Education Project Topics

The Impact of Educational Technology on Learners Interaction. Case of Study Some Selected Schools in Yaounde Municipality

The Impact of Educational Technology on Learners Interaction. Case of Study Some Selected Schools in Yaounde Municipality

The Impact of Educational Technology on Learners Interaction. Case of Study Some Selected Schools in Yaounde Municipality


Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to determine the impact of educational technology on learners of study some selected schools in Yaounde Municipality.

Specifically, the study sought to examine the following;

  1. To ascertain the extent of student usage of educational technology during studies.
  2. To determine if gender influence the use of educational technology.
  3. To ascertain the impact of educational technology on learners interaction.
  4. To determine the attitude of student towards educational technology during studies.



This review of relevant literature has been designed to provide a knowledge base of appropriate educational theory as well as an analysis of recent and past research in the field of educational technology upon which the study was built. The review begins with an exploration of the theoretical framework chosen to guide the study. Competing theoretical frameworks are also explored as an acknowledgment that other approaches or perspectives could have been used to frame the study.

Theoretical framework

Constructivism Explored

While defining the theoretical framework that guided this research process, the theory of constructivism continually emerged as the lens through which this study was to be viewed. The concept of constructivism is found consistently throughout educational research, and is becoming particularly more prevalent in current educational technology research as it enriches “students’ use of a variety of resources and help[s] them gain understanding about their world (Adams & Burns, ¶ 2). At the essence of constructivism is the belief that people learn through constructing their own understanding and knowledge, gained through their personal experience and reflection upon those experiences. The role of the teacher in a constructivist classroom is transformed from one of purveyor of knowledge to a facilitator who guides children in the construction of their own knowledge (Adams & Burns, 1999).

While the roots of constructivist learning can be traced back to antiquity in the works of Socrates (Brooks, 2004), modern interpretations are based on the seminal works of prominent child development psychologists from the early to middle 20th Century.

These foundational writings were explored to provide a thorough understanding of the cornerstones of constructivism, and are summarized in the following paragraphs.

In a departure from the behaviorist underpinnings of traditional education, John Dewey sought to describe how educators should understand the nature of how people think and process information. At the core of his theory was the concept of reflective thinking, which he described as “the kind of thinking that consists in turning a subject over in the mind and giving it serious and consecutive consideration” (Dewey, 1933, p. 3). In other words, accepting knowledge delivered by teachers at face value may not connect the new learning to any previous learning or experience, thus limiting the depth and application of understanding that comes with more reflective thought.

While Dewey (1933) insisted that learning new material and concepts was predominantly the responsibility of the learner, he also described the role of the teacher as one who must stimulate curiosity and fully engage students in the learning process as well as teach students how to think and process information:

The only way to increase the learning of pupils is to augment the quantity and quality of real teaching. Since learning is something that the pupil has to do himself and for himself, the initiative lies with the learner.





This chapter is to present the methods used to obtain the data in the study which is as follows; research design, population of the study, sample/sampling technique, instrumentation, validity of instrument, reliability of the instrument, administration of instrument and data analysis.

Research Design

Research design is the plan, structure and strategy conceived to answer research question and to control variable. The research design of this study is survey design, it is a design in which a group is studied by collecting and analyzing data from a sample of the population and the findings are generalized to the entire population.

Population of the Study

A study population is a group of elements or individuals as the case may be, who share similar characteristics. These similar features can include location, gender, age, sex or specific interest. The emphasis on study population is that it constitute of individuals or elements that are homogeneous in description (Prince Udoyen: 2019). The population for this comprises of all students in the Maarif Secondary Schools , with a total number of one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one (1,821) students.

Sample and Sampling Technique

The sample of this study involves 200 students and they will be randomly selected from the three (3) classes in the Maarif Secondary Schools . They are Educational foundations, Teacher education and vocational education.



Table 2 shows data for extent of student’s usage of educational technology during studies. Item mean was used to reject or accept the statements.  Statements 1 and 2 have a mean of 3.2 and 3.15 respectively which corresponds to the response category of Sometime. Statements 3, 4, and 5 has a mean of 1.69, 1.84, and 2.46 respectively which corresponds to  the response category of Never and Rarely .The five questionnaire items have a grand mean of 2.47 which corresponds to the response category of Rarely. Therefore the survey reveals that students in Maarif Schools Secondary Rarely use of educational technology during studies.

Table 3 shows the data for gender influence on the usage of educational technology during studies. The item mean was used to reject or accept the statements. Statements 6 and 10 has mean of 2.34 and 2.21 respectively which  were lower than the criteria mean of 2.5 were Disagreed that gender influences the use of educational technology. Statements 7,8 and 9 has mean of 2.93,2.50 and 2.89 respectively were higher than the criteria mean of 2.5  were Agreed that gender influences the use of educational technology.  Grand mean of 2.57 was obtained for gender influence on the usage of educational technology during studies. Therefore gender influences the usage of educational technology during studies.



Summary and Conclusion

The results revealed that Students of Maarif Secondary Schools rarely use Educational technology during studies, male students use Educational technology more than female students, Educational technology has impact learners and finally students have a positive attitude towards Educational technology.

The result of this investigation supports the notion that Educational technology has an effect on the study habit of students in Maarif Secondary Schools students use of Educational technology to support studies and facilitate learning. As such, they use computers and the internet on daily basis to communicate through email and chat, and also for research/studying. The use of information and communication technologies no doubt has gained momentum in Maarif Secondary Schools as the Internet is used by students in sourcing Educational technology assist libraries in providing efficient and current information services. Once students are able to use these technologies effectively, learning and research activities in the university will be made easier.


There abound great opportunities for students on the internet for academic use. Hence, the following recommendations are made.

  • Concerted effort be made to encourage students to use most of their after school time (leisure) for profitable activities on the internet that will add value to their academic performance.
  • Teachers should give assignment that will compel students to make use of the internet for academic studies.
  • Teachers should encourage students to give enough time for personal study on the internet. This will help add value to their academic information.
  • Teachers should give information about web sites where students’ can get unlimited education material information.
  • Maarif Secondary Schools should have an electronic library open to all students’ with all necessary accessories.
  • Seminars should be held regularly to improve Educational technology literacy in Maarif Secondary Schools.
  • Maarif Secondary Schools administrators especial the Information Technology (IT) unit should work to improve wireless internet connection in Maarif Secondary Schools


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