Business Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Employee’s Participation in Decision-making in Nigerian Public Sectors (A Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Enugu)

The Impact of Employee's Participation in Decision-making in Nigerian Public Sectors (A Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Enugu)

The Impact of Employee’s Participation in Decision-making in Nigerian Public Sectors (A Case Study of Power Holding Company of Nigeria, Enugu)

Chapter One

 Objectives of the Study

The study has three specific objectives:

  1. To assess the level of employee participation in decision-making at PHCN Enugu.
  2. To examine the impact of employee participation in decision-making on organizational performance at PHCN Enugu.
  3. To identify the factors that influence employee participation in decision-making at PHCN Enugu.



Conceptual Review

 Employee Participation in Decision-making

Employee participation in decision-making is a crucial concept in organizations as it involves involving employees in the process of decision-making and encouraging them to contribute their ideas, opinions, and expertise (Bernardin & Russell, 2019). It recognizes that employees possess valuable knowledge, skills, and experiences that can contribute to better decision outcomes and enhance organizational effectiveness.

Research has shown that employee participation in decision-making positively impacts various organizational outcomes. A study by Kehoe and Wright (2019) found that organizations with higher levels of employee participation had higher levels of employee job satisfaction and commitment. This is because when employees are involved in decision-making, they feel a sense of ownership and have a greater understanding of and commitment to organizational goals and objectives.

Furthermore, employee participation has been linked to improved problem-solving and decision-making processes. According to Trivellas, Reklitis, and Platis (2020), when employees are actively engaged in decision-making, they contribute diverse perspectives and ideas, leading to better quality decisions and innovative solutions. This not only enhances organizational performance but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability.

The benefits of employee participation in decision-making extend beyond individual-level outcomes. It has been found to enhance team dynamics and collaboration. A study by Borucki and Burke (2019) demonstrated that employee participation promotes open communication, trust, and cooperation among team members, leading to better teamwork and synergy. This collaborative environment can contribute to improved organizational productivity and efficiency.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of employee participation in decision-making depends on various factors. These factors include the level of trust between employees and management, the organizational culture, and the nature of the decision being made (Bernardin & Russell, 2019). When employees perceive their participation as genuine and meaningful, and when their input is valued and acted upon, they are more likely to engage actively in decision-making processes.

In the Nigerian context, employee participation in decision-making has gained attention as a potential solution to the challenges faced by the public sector. Aja-Okorie (2021) conducted a study in selected Nigerian banks and found a positive relationship between employee participation and organizational performance. The findings suggested that employee participation in decision-making can contribute to improved service delivery, increased customer satisfaction, and overall organizational success.

Despite the benefits and growing recognition of employee participation in decision-making, there are still barriers and challenges to its implementation. One of the key challenges is resistance from managers who may fear losing control or facing potential conflict (Bernardin & Russell, 2019). Additionally, inadequate communication channels and a lack of trust between employees and management can hinder effective employee participation (Trivellas et al., 2020).

In summary, employee participation in decision-making is a vital concept in organizations. It has been found to positively impact employee satisfaction, commitment, problem-solving, and team dynamics. In the Nigerian context, there is a growing understanding of the potential benefits of employee participation, particularly in the public sector. However, challenges related to managerial resistance and communication barriers need to be addressed to foster effective employee participation in decision-making processes.

Organizational Performance

Organizational performance is a key measure of an organization’s success in achieving its goals and objectives. It encompasses various aspects, including productivity, efficiency, profitability, customer satisfaction, and innovation (Bernardin & Russell, 2019). Employee participation in decision-making has been found to have a significant impact on organizational performance.

Research has shown a positive relationship between employee participation and organizational performance. When employees are actively involved in decision-making processes, they develop a sense of ownership and commitment towards organizational goals (Kehoe & Wright, 2019). This increased commitment translates into higher levels of employee engagement, which, in turn, contributes to improved performance outcomes.

A study by Aja-Okorie (2021) examined the relationship between employee participation in decision-making and organizational performance in selected Nigerian banks. The findings indicated that higher levels of employee participation were associated with better service delivery, increased customer satisfaction, and improved overall organizational performance.




Introduction Research

This chapter presents the methodology employed in the study to investigate the impact of employee participation in decision-making within the Nigerian public sector, with a specific focus on the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Enugu. The chapter outlines the research design, population of the study, sampling technique and sample size, sources and method of data collection, method of data analysis, validity and reliability of the study, and ethical considerations.

Research Design

In this study, a quantitative survey research design is utilized. This design allows for the collection of numerical data from a large sample size, providing a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between employee participation and organizational outcomes. The survey approach enables the researchers to gather data directly from the respondents, ensuring that their perspectives and experiences are captured (Creswell, 2020). According to Creswell (2020), a quantitative survey research design is suitable for systematically collecting data and conducting statistical analysis to draw objective conclusions and make generalizations about the target population. This aligns with the research objectives of examining the impact of employee participation on organizational outcomes within the Nigerian public sector (Saunders et al., 2019).

