Business Administration Project Topics

The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Sales Team Productivity (A Study of Nigeria Bottling Company PLC)

The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Sales Team Productivity (A Study of Nigeria Bottling Company PLC)

The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Sales Team Productivity (A Study of Nigeria Bottling Company PLC)

Chapter One

Objective of the study

General objective

The main objective of this study is to assess the job satisfaction level of employees in Nigeria Bottling Company PLC and to see it is impact on the performance of the company.

Specific objective

The study specifically discusses the following matters

  1. To identify the relationship between employee job satisfaction and organizational performance
  2. To identify the level of job satisfaction of employees at the company
  3. To identify the most effective factor of job satisfaction that has high impact on sales team productivity
  4. To identify how organizational performance enhanced due to employee satisfaction



Theoretical review

 Definition of job satisfaction

Job affection is one of the perceived job characteristics and emotional experience of work Job satisfaction describes how content and an individual is with his/her job. There are verifies of factors that infuse a person’s or her job satisfaction some of factor these factor include the level of pay benefits, the perceived fairness, the promotion system with in a company, the quality of working conditions. Leadership and social relationship and the job it sect (the variety of tasks in vowed, the interest and scavenge the job generate and clarity of the job description) requirement )job satisfaction is a very important attribute with is frequently measures by organization the happiest, people are within their job the more satisfied they are said to be job satisfaction is not the same as motivation although it is clearly lives job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance, methods includes job rotation, job enlargement and job. (moshane and vorglinow 2000:204)

Jobs and predictor of job behavior such as organizational citizenship, absenteeism and turn over job satisfaction employees feel satisfied and happy while working an jobs or after completing jobs. They develop some generic public, cut amines, manager, administration and also with a characteristics are the important factor from providing satisfaction to employees many employees are satisfied with complete jobs while other are satisfied with simple jobs (MN Mishear, 2003 P. 145).

Theories of Job Satisfactions

There are considerable number of theories in relation motivation and job satisfaction, many organization behavior research classified theories of job satisfaction in to two board categories content and process theories.

Content theory of job satisfaction

The content theory job satisfaction explains the dynamics of employee needs, such as why people have different needs at different time. By understanding an employees need we can discover what motivates that person.

Most contemporary theory recognizes that motivation begins with individual’s needs. Needs are deficiencies that energize or trigger behaviors to satisfy those needs. The stronger you need the more motivated you are to satisfy them conversely, a satisfied need does not movable let’s now look at the content theories of job satisfaction (luanccuich and matterson).

Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory

One of the earliest and best known content theories to explain why people have different needs at different time is Abrahma Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory

Some argue that maslows hierarchy of needs theory mutilation theory laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. This theory explain that people seek to satisfy five spire needs in like physiological needs, satisfy needs, belongingness, self-esteem needs and self- actualization. This model sensed as good basis from which early research could develop job satisfaction theories.

At the bottom physiological needs, these include the need to satisfy for good air and shelter. Next comes safety needs, the need for secure and stable environment. At the third hierarchy of Maslow’s ladder we find belongingness need with include the need for love and affection and interaction with other. At the fourth hierarchy the need for self-esteem. This include self-esteem through personal achievement and solitude esteem through recognition and respect home others at the need for sense that a person potential has hierarch is one of the best known organization behavior theories it is much too rigid to explain the dynamic and unstable character sties of employee needs. (saulMCLeod).

Hertzberg’s motivator –hygiene theory

This theory differs maslow’s need diarchy mode because it does not suggest people that employees are primary motivated by growth and esteem need such as are recognition responsibility, advancement, achievement and personal growth. These factors are called motivator because employees experience job s satisfaction when they are received. In contrast factory extrinsic to the work called hygiene, include job security, working condition, company policy, co-worker’s relation and supervisor relation, Hertzberg argued that motivator and hygiene factor are independent each other. Employee satisfaction and retention have always been important issues for physicians. After all, high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover can affect your bottom line, as temps, recruitment and retraining take their toll. But few practices (in fact, few organizations) have made job satisfaction a top priority, perhaps because they have failed to understand the significant opportunity that lies in front of them. Satisfied employees tend to be more productive, creative and committed to their employers. (J. Michael Syptak).







This section will try to present source of data methods of data collection, sample techniques methods of data analysis and interpretation methods.

