Biology Education Project Topics

Resources Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary School in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area

Resources Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary School in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area

Resources Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology in Secondary School in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area


Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to ascertain resources availability and utilization in the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Ibiono Ibom Government Area. Specifically, the study aims at the following:

  1. To investigate laboratory resources availability and utilization in teaching of Biology in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area.
  2. To examine the availability and utilization of teaching aids in teaching of Biology.
  3. To examine the availability of qualified teachers and the teaching of Biology



In this chapter, the related literature to resources availability and utilization in the teaching of Biology are reviewed. The review is presented under the following subheadings:

  • Concept of Educational Resources Availability and Utilization in Teaching of Science (Biology).
  • Laboratory Resources Availability and Utilization in Teaching Biology.
  • Availability of Teaching aids and Utilization in Teaching of Biology.
  • Teachers Quality and the Teaching of Biology
  • Library Materials Availability and Utilization in Teaching Biology
  • Summary of Literature Review.

Concept of Educational Resources Availability and Utilization in teaching Science

Resources in the educational system has a lots of general benefits and usefulness in teaching and learning process. According to Ntuk (2010), educational resources are both human and non-human materials used in the instructional process to enhance the achievement of educational objectives. There are various resources, both material and human that are utilized in teaching and learning of science particularly among other disciplines.

Dauba, (2Ol2) stated that resources used for teaching and learning of  science include human (e.g, teachers, librarian, laboratory’s assistance), materials (e.g, library, laboratory, teaching aids, classroom, etc), facilities (e.g. running water, constant electricity supply etc) and appropriate chemicals and reagents. Effective teaching and learning of science depends on the quality of teachers and the availability of essential material resources.

In support of the above, Adesoji and Olatunbosun, (2008) suggested that effective teaching and learning of science depends on teacher know how in terms of expertise in content areas and teaching strategies, availability of teaching aids, recommended textbooks and other supplementary teaching materials, laboratory equipment, chemicals, specimens and reagents.

Rice (2005), found that teacher quality in terms of teacher experiences, teacher preparation programmes, degrees, certification, mastery of subject content pedalogy, and verbal abilities has influence on effective utilization of educational resources. Thus, teacher quality and or effectiveness is an important factor in instructional resources utilization for effective teaching and learning of science.




This chapter describes the methods used in carrying out this research. This is presented under the following headings: Area of the Study, Research Design, Population of the Study, Sample and Sampling Techniques, Research Instrument, validation of the Instrument, Reliability of the Instrument, Administration of the Instrument, Scoring of the Instrument and method of data analysis.



This chapter presents the analysis of data and discussions of findings.

Data Analysis

Research Question 1: to what extent are laboratory resources available and utilized for teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area?




The purpose of the study was to investigate resources availability and utilization in the teaching of Biology in secondary schools in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study and a survey design was adopted. The population for the study was made up of all the Biology teachers, principals and vice principal in the study area. Thirty two (32) respondents were randomly drawn from 8 public secondary schools for the study. A structured questionnaire entitled Resources Availability and Utilization in the Teaching of Biology Questionnaire (RAUTBQ) was used for data collection. Data obtained were analyzed using simple percentage method.

The findings revealed that the availability of resources and utilization is a very important factor in effective teaching and learning of science (Biology).


The study based on finding made the following recommendations.

  1. Laboratory resources and teaching aids should be provided in schools where they are unavailable or inadequate for utilization in the teaching/learning of science (Biology).
  2. Teachers of Biology in secondary schools to process required qualifications and competency in order to be able to teach the subject effectively.
  3. Science (Biology) teachers should develop positive attitude towards conducting practical exercise with the students in the laboratory.
  4. In-service training programmes should be organized for teachers to enable them to update their knowledge and improve on their instructional strategies.


Based on the findings in this study, the following conclusions were drawn:

  1. It can be concluded that resources availability greatly influence effective teaching of Biology as a science subject in the secondary school level.
  2. The utilization of laboratory resources and teaching aids by qualified and competent teachers promotes effective teaching of Biology.
  3. The rate of students not understanding Biology will curtail when there is availability of qualified and trained Biology teachers in the secondary schools in the study area.

Teachers will make teaching of Biology learners-centered not teachers-centered when there is adequate and relevant supply of instructional materials.


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