Sociology Project Topics

Violence Against Teachers as a Predictor of Their Social and Emotional Mal-Adjustment

Violence Against Teachers as a Predictor of Their Social and Emotional Mal-Adjustment

Violence Against Teachers as a Predictor of Their Social and Emotional Mal-Adjustment

Chapter One

Objectives of the Study

The primary objective of this research is to examine the relationship between violence against teachers and their social and emotional maladjustment in secondary schools in Isi-Uzo LGA, Enugu State. The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. To assess the prevalence and nature of violence against teachers in secondary schools.
  2. To explore the social consequences experienced by teachers who have been victims of violence.
  3. To examine the emotional impact of violence on teachers’ overall well-being.




Violence against teachers has become a matter of global concern, capturing the attention of researchers and educators alike (Feuerhahn et al., 2023). The existing body of literature, however, predominantly focuses on school violence with an emphasis on students, leaving a discernible gap in understanding the prevalence and consequences of violence directed specifically at teachers (Galand et al., 2021). This gap is particularly evident in the Isi-Uzo Local Government Area (LGA) of Enugu State, Nigeria, where incidents of violence against teachers have been reported but remain underexplored.

In the realm of school violence research, a significant emphasis has been placed on understanding the dynamics involving students, their interactions, and the impact of violence within the student body (Feuerhahn et al., 2023). However, there is a lack of comprehensive exploration into the unique challenges faced by teachers who become victims of violence. Galand et al. (2021) note this gap, emphasizing the need to shift attention towards the experiences of educators. Teachers, as central figures in the educational landscape, play a pivotal role in shaping the future through their influence on students. To neglect the examination of violence against teachers is to overlook a critical aspect of the educational environment.

The Isi-Uzo Local Government Area in Enugu State, Nigeria, stands out as a particular hotspot for this issue. While incidents of violence against teachers have been reported in this region, a comprehensive understanding of the root causes, nature, and consequences of such violence is notably absent from the literature (Feuerhahn et al., 2023). This regional gap in knowledge is significant, as it highlights the need for a localized approach to address the specific challenges faced by teachers in Isi-Uzo LGA.

To bridge this gap, a comprehensive investigation into the root causes, nature, and consequences of violence against teachers in Isi-Uzo LGA is deemed imperative, as emphasized by Feuerhahn et al. (2023). This research is not only a response to a local need but also contributes to the global discourse on violence against teachers. Understanding the nuances of this issue in Isi-Uzo LGA can offer insights that may be applicable in similar contexts worldwide, thereby contributing to the development of effective strategies for prevention and intervention.

Teachers recognized as pivotal figures in shaping the future of students and society, hold a crucial role in fostering a positive and conducive learning environment (García-Carmona et al., 2019). Their impact extends beyond the transmission of knowledge, influencing the social and emotional development of the next generation. However, this vital role is increasingly jeopardized by the alarming prevalence of violence against teachers, posing a serious threat to their well-being and, consequently, destabilizing the entire educational system (McMahon et al., 2022).

The multifaceted nature of violence against teachers, whether manifesting as physical, verbal, or psychological acts, compromises not only the safety of educators but also engenders an atmosphere of fear and insecurity within the educational setting (Martinez et al., 2020). This atmosphere not only hampers the teaching and learning process but also affects the overall well-being of the entire educational community.

McMahon et al. (2022) underscore the gravity of the situation, highlighting how acts of violence against teachers go beyond isolated incidents, becoming systemic threats to the stability of the educational system. The well-being of teachers is integral to their effectiveness in the classroom and, by extension, to the quality of education provided to students. Thus, understanding the factors contributing to violence against teachers becomes paramount for the development of effective strategies to mitigate its occurrence.

The need for a comprehensive understanding of the factors contributing to violence against teachers is magnified by the intricate interplay between these factors and their impact on the educational environment. García-Carmona et al. (2019) emphasize that violence directed at teachers not only affects the individuals directly involved but also reverberates throughout the entire educational system. Therefore, addressing this issue requires a nuanced approach that takes into account the various dimensions of violence and the broader context in which it occurs.

The aftermath of violence against teachers extends well beyond immediate physical harm, delving into profound social and emotional implications that significantly impact both individuals and the broader educational system (Galand et al., 2021). Teachers who become victims of violence are not only subjected to physical injuries but also face a cascade of social consequences that reverberate throughout their professional and personal lives (Feuerhahn et al., 2023).

Galand et al. (2021) shed light on the social ramifications of violence against teachers, emphasizing how these incidents can strain interpersonal relationships. Teachers, who are integral members of the educational community, may find their interactions with colleagues and students compromised, leading to a breakdown in the collaborative and supportive environment essential for effective teaching and learning. Such strained relationships can contribute to decreased job satisfaction among educators, a critical component of their overall well-being (Feuerhahn et al., 2023).