The choice of a quantitative survey research design is justified by its ability to systematically collect data and facilitate statistical analysis. This design allows for the objective examination of the relationship between employee participation and organizational outcomes, enabling the researchers to draw reliable conclusions and make generalizations about the target population (Saunders et al., 2019). The use of a quantitative survey design is consistent with the aim of this study to measure the extent of employee participation and its impact on various organizational outcomes, such as performance, job satisfaction, and innovation. Creswell (2020) further highlights the advantages of a quantitative survey design, including efficient data collection from a large number of participants and the ability to conduct statistical analyses to explore relationships between variables.

The quantitative survey research design also offers several advantages for this study. Firstly, it allows for the efficient collection of data from a large number of participants within a relatively short timeframe, which is particularly beneficial considering the target population of employees within the Nigerian public sector. According to Creswell (2020), a quantitative survey design is suitable for collecting data from large samples, ensuring sufficient representation of the target population. Secondly, it enables the researchers to analyze the data statistically, employing techniques such as correlation analysis and regression analysis to explore the relationships between variables. This facilitates a rigorous examination of the impact of employee participation on organizational outcomes and provides a solid foundation for drawing evidence-based conclusions (Saunders et al., 2019).

In summary, the adoption of a quantitative survey research design in this study allows for the systematic collection of numerical data from a large sample size within the Nigerian public sector, specifically focusing on PHCN Enugu. This design ensures that the perspectives and experiences of the participants are captured accurately, while also facilitating statistical analysis to examine the relationship between employee participation and organizational outcomes. The use of a quantitative survey design is justified based on its ability to collect data efficiently, analyze the data rigorously, and draw objective conclusions and generalizations about the target population, as supported by the works of Creswell (2020) and Saunders et al. (2019).

Population of the Study

The target population of this study comprises employees working within the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) Enugu. The justification for selecting this population is based on the organization’s significance in the power supply industry and its relevance to the research topic. Additionally, PHCN Enugu provides an appropriate setting to explore the impact of employee participation on organizational outcomes in the Nigerian public sector. The target population consists of 1300 employees, including managers, supervisors, and frontline staff, as they all play a role in the decision-making processes within the organization (Kothari, 2016).






Summary of Findings

The study aimed to investigate the impact of employee participation in decision-making on organizational performance and employee satisfaction at PHCN Enugu. The findings provide valuable insights into the relationship between employee participation and these important outcomes.

The study found a significant positive relationship between employee participation in decision-making and organizational performance at PHCN Enugu. The majority of respondents agreed that employees have the opportunity to contribute their ideas and opinions in decision-making processes. Furthermore, the results indicated that employees are actively involved in decision-making discussions and activities, and their suggestions and feedback are considered in the decision-making processes at PHCN Enugu. These findings highlight the importance of employee participation in driving improved organizational performance.

The study also revealed a significant positive relationship between employee participation in decision-making and employee satisfaction at PHCN Enugu. The majority of respondents agreed that employees have a say in determining the outcomes of decisions made and that employee participation enhances the effectiveness of operations and services. Additionally, the findings indicated that supportive organizational culture and leadership, clear communication channels, and transparent decision-making processes are factors that encourage employee participation. These results suggest that employee participation in decision-making positively influences employee satisfaction, emphasizing the importance of fostering a participatory work environment.

Furthermore, the study identified several factors that influence employee participation in decision-making at PHCN Enugu. The results showed that opportunities for training and skill development, as well as recognition and rewards for employee contributions, enhance employee confidence and willingness to participate. The findings also highlighted the importance of a supportive organizational culture and leadership, clear communication channels, and transparent decision-making processes in promoting employee participation.

The study’s findings contribute to the existing literature on employee participation in decision-making, particularly within the Nigerian public sector context. They support previous research that emphasizes the positive impact of employee participation on organizational performance and employee satisfaction. The findings provide empirical evidence specific to PHCN Enugu, shedding light on the significance of employee participation in driving improved organizational outcomes and fostering a positive work environment.

The implications of these findings are significant for both researchers and practitioners. From a research perspective, the study adds to the body of knowledge on employee participation and its impact on organizational performance and employee satisfaction. It provides a foundation for further research in similar settings and contributes to the development of best practices in employee participation within the public sector.

From a practical standpoint, the findings highlight the importance of promoting employee participation in decision-making processes at PHCN Enugu. The results suggest that fostering a participatory work environment, providing opportunities for training and skill development, and recognizing and rewarding employee contributions can enhance organizational performance and employee satisfaction. These insights can guide organizational leaders and decision-makers in developing strategies and policies that encourage and support employee participation.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations of the study. The research was conducted in a specific organization within the Nigerian public sector, and the findings may not be fully generalizable to other contexts. The sample size was also relatively small, which may limit the generalizability of the results. Future research could involve a larger and more diverse sample to enhance the external validity of the findings. Additionally, the study relied on self-reported data, which may be subject to bias. Incorporating other data sources or utilizing objective performance measures could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between employee participation and organizational outcomes.

