is a strategy for sustainable development goals in Nigeria and specifically in Chikun local government area of Kaduna state while establishing the fact that its viability depends on the development approach adopted. The contribution of self-help development activities in community development depends largely on the existence of committed local leaders in the areas concerned as well as the extent to which government encourages local planning and participation. The wide variations in the scope and impact of self-help activities on the welfare of community members in different parts of the study areas reflect the nature of community leadership and their inclination towards self-help programmes. This implies that in those areas where there are no effective self-help groups, community development activities have not made much impact on the social welfare of the community population.


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