Economics Project Topics

The Incidence of Drug Abuse Among Secondary School Students (a Case Study of Some Selected SSS Students in Esan Central Local Government Area of Edo State

The Incidence of Drug Abuse Among Secondary School Students (a Case Study of Some Selected SSS Students in Esan Central Local Government Area of Edo State

The Incidence of Drug Abuse Among Secondary School Students (a Case Study of Some Selected SSS Students in Esan Central Local Government Area of Edo State

Chapter One


This research was carried out with a view;

  1. To identifying the types of drugs that are commonly abuse by secondary school students
  2. To point out conditions under which secondary school students take drugs
  3. To highlight the reasons why secondary schools students indulge in the abuse of drugs
  4. To educate secondary school students activities towards drugs involvement
  5. To suggest and recommend ways by which the problems of drugs abuses can be controlled among secondary school students.



Outline for chapter two

  1. Drugs abused in sport
  2. Reasons for drugs abuse
  3. Incidence of secondary school students dependence on performance enhancing drugs in sports
  4. Effect of drug abuse and risk to secondary school student
  5. Remedy to the problems of drug abuse


Millions of spectators watching the Seoul Olympics were shocked when they announced that the world’s and Olympics faster 100 meters runners, Ben Johnson was stripped of his gold medal, disqualified for the use of prohibited substances. Incidence of secondary school students depended on drugs was so widespread in the 1984 Los Angeles games that an Italian medical periodical called it ‘the medicine Olympics’ (Awake 1989). Since the earliest Olympiad, secondary school students have ingested erotic.

Substances in the quest for victory, where as the ancient Greeks were limited by the science of their day to mushrooms and herbs, contemporary secondary school students have huge inventory of means for directly altering their physiology. (Sharp 1984). For most of the past hundred years, stimulants including cocaine and later the amphetamines were probably the most frequent type of drugs used be secondary school students. Vin Martani, a popular product before the turn of the century, contained coca leaf extracted and was known as the ‘win for secondary school students’ Kolb (1973).

The use of drugs and other illegal therapies to gain unfairly, the competitive edge, plaques many sports in all countries today, the temptation is also made greater by the fact that sports trainers have few scruple.

The ambitious expectations and frequent sporting events keep an secondary school students under such pressure as to increase the temptation of making use of more or less legal means and maintaining good physical and psychological form.

The question of drug taking among Nigeria youth has become a bone of contention. Hardly a day goes without some reference to it in the press, radio, television, from pulpit of mosque, parents, educationalists, psychologist, sociologists, government, organization and medical personnel and churches, have constantly expulsed grave concern over self-medication. Psychiatric side effect generally among secondary school students in our school.

The social problem of drug abuse became more pronounced in our society in the past decades. At present this problems has eaten deep into the nerves of our adolescent. It is assumed to have been affecting their emotional, mental and physical well-being.

As a matter of fact, people from all works of life including teachers, doctors, scientist and engineers are complaining about its increasing danger among students throughout the country the growing consciousness at present has given rise to research work. Publications and seminars, among the very many researchers who felt the public pulse are reaction on this issue of drug abuse and their consequence on secondary school students.

Bearing in mind the assumption that secondary school students abuse drugs and that the abuse of drugs affect the secondary school students over all performance. In this chapter therefore, literature will be reviewed on the areas of why secondary school students abuse drugs, the commonly abused drugs and whether or not drug abuse effect their performance in sport.

Many researchers have seen the secondary school age as a vital period in habit formation and personality of an individual.

Adejide and A. O. Sandra (1992) in their research ‘observation on drug abuse in Western Nigeria ‘examined the psychosocial factors food among those who abuse drugs to the extent of needing medical attention also among those associated who abuse drug but remained relatively normal in the community.

Based on their clinical experience they decided to use patients on admission who came for help on drug abuse within demographic data of patient childhood experience, family history, performance in school, work record, factors that could anticipate the abuse of drugs motivating factors continuing the habit, types of drug abuse and for has long possible effects of the drug names of friends or relatives using similar drugs and the patient plan for immediate future.

However, this issue on drug abuse cannot be restricted to only one country because it is a universal problem. As a result of mass migration and increasing connection of people from one country another drugs available in one country could easily be found in another part of the world. From the research already carried out it is clear that West Africa coast is not free of the problem.

According to Oviase 91976) in his research work, cited Lambo’s study and said 1976 that ‘of 2, 673 West African Indian hemp users, 35.8% of them were college and university students, secondary school students, sailors and drug peddlers’.

However, it is my intention to review some relate research materials on drug abuse under the following procedures;

  1. Drugs abuse in sport
  2. Reasons for drug abuse
  3. Incidence of secondary school students dependence on performance enhancing drugs in sports
  4. Effect of drug abuse and risk to secondary school student
  5. Remedy to the problems of drug abuse


Drug abused in sport by secondary can be group into four as stated below;

* Stimulants

* Beta-blockers

* Manicottis analgesics and

* Steroids




The problem of indiscipline among secondary school students as well violent demonstration which lead to the destruction of school property during competition has been attributed to drug abuse. The purpose of the study was to look into the issue of the incidence of drug abuse among secondary school students in Esan Central LGA of Edo State. The description of research methodology in the chapter includes the following.

  1. The study population
  2. Sampling procedure
  3. The research design
  4. The research instrument
  5. The administration of questionnaire
  6. Analysis of data


The design used is survey research design


Bearing in mind that the problem of drug abuse is common among adolescent, the researcher has chosen to carry out research on secondary schools in Esan Cetral Local Government Area of Edo State. Using eight secondary schools.