Research design and Approaches

Research design is a framework for the collection and analysis of data to answer research question and meet research objectives providing reasoned justification for choice of data sources, collection methods and analysis techniques (Kothari, 2004)

The main objective of the research is to assess the job satisfaction level of employees in Nigeria Bottling Company PLC and to see it is impact on the performance of the company. This research was employed both quantitative and qualitative research approach because using mixed approach could balance the bias of any single quantitative data (Creswell, 2009). In the research descriptive and Correlation research design was applied. According to Sekaran(2001) descriptive research design is a theory based design method which is created by gathering, analyzing, and presenting collected data in which it is carried out in order to be able to describe the characteristics of the variables while correlation research design uses to study a relationship between dependent and independent variables since this research enhances to show the effect of job satisfaction on sales team productivity.

 Source of Data

For the purpose of achieving the research objective the researcher relies on the primary and secondary source of data. The research was use questionnaires and a primary source and books, newspapers, internet as secondary source.

  Method of data collection

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in are cognized systematic fashion, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes. The goal for all data collection is to capture quality evidence that then translates to rich data analysis and allow the building of a convincing and credible answer to questions that have been posed.

The research used data collection tools for gathering a primary source of information the researcher collected data by using questionnaire that distributed to the selected target respondents and questionnaire method as instrument of data collection is used because it provides wider coverage to the sample and also facilitates collection of a large amount of data. The research also collected from secondary data such as published and unpublished, annual and quarterly report of the company and other documents that are related to the topic.



Data Analysis and Interpretation 

This chapter encompasses data analysis and presentation gained from questionnaire and interview. Furthermore, the researcher used table, figures, and statically analysis to present the collected data. As it has been stated before, the study focused on Nigeria Bottling Company PLC

S.C of Lagos state.

To conduct this study the researcher prepared a total of 149 questionnaires and distributed all of them to collect the necessary information from research participants.



 Summary of the findings

The general objective of this research was to determine the effect of job satisfaction on sales team productivity at the Nigeria Bottling Company PLC. From the study, the following particular findings were observed.

  • There is a significant impact of job satisfaction on sales team productivity in development
  • More than half of respondents disagree that they are being paid motivated salary so the company made recently adjustment on salary level of employees.
  • Financial benefits, reward, promotion plays very important role to satisfy, retain and attract employees
  • If there is no good promotion opportunities to advance to a better position
  • The company profitability is based on customers so employees must create a good relationship with in customer


Job satisfactions are desirable needed by employees to perform at peak levels. Employees who are satisfied are more likely to be settled at work and are also likely to be more committed in helping in achievement of organizational goal. The factors that lead to job satisfaction among employees includes: higher pay, recognition, good work environment, challenging and fulfilling work and relationship with supervisors and co-workers, among others. Based on the review of literature and the conclusion arrived there from, it is recommended that managers should be interested in their employee’s attitudes because attitudes give warnings of potential problems and because they influence behavior. Managers should raise employee satisfaction by focusing on the intrinsic and extrinsic parts of the job, such as making the work challenging and interesting, and high and equitable pay in order to keep the employees motivated and committed to drive organizations vision and goals domain. An unmotivated employee hardly commits serious effort towards achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Management should also put in place structures that enhance employees’ job satisfaction in order to induce positive subsequent employee positive outcomes that may lead to maintain and supported organizational competitiveness in today’s highly competitive global era. Managers should know that creating a satisfied workforce is hardly a guarantee of successful organizational performance. Therefore, effort should be made to position the organization to take an advantage of opportunities that abound of that rises in the environment through effective environmental scanning, and effective corporate planning. Management should also focus on all facets of job satisfaction and not only on any one factor in order to enhance the employee performance in the organization.


The studies needed to forward practical and relevant proposals based on the study’s conclusion and the identified research problems and research objectives. As a result, the researcher made the following recommendations.

  • The company must make recently adjustment on salary level for the satisfaction of Employees who are satisfied more likely to be settled at work, and also likely to be more committed in helping in the achievement of organizational goal.
  • Organization’s salary and benefit increments must be based on the performance of
  • Employees should have the perception of being receive the same benefit with others doing the same job in another
  • More 50% of employees are interested on there working place but >7% employees are not comfortable on there working atmosphere, so the company should make some amendment on workers atmosphere.
  • It is advised finding professional consultant to identify and solve less enjoyment of work shown on employees.
  • If there is a good relationship among employees it makes them more satisfied, encourages, flexible and interaction from the information I gather most of respondents are not satisfied with the good relationship this must be amended.


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