Accounting Project Topics

Use of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching of Vocational Subjects in Polytechnic

Use of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching of Vocational Subjects in Polytechnic

Use of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching of Vocational Subjects in Polytechnic

Chapter One

Purpose of the Study       

The purpose of this study is to examine the use of information and communication technology in the teaching of vocational subjects at Bori Polytechnic. The objectives of the study are as follows

(i) To examine the impact of Information Communication Technology in teaching of vocational subjects.

(ii) To examine how information communication equipment contributes to the teaching of vocational subject.

(iii) To examine the challenges of using Information Communication Technology in teaching of vocational subject.



This chapter presents the review of the related literature using the following sub-headings:

Concept of E-learning

Concept of Information and Communication Technology

The Role of teachers in the practical application of E-learning for effective teaching of vocational education

The imperative of Information and Communication Technology for vocational and technology students learning

Factors necessary for effective use of Information and Communication Technology in academic environment.

ICT Equipment in Teaching of Vocational Subjects

Challenges of the use of Information and Communication Technology in academic environment.

Concept of E-Learning

Students’ learning in tertiary institutions all over the world has undergone tremendous transformations, especially since the advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). There is a shift from the traditional approach of teacher directed/didactic to modern method where computer technology plays a significant role. ICT has promoted learning and made it more meaningful where students can stay even in their homes or classrooms and receive lecturers without seeing the lecturer. The aspect of ICT that has brought about this revolution in students’ learning is e-learning.

E-learning as explained by Open Learning Centre (2007) is an educational resource that helps in effective teaching and learning process created through combining e-digital content with local community and tutor support along with global community engagement. It is also an effective and efficient system of self-paced personal training available over the internet. The Commission of Technology and Adult (2001) defined e-learning as instructional content or learning experiences delivered or enabled by electronic technology. Also, Erah (2006) stated that the term e-learning refers to computer-enhanced training as opposed to the computer-based training of the 1980s. It is usually delivered through personal computers and includes learning delivered by other communication technologies.

The devices often used for this purpose include:- laptops or personal computers, CD ROMs. Television, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs).MP3 players and mobile phones. Communication technologies enable the use of internet e-mail, discussion forms, collaborative software, classroom management software, team learning systems, intranet, extranet, Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), audio and videotapes, satellite down links, computerized diagnostic assessment, competency certification and electronic portfolios (Asogwa, 2006).

E-learning is based on electronic formats (Bodys, 2005). It can benefit any students or teacher irrespective of the background. E-learning is a major issue in pedagogy of individualized instruction, self pace study etc, which is; adapting the teaching to the needs of various learners. E-learning provides this by making available the required learning materials for teaching of these vocational subjects which eventually leads to increased graduation rates and lower failure rates of students.

Finally, it promotes equity by providing students with access to courses which may not ordinarily be available and providing teachers with materials for teaching (Asogwa, 2006).

Concept of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Initially in business and other organizations, internal reporting was produced manually and only periodically, as by-product of the accounting system and with some additional statistic(s) and gave limited and delayed information on management performance. Data was organized manually according to the requirements and necessity of the organization. As computational technology developed, information began to be distinguished from data and systems were developed to produce and organize abstractions, summaries, relationships and generalizations based on the data.




This chapter tends to explain and highlight the methods and procedures that were used for this study. The methodology adopted in carrying out this study was presented under the following sub-headings:

Research Designed

Population of the Study

Sample/Sampling Techniques


Validity for instrumentation

Administration of the instrument

Data analysis techniques

Research Design of the Study

This study adopted the survey design to examine the use of Information and communication technology in teaching of vocational subjects in Bori Polytechnic.

 Population of the study

The population of this study consists of 1080 final year students from the department of Education in Rivers State Polytechnic Bori



This chapter presents the analysis of data and results of the findings gathered from the research questions posed in chapter one.

Research Question 1: How does Information Communication Technology enhances of vocational subject?




The objectives of the study were to:

  • To examine the impact of Information Communication Technology in teaching of vocational subjects.
  • To examine how information communication equipment contributes to the teaching of vocational subject.
  • To examine the challenges of using Information Communication Technology in teaching of vocational subject.

Findings from research question one showed the following:

  • That adult Information Communication Technology has asound knowledge base and skills on studentsas will provide real opportunities for individualized instruction.
  • Findings from Research question two indicate that Information Communication Technology equipments influence teaching of vocational subjectsthrough the use of multi-media and Interactive white board enhances the teaching of vocational subjects
  • Findings further indicated that major challenges confronting Information Communication Technology in teaching of vocational subject is inadequate expertise skilled personnel and Poor Recommendation.
  • There is significant influence of information communication technology on teaching of vocational subjects.


The use of Information communication technology in teaching vocational subjects in Bori polytechnic has witnessed unprecedented success. This is owing to the result of the hypothesis that there is a significant influence of information communication technology on teaching of vocational subjects. Information communication technology is very essential in the teaching of vocational subjects as this would help create more insight and understanding in understanding the subject. Not only is information communication technology important in teaching vocational subjects, it is also important in teaching other subjects in Nigeria across the various schools and colleges.


Based on the findings from this research work, the following recommendationsare made:

  • Since the information communication technology influences the teaching of vocational subjects, more emphasis should be placed on improving Information communication technology across schools and colleges as this would help students improve in vocational subjects and also help in making them compete globally with their contemporaries around the world as we are now in the jet age.
  • Government should be more involved in training and re training of staff in information communication technology to help assist in the ever growing need of experts in information communication technology.
  • Since information communication technology equipments influence the teaching of information communication technology, efforts should be made by government and stakeholders in procuring equipments that would help in improving the knowledge of information communication technology across schools and colleges.


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  • Association for Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP) held at the
  • Faculty of Education Hall, Enugu State University of Science and Technology.
  • Ebong, J.M. (2006) Understanding Economics of Education. Port-Harcourt: Eagle Lithography.
  • Maduagwu, S.N. (2004) Politics in Education. Port-Harcourt: Chadik.
  • Maduagwu, S.N; &Nworgu, U.J. (2006) Resource Allocation and Management in Education.Owerri: Spring field.
  • Open Learning Centre  (2007). Distance Education and the Impact of Technology in Europe and Japan. Educ. Technol. Res. Dev., 49(3): 107-116.
  • Ajie, C.A. (1999) Constraints in resource management.Journal of Education inDeveloping Areas. 77-101
  •  Asogwa, U.D. (2006) E-learning: A Panacea for Access, Equip, and Quality Higher
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