Furthermore, the social consequences of violence against teachers have implications for the stability of the entire educational system. Galand et al. (2021) highlight that these incidents can disrupt the harmonious functioning of schools, contributing to increased turnover rates among educators. The departure of experienced teachers, driven away by the aftermath of violence, can lead to a decline in the overall quality of teaching. This decline, in turn, affects the educational experience of students, creating a ripple effect that compromises the effectiveness of the entire educational system.

Feuerhahn et al. (2023) emphasize the interconnectedness of social well-being and professional satisfaction, stating that the deterioration of social well-being among teachers further exacerbates the negative impact of violence. Teachers, grappling with the aftermath of violence, may find it challenging to maintain a positive and supportive presence in the classroom. This emotional strain not only affects the individual teacher but also permeates the educational environment, influencing the well-being and academic progress of students.

Beyond the immediate physical and social consequences, the emotional toll of violence against teachers emerges as a critical aspect that demands urgent attention (García-Carmona et al., 2019). Acts of violence, whether physical, verbal, or psychological, can have lasting effects on the emotional well-being of teachers, resulting in heightened stress, anxiety, and symptoms of emotional distress (McMahon et al., 2022).

The emotional well-being of teachers is intricately connected to their effectiveness in the classroom, shaping the dynamics of the teacher-student relationship and influencing the overall learning environment (Hodzic et al., 2018). Sustained exposure to violence erodes the emotional resilience of teachers, compromising their capacity to provide a nurturing and supportive atmosphere for students. As educators grapple with the aftermath of violent incidents, their ability to create a conducive learning environment may be significantly undermined, impacting the academic and emotional growth of their students.

McMahon et al. (2022) underscore the seriousness of the emotional consequences, emphasizing how the experiences of violence can lead to emotional maladjustment among teachers. This maladjustment manifests in heightened stress levels, persistent anxiety, and symptoms of emotional distress that extend beyond the immediate aftermath of the incidents. Such emotional strain not only affects the individual teacher but also has broader implications for the overall mental health of the educational community.

The interconnectedness of emotional well-being and effective teaching is a critical consideration. Hodzic et al. (2018) note that sustained exposure to violence can lead to a gradual erosion of the teacher’s emotional capacity, creating a ripple effect that extends to the well-being of students and the overall mental health of the educational community. The emotional strain on teachers can contribute to a negative cycle, where compromised well-being hinders their ability to provide the necessary support and guidance for students, perpetuating a challenging environment for all.

The situation in Isi-Uzo LGA serves as a microcosm of a broader challenge faced by educational systems worldwide. The need for a focused and context-specific investigation into violence against teachers in this region is underscored by the unique socio-cultural factors that may contribute to the prevalence of such incidents (Görgens-Ekermans & Brand, 2022). Factors such as community dynamics, socio-economic conditions, and cultural norms may interact in ways that necessitate a nuanced understanding of the root causes of violence against teachers in Isi-Uzo LGA (Lee, 2022).

In essence, the global concern surrounding violence against teachers underscores the urgency of addressing this issue comprehensively. The existing gap in the literature, especially in regions like Isi-Uzo LGA, emphasizes the need for tailored investigations into the root causes, nature, and consequences of violence against teachers. The potential social and emotional repercussions on educators not only jeopardize their well-being but also have far-reaching consequences for the stability of the entire educational system. By understanding the factors contributing to violence against teachers, policymakers, school administrators, and the broader community can work collaboratively to create a safe and conducive learning environment for both teachers and students. The study proposed in Isi-Uzo LGA aims to contribute valuable insights that can inform targeted interventions and support systems, ultimately fostering a positive and secure educational experience for all stakeholders.



  • Feuerhahn, N., Bellingrath, S., & Kudielka, B. M. (2023). The interplay of matching and non-matching job demands and resources on emotional exhaustion among teachers. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 5(2), 171–192.
  • Galand, B., Lecocq, C., & Philippot, P. (2021). School violence and teacher professional disengagement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77(2), 465–477.
  • García-Carmona, M., Marín, M. D., & Aguayo, R. (2019). Burnout syndrome in secondary school teachers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Social Psychology of Education, 22(1), 189–208. [ 9471-9]( 9471-9)
  • Görgens-Ekermans, G., & Brand, T. (2022). Emotional intelligence as a moderator in the stress-burnout relationship: A questionnaire study on nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(15–16), 2275–2285. [ 2702.2012.04171.x]( 2702.2012.04171.x)
  • Hodzic, S., Scharfen, J., Ripoll, P., Holling, H., & Zenasni, F. (2018). How efficient are emotional intelligence training: A meta-analysis. Emotion Review, 10(2), 138– 148.
  • Lee, E. H. (2022). Review of the psychometric evidence of the Perceived Stress Scale. Asian Nursing Research, 6(4), 121–127.
  • Martinez, A., McMahon, S. D., Espelage, D., Anderman, E. M., Reddy, L. A., & Sanchez, B. (2020). Teachers’ experiences with multiple victimization: Identifying demographic, cognitive, and contextual correlates. Journal of School Violence, 15(4), 387–405.
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