Education Project Topics

The Effect of Broken Home on Child Behaviour

The Effect of Broken Home on Child Behaviour

The Effect of Broken Home on Child Behaviour

Chapter One

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is to bring to the mind of readers the idea or the important of children upbringing in the society, it also reveals the negative consequences and effect of broken home of parents on their children upbringing. Also it has been observed that in spite of the damage broken home has done in the society, not much has been done by the government to ameliorate if for the better. The researcher will be looking for a possible means of putting an end to the problems of broken homo and ways to assist the children of broken home in the society.



Literature will be reviewed under the following sub-headings.

Conceptual Framework

Concept of Home  

Home as shelter connotes the material form of home, in terms of a physical structure which affords protection to oneself, and which appears to others as at least a roof over one’s head. Home as hearth connotes the warmth and cosiness which home provides to the body, causing one to relax in comfort and ensuring a welcoming and ‘homely’ atmosphere for others. Home as heart is very similar, but in this case the emphasis is on emotional rather than physiological security and health, with associated images of a happy home and a stable home, based on relations of mutual affection and support  (Somerville 2015). For this  study, home  connotes a group of   people living in the under the same shelter. The group  of people are usually united by blood relationship.  It is the blood tie that binds people in a home that  leads to their being described as a family.

The family which is the child’s first place of settlement plays a vital role in the socialization process. Agbedanu (2012) posited that whatever behaviour put up by members of the family is what the child copies. For example, in a family where there is love, unity and peace, the child also grows up with these characteristics. Thus, the family background should be an environment in which children have the opportunity to succeed and be happy.  Giddens  and Sutton (2012,p.384)  define family ‘a group of persons directly linked by kin connections, the adult members of which assume responsibility for caring for children’ and ‘kin’ are those linked by marriage or blood relationships. The definition of  Giddens  and Sutton is of particular importance  to  this study because  it talks of adult taking care of the children. This  care may not be fully available for students in broken homes.

Students from broken homes are likely to receive less parental encouragement and attention with respect to educational activities than students who live with both biological parents. Students from broken homes often have lower educational expectations, less monitoring of school work and less supervision than students from intact homes (Astone & Mclanahan, 1991)..

Concept of Broken Homes

Broken home is sometimes viewed as shattered home due to its deleterious effects on the family, especially the children from such a family. Broken home can also be viewed as divided home. The concept of broken home is defined by Hurlock (1978 as cited in Agbedanu, 2012) as a home where one of the parents is dead, separation of parents, divorce or a vocation that necessitates long or frequent absence by one or both parents. The term broken home is sometimes referred to a home with unfavourable background (Kwaku 1990). A home led by people other than both child’s parents. Kwaku (1990) posited that “broken home” is perceived by social welfare societies as family where one of the parents is not present or there is /a serious family problem. In order to buttress the effects broken home has on the family, Agbedanu (2012) asserted that the problem of broken homes is that, it is not just the parents that separate, it is the children who get separated from both parents. Furthermore, Kasoma (2012) maintained that the home environment is a strong predictor of the future behaviour of children and an impact of broken homes touches almost every aspect of life.

There are  different and complex causes and reasons for broken homes. These may involve; the death of either of the parents, separation of the parents or divorce. However, in the recent years,  divorce has been found to be the major cause of broken homes. Child Trends (2005) stated that Divorce or dissolution of marriage is a judicially administered process that legally terminates a marriage that is considered as no longer viable by one or both of the spouses and permits both of them to remarry. It entails cancelling the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolving the bonds of matrimony between two persons. A divorce does not declare a marriage null and void, as in an annulment, but divorce cancels the marital status of the parties, thus, allowing each to marry another person. The legal process for divorce according to Amato (2002) may involve issues of spousal support, child custody, child support, distribution of property and division of debt, these matters are usually only ancillary or consequential to the dissolution of marriage.