The purpose of the study is to examine, evaluate analysis the incidence of drug abuse among secondary school students in Esan Central Local Government Area of Edo State. This chapter is a clear representation of the analysis of the data collected, the results and interpretations. It deals with the reasons why the respondents abuse, the type drugs, that are abused, the category of secondary school students that abuse it more and the effect of the drugs on them.

Table 1: drugs abused by secondary school students.





This research is carried out on the incidence of drug abuse among secondary school students in Esan Centre Local Government Area of Edo State on the reasons for drug abuse, the drugs most commonly abused by students the sex of the students more involved, sources of getting these drugs and its effect on them. From the investigation, I found that the commonly abused drugs were alcohol, Indian hemp, mandrax LSD, amphetamine and Chinese capsule. A total sample of one hundred and sixty respondents was used and this was drawn from two secondary school in Esan Centre Local Government  Area. A compromise of four boys school, two girls and tow mixed schools. As retard the source of supply . it was found that most students got their supply from peddlers, friends, chemist, (drug store), market place and physician. The reasons for drug abuse were mainly to win competition.

Reduce fatigue, ease tension and as an act of curiosity. It was also discovered that the drugs have some effects on the students who abuse it such as hyper activities restlessness, lack of sleep, lack of self control bizarre behaviour and that it is injurious to health generally. It was also discovered that the problem of drug abuse was more prevalent among the male students. This confirm the work of my predecessor such as M. O. Olatawura and Odejide A. O. (1974) A. O. N. Okoh (1978) and Oviasu (1976).


From the research carried out it was discovered that success in sport was one of the reasons many secondary school students in Esan Centre local government engaged in drug abuse so as to enhance their performance during competition, and also as an act of curiosity which is encourage by peer group influence. The commonly abused drugs were those that either relaxes the nerves seductive or increase muscular activities or functions e.g. stimulant. And it was mostly used by male students than female students. Also was discovered that most of the drugs abused by students were mostly gotten through illegal means e.g market places, drugs store, friends and peddler, only little come from the physicians. The negative effect these drugs has on the students are more than the so called enhancement to success and relaxation they claim to feel after using it.

Finally, the ascertain which hold the abuse drugs as a pursuit of pleasure and other non-medical practices as within man’s basic right should be viewed with seriousness and culprits should be reprimanded and punished.


The research reveals that secondary school students abuse drugs. In an attempt to reduce the incidence of drug abuse among secondary school students all hands must be on deck. That is to say everybody in the society has a role to play. The Government, Parents, Educators, coaches and students themselves must help in one way or the other to ensure control. To this end the following recommendations have been made it is hereby recommended that less emphasis should be laid on will at all cost syndrome. Emphasis should be laid on guilt in winning by unfair means. Sports organizers should de-emphasize making champions semi-gods in order to save our youths and future leaders from destruction. Meddle winners should not be the sole criteria for selection of students or players for sports meet. Hard working students should be encouraged by inculcating their names in the team and giving them the assurance that they can make it through hard work. Award and recommendations should be given to all participants. The present practice in which emphasis is laid only on first, second, and third winners, should be discouraged. The government should enforce law that is workable against any illegal use and possession of dangerous drugs like the jail terms.

There should be a daily health programme in both the television and radio to educate the people on the effect of using drugs not prescribed by medical practitioners. Anybody in the streets, shops and markets should not sell or administer drugs, except chemist or a pharmacist, and they should make sure that then prescription they get must be only signed and stamped by medical doctors. It would be proper to say here that parents, should develop more interest and care for their children, and also in each school their should be a guidance and counselling unit to help the young develop a strong will to cope with their problems and not to resort to drugs for help also, their should be less emphasis on winning during competition. There should be campaign against drug abuse through school workshops, seminars and conferences, which help in educating them about the evil and social embarrassment of drug abuse in sport.


In addition, I suggest that further attempt to carry out a research on drug abuse should be aimed at establishing a relationship between drug abuse and violence during competition. Another area that can be researched into is to find out ways of elimination the factors which leads to drugs addition among students. And also effect of drugs abuse on job performance.



  • Agwubike e. Okey (1998) Physiology of Muscular Activities Benin Print Point International Publishers Benin pp 81-83
  • Caiendo, A (1976) Nutrition and Preventive Health Care, New York Collier Macmillan Publishers London pp 378.
  • Caliendo, A (1976) Nutrition and Prevention Health Care, New York collier Macmillan Publishers London pp 378.


  • Ogunrem, O. O. and Okorofua F. E. (1977) Abuse of Drugs among Nigeria Youth “Unpublished Research pp 107-112
  • Okoh, N. O (1978) “Drug Addition and use among secondary school students in Benin City “Unpublished Research.
  • Olateruwa, m. O. and Odejide A. O. (1974) “The prevalence of drug taking among secondary school students “ A paper presented at a workshop organized by association of psychiatrists in Africa at Kenya 1974.
  • Oviasu V. O. (1976) “The abuse of cannabis in Nigeria “Nigeria medical journal, Vol. 6, No 3, pp 359-364.
  • Owolabi (1992) “Drug types commonly abuse vy sport group “in L. O. Akmusa (ed) sports science and medicine Vol. 11 pp 139
  • Robert stralls (1971) “alcohol contemporary social problems “Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 3rd edition pp 227.
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