Office Technology Project Topics

The Dearth of Technological Equipment and Effect on Secretarial Job Performance on Ministries in Anambra State

The Dearth of Technological Equipment and Effect on Secretarial Job Performance on Ministries in Anambra State

The Dearth of Technological Equipment and Effect on Secretarial Job Performance on Ministries in Anambra State

Chapter One

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this research is to identify the strategies of the dearth of technological equipment in the selected ministries.

1. Identify the causes of dearth of technological equipment in selected ministries in Anambra State.

2. Determine the strategies and the process of resolving the problems.

3. Find out the effect of the dearth of technological equipment among the ministries.



The Relevance of Modern Automation

The modern automation machines are those tools that are designed to facilitate educational organization or administrative function. The equipments include the following computers lap-tops, typewriters, photographers, duplicating machines.

These equipment have numerous benefits or roles to play in simplifying the job of the office staff. Secretaries are trained with the above mentioned equipments which enhances the secretary job performance in the execution of his duties in the offices.

According to Nwosu (1997), the term office machines and equipment implies that if she type work only once, she should have an artistic talent, which is important for some piece of work.

He further stated that the secretaries should have a sense of proof reading and should not submit letters for signature containing mistakes that she did not notice. The work of the secretary is of great as they are to be found in various enterprise and organization ranging from the family concern to the motivational companies. This, therefore means that in order to deal successfully with those varieties of tasks, the secretary must be responsible, dedicated, qualified by training and experienced enough to perform the vital duties effectively and enthusiastically because she serve as a multi-disciplinary worker in any business organization or education organization.

Furthermore, Ovbiagele (2006) states that office equipments are those items furniture and machines which help in the production of office services. He went further to say that as a result of technological advancement, different types of sophisticated office equipments or machines are introduced daily into the market. He therefore numerated some of the state of the art facilities and equipments needed for the training of the modern secretary to include the following laptops, computer, telephones, recording machines, electrical or electronic typewriters, photocopier, calculators etc.

The duties and function of the professional secretary in the office have been revolutionized due to technological advancement in the profession. The secretaries job in the offices are gradually changing from the old method of handling things in the profession to the new technological driven methods, which involved modern office automation machines, with the state of the art facilities and equipments.

According to Ebewore (2010), he stated that from the onset, the classical duties of the professional secretary to those tools and instruments used in carrying out office functions and duties, they range from pins to electronic computers, office work would have been cumbersome and indeed unattainable without them. These machines are numerous and they are in various size and shape. The secretary or whoever is in charge of that office should select the type and size appropriated to the requirement of his or her particular office in education organization.

According to Sherla (1976), he observed that business organization control function is improper without the use of modern office equipment. It is with the aid of these equipment that they are able to achieve the goal of establishing an organization. These machines are important and advantages in the office because of the following reasons:

  • Office machines save time; the important of the time saving is based on the fact that deadlines can easily be beaten especially in the payment of wages and end of the month account balancing, machines help in the prevention of fraud, cheques writing, machines and micro magnetic character recognition.
  • Modern office machine improve s the key out and appearance of office document. Examples are computer and electronic typewriters.
  • Modern Office Machine: Ensured calculating and accounting machines as an examples.
  • The fatigue of staff is reduced through the use of modern office equipment especially those associated with the hard writer documents.
  • Machine save labour costs and improve efficiency.
  • With the use of machine, staff are relieved of two much work. They enjoy possible leisure and other work can be entrusted to them.







This chapter presents a description of the procedure to be used in carrying out the study. It basically described the research design, population of the study, sample of study, method of data collection and method of data analysis.

Research Design

­A survey research design will be used to conduct the investigation on the importance of modern automation equipment in education organization. A survey research is considered most appropriate for the study because it seeks opinions of respondents through survey research, identifies present conditions preventing needs as well as to provide information on which to raise sound decision (Osuala, 2001).

Similarly, Mose and Waitan (2002) explain that when a study centres on individuals and their opinion, the best research design should be the survey method.

Population of the Study

The population for this study consists of all the education organization in Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State. This education organization in Awka South have an estimated population of one thousand, six hundred and fifty (1,650).



Data Analysis

Below is the presentation of data obtained from the administration of the research instrument to the randomly selected sample element of thirty (30) education organization operations in Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Table below shows the reasons of the sample elements with regards to the importance of office modern automation equipment in education organizations.




The aim of this study is to identify the impact of modern automation equipment or machine in educational organization in Awka metropolis.

In chapter one, the researcher talked about the increasing number of machines in the office and how a junior office worker may be expected to operate these machines descending briefly the purpose method of usage and disadvantages of these machines and factors to be considered when introducing the use of these machines.

Chapter two deals with the review of literature of this project. This concerns what other authors and educationists who have written about other subject matter. The different types of machines like computers, typewriters, photocopiers etc. Were also highlighted by discussing the method of operating types or model, advantages of these machines.

Chapter three is about the construction of questionnaire, which the researcher used in eliciting ideas and opinion from various people in the different educational organization. Sample question were distributed to workers in Anambra State or all over Nigeria educational organizations, all in Awka. The data obtained were analyzed using simple percentage methods.

Finally, chapter four deals with the analysis of the data form. The analysis suggested the lack of spare and a high maintenance cost are among the factors that work against the use of modern automation office equipment in educational organization.


From the survey of data collected, the researcher discovered the role of an investigation into dearth of technological equipment and effect on secretary job performance in Awka urban area were study, it was discovered that education and constant training will contribute greatly to secretary efficiency and effectiveness in the execution of her duties thereby increases their skills and create room for higher rewards and progress within and outside the educational organizations. Training and development equip the secretary for greater performance in the term of output, quality and general productive job performance, and also develop the skill and potentials of the executives towards her performance.

Training and education help the secretary to gain the commitment of employee by encouraging the engaging with the mission and vision of the educational organization, and to manage charges through improve understanding of the reason for changes of providing people with the knowledge and skill they need to adjust to new innovation and technological situation of the educational organization.

Finally, it is cleared that secretaries perform virtually all administrative role in the execution of their duties, being it education.


In order to address the unpleasant situation seen from the observations above, the following recommendations arising from the present effort made by the researcher may proved useful.

  • That secretaries should be given opportunity to hold managerial position in any educational organization in Awka urban area.
  • The secretaries must undergoes training in secretarial colleges and obtained minimum of B.Sc or OND certificate in secretarial studies before they can be recognize as secretary.
  • Secretaries should be trained with new modern automation machines and equipments in order to meet up with the 21st century world.
  •   The modern automation should be made available to schools and institution where secretaries are trained.
  • That secretaries should be compensated and motivated for their effort in the organizations. If the above recommendations are implemented, there will be improvement in the secretaries effectiveness to carry out their duties.
  • This project work, workshops, conferences should be organized fork secretaries in educational organizations.


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  • Dibentina, N.T. (2005): Typewriting Handbook for Colleges (2nd Edition) Benin Press and Publishers.
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  • Genger, A.K. (1990): Machines Evaluation Handbook (1st Edition) New York, McGraw Hill Publishers.



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