Several factors have also been attributed to the causes of divorce, each of them is specific to that particular couple’s marital relationship, their individual experiences and personal problems. None of them may seem common to the people going through a divorce. Kasoma (2012) observed that globally, the following factors have been found to be responsible for divorce; abandonment, alcohol addiction, physical abuse, emotional abuse, personal differences or “irreconcilable differences “financial problems, interferences from parents or in-laws, lack of maturity, sexual incompatibility, religious conversion or religious beliefs, cultural and life style differences, criminal behaviour and incarceration for crime.

Furthermore, Yara and Tunde-Yara (2010) opined that the basis on which broken homes emerge include adultery, desertion, habitual drunkenness, conviction of a felony, impotence, which is most commonly used by divorcing parties, “cruel and inhuman treatment”.




In this    chapter   the  procedure that  was    adopted  for the  study   are  presented  under the  following  subheadings namely;  design of the study,  area  of the  study,  population of the  study, sample and  sampling technique, instrument  for data collection, validation  of  the  instrument, reliability of the instrument, method of data  collection  and method of data  analysis.

Design of the Study

The study was employed of Ex post facto design or causal  comparative design According to Eze (2005), ex post facto design is  a  systematic empirical inquiring in which the researcher does not have direct control on the independent variables because  they are inherently not manipulated. Thus, the variable has already occurred and the researcher will start with the observation of a dependent variable. The research actually will study the independent variable (broken home) in respect to possible influence on the dependent variable (academic performance).

The justification for using this design in this study is because the researcher wants to find out the influence of broken homes on the academic performance of the students.

Population of Study

The population of this study consisted of all the junior 7,607 secondary school III students in Egor Local government area.



This chapter deals with the  presentation of  the  results  of the analysis of data  collected.   The   results from both records of   students academic achievement records and survey is hereby presented  based on the research questions thus:

Research Question 1: What are  the educational challenges faced by  students from broken homes?




Summary of the Study

This study investigated the influence of broken homes on the Children from broken homes within Egor Local government area of Edo state. The study  was  guided by five  research  questions. Ex-post facto  and  design was adopted for  the study. The sample  size for  the study comprised of  450 secondary school  students from broken  homes. Two different instruments were used for this study. The first instrument was  titled broken Home Questionnaire (BHQ)  designed  to collect  data on students’ family structure (broken or intact) and their academic challenges Egor Local government areawhile the second was students academic performance checklist. The data were analysed using mean standard deviation. The  major findings of the study revealed  that secondary school students from broken homes within   face  education challenges like lack of sufficient text books, inability to meet education related financial obligations, poor academic performance and lack of concentration while in school. Also, result showed that secondary school students from broken homes within Egor Local government area face  emotional challenges like emotional stress, despair, inferiority complex, feeling insecure and unhappiness. It was also found that secondary school students from broken homes within Egor Local government area face social challenges like neglect, prone to sickness due to malnutrition, discrimination against by peers and intimidation. Result also showed no significant  statistical  difference in the mean academic achievement scores of secondary school students from broken homes based on gender and  no significant  statistical difference in the mean academic achievement scores of secondary school students from broken homes based on location.


Based on  the result of  this  study, the  following  conclusions  are drawn

* Children from broken homes within Egor Local government area  are  faced with  challenges in their academic  pursuit, ranging from lack of learning materials, to psychological trauma, to parental neglect among others.

* Children from broken homes within Egor Local government area face  social challenges like neglect, prone to sickness due to malnutrition, discrimination against by peers and intimidation.

* Children from broken homes within Egor Local government area face emotional challenges like emotional stress, despair, inferiority complex, feeling insecure and unhappiness.

* Children  from broken homes in Egor Local government area are less likely to achieve academic success than their counterpart from intact homes.


Based on the findings of this study and the educational implications,  the following recommendations are made.

  1. State  ministry of education should make  arrangement  for  the  provision of special  packages for secondary  school students from broken homes with a view  to improving their academic achievement.
  2. School  administrators and  curriculum planners should  adopt the  measures found to in  this study as ways of improving  academic  achievement among Children  in  Egor Local government area.
  3. School teachers  should  pay  special attention to the challenges  faced by  Children from broken homes with the aim of  assisting them  over come  such problems.


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