In summary, the study provides valuable insights into the impact of employee participation in decision-making on organizational performance and employee satisfaction at PHCN Enugu. The findings indicate a significant positive relationship between employee participation and both organizational performance and employee satisfaction. The study also identified factors that influence employee participation in decision-making. These findings contribute to the literature on employee participation and have practical implications for organizations seeking to enhance their performance and create a positive work environment. By promoting employee participation and addressing the identified factors, organizations can foster a culture of engagement, drive performance improvements, and enhance employee satisfaction.


In conclusion, this study investigated the relationship between employee participation in decision-making and organizational performance and employee satisfaction at PHCN Enugu. The findings revealed significant positive relationships between employee participation and both organizational performance and employee satisfaction. These results indicate that involving employees in decision-making processes has a beneficial impact on the overall effectiveness of the organization and contributes to higher levels of employee satisfaction.

The results support the notion that employee participation in decision-making is an essential factor in driving organizational success. When employees are allowed to contribute their ideas and opinions, their creativity and innovation are harnessed, leading to improved organizational performance. Additionally, employee participation fosters a sense of empowerment and ownership, which positively influences employee satisfaction and engagement.

The findings also shed light on the factors that influence employee participation in decision-making. The study identified supportive organizational culture and leadership, clear communication channels, and transparent decision-making processes as crucial factors in promoting employee participation. Furthermore, the study highlighted the importance of providing opportunities for training and skill development and recognizing and rewarding employee contributions to enhance their confidence and willingness to participate.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are suggested:

  1. Promote a participatory work environment: Organizations, particularly in the Nigerian public sector, should actively promote and encourage employee participation in decision-making processes. This can be achieved by creating a culture that values and embraces employee input, ideas, and opinions. Leaders and managers should create opportunities for employees to actively contribute to decision-making discussions and activities.
  2. Foster supportive organizational culture and leadership: Organizations must foster a supportive organizational culture and provide strong leadership that values and supports employee participation. Leaders should set a positive example by actively involving employees in decision-making, communicating openly and transparently, and recognizing and rewarding employee contributions.
  3. Enhance communication channels: Organizations should establish clear and effective communication channels to facilitate employee participation in decision-making. This can include regular team meetings, suggestion boxes, online platforms for sharing ideas, and open-door policies. Clear communication channels help ensure that employees are aware of the decision-making processes and have the opportunity to express their ideas and concerns.
  4. Provide training and skill development opportunities: Organizations should invest in training and skill development programs to enhance employees’ knowledge, capabilities, and confidence in decision-making. By providing employees with the necessary skills and knowledge, organizations can empower them to actively participate in decision-making processes and contribute to improved outcomes.
  5. Recognize and reward employee contributions: Organizations should implement recognition and reward systems to acknowledge and appreciate employee contributions to decision-making. Recognizing employees’ efforts and valuing their contributions creates a positive work environment and motivates employees to actively engage in decision-making processes.
  6. Conduct regular evaluation and feedback mechanisms: Organizations should establish mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of employee participation in decision-making and seek feedback from employees. Regular evaluation allows organizations to assess the impact of employee participation on organizational outcomes and make necessary adjustments or improvements.

Contribution to Knowledge

This study makes several contributions to knowledge in the field of employee participation in decision-making in the Nigerian public sector, particularly within the context of PHCN Enugu.

Firstly, the study adds to the existing literature by providing empirical evidence of the positive relationship between employee participation in decision-making and organizational performance. By conducting a quantitative survey and analyzing the data, the study demonstrates that higher levels of employee participation are associated with improved organizational performance at PHCN Enugu. These findings contribute to the growing body of research that supports the notion that employee participation is a crucial factor in driving organizational success.

Secondly, the study contributes to the understanding of the relationship between employee participation and employee satisfaction. The findings reveal a significant positive relationship between employee participation and employee satisfaction at PHCN Enugu. This suggests that when employees are actively involved in decision-making processes, they experience higher levels of job satisfaction. This finding is important as it emphasizes the role of employee participation in fostering a positive work environment and enhancing employee well-being.

Furthermore, the study identifies and explores the factors that influence employee participation in decision-making at PHCN Enugu. The findings highlight the significance of supportive organizational culture and leadership, clear communication channels, and transparent decision-making processes in promoting employee participation. By identifying these factors, the study provides valuable insights for organizations seeking to enhance employee participation and create an environment that fosters active employee involvement in decision-making.

Moreover, the study contributes to the body of knowledge on employee participation in the Nigerian public sector, specifically within the context of PHCN Enugu. By focusing on a specific organization in the Nigerian public sector, the study provides context-specific insights into the dynamics of employee participation and its impact on organizational outcomes. This contributes to a deeper understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities associated with employee participation in decision-making in the Nigerian public sector.

Overall, this study contributes to the knowledge base on employee participation in decision-making by providing empirical evidence, identifying influencing factors, and emphasizing the positive impact on organizational performance and employee satisfaction. The findings and insights gained from this study can inform future research in the field and guide organizations in the Nigerian public sector, including PHCN Enugu, in developing strategies and policies that promote employee participation and drive improved organizational outcomes.


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