Building Project Topics

Effective Ways of Controlling Erosion in a Building Site in Selected Sites in Ekwulobia Anambra State

Effective Ways of Controlling Erosion in a Building Site in Selected Sites in Ekwulobia Anambra State

Effective Ways of Controlling Erosion in a Building Site in Selected Sites in Ekwulobia Anambra State



The major purpose of this study is to determine. The effective way of controlling erosion in a construction site prone to erosion problem.

  • Identity the various causes of erosion in building sites.
  • Examine the appropriate materials and (new and old) used in controlling the erosion.
  • Determine the most appropriate materials and techniques required for the controlling it.
  • To recommend measure if implemented will lead to effective control of erosion in a construction




Bernard Huss (1953) defines erosion as something that takes away the five soil rich in plant-food. The word erosion means” gnawing away” and has the same root as hats or mice, but in soil erosion the thing which is engaged in gnarring is the farmers greatest friend, the water which however, can also become his greatest energy. If not properly managed. Thing which is being gnawed away by water is the soil. It is done by the water flowing over loose soil and taking it along with it. It is usually the line soil, rich in plant-food. That is carried away and this we can say that with every rain the cream of our soil is being slowly taken off and carried away down to the sea never to return.

According to Robert. M. (1984) opined that erosion is manifested by the deterioration of soil surface effected by exogenous forces. Especially water, ice wind and man as the significant anthropogenic factor. The disturbance of the soil surface accompanied by the removal of the detached soil particles by the force of kinetic energy of some of the erosion agents, namely water and wind and the deposition of this matter with a decrease in this energy.




The research design and methodology describes all the procedures adopted in the study in his research, the research employed those methods meant to elicit relevant information to arrive a viable conclusion on the appraisal of effective ways of controlling erosion in a building site prone to erosion problems.


In this chapter, data collected are to be presented for easy analysis and understanding. Here is to analyze the effective ways of controlling erosion in a building sits in Ekwulobia urban metropolis.

In this chapter data collected for the purpose of answering research question posed in the study where presented and analyze the finding where presented according to the research question and data presentation.




From the research study carried out many findings were identified, below is the summary of findings.

1) The causes of erosion in a site prone be erosion includes:

  1. a) Improper channeling of rain or run-off water in a site prone to erosion
  2. b) Construction droppings and waste that are not regularly cleaned.
  3. c) Nature of the ferrican
  4. d) Nature of the soil and geological formation.

2) The effect of erosion includes

  1. a) Destruction of the land. Thereby redeemed the environment useless.
  2. b) It also effects or destroys nearby farm land
  3. c) Nearby existing building are also at risk of collapse.

3) The following materials were found to help in controlling erosion in a construction site.

  1. a) Erosion reinforced bar lump
  2. b) Hard core concrete
  3. c) Retaining wall to hold back erosion
  4. d) Catchment pit to contain avatar from a site preventing the water from entering other nearly properties.

4) Controlling erosion in a site affected by erosion


  1. During my visit to the site I discovered that the firm is not capable of doing such job e.g you can discover a differential settlement along the road because they where not compacting the laternite as it suppose. And I don’t think they have a capable machines to handle such job.
  2. Considering the fact that human live are involved in the final acquisition of any construction works, it is evident that soil investigation work should be carried out in the field or at the laboratories it should be ensured that the greatest care and patience must be exercised in order to achieve the required results for the data required.

When I went into erosion pit I finds out that there drainage structure where damaged, after casting of the structure the erosion will still come with force and destroy the structure. Had it been they know what there where doing they will find solution to that effect. It is necessary carry out an adequate investigation about a firm before a contract can be awarded to them to avoid causing more damage to the soil and the environment all in the name of construction.


The following recommendations are made.

  • Government should ensure that competent contractors are selected with relevant technical skill & experience are selected to handle construction works.
  • Contractors bidding for government or cooperate contracts should be required to include their site erosion prevention strategy in their bidding documents.
  • Government and relevant stakeholders should organize public enlightenment seminar to educate the general public on the importance of erosion control measures in any construction site, particularly those prone to erosion.
  • There  should be a law by the government compelling all construction activities to have erosion control measure in place during any construction activities, civil or building construction activities or any other construction work taking place in any environment


  • Ivory. H. Seeley. (1995) Building Technology (Second Edition) the Macmillan Press Ltd.
  • Bernard Huss (1953). On agriculture, Longmans, green and Co. London cape town: New York.
  • Chulldley  .R.” (1989) Construction Technology Vol. IV low priced edition  Longman Singapore.
  • Grolie .A. (1990) New book of knowledge volumes 5. Grolie incorporated.
  • Horn by, as (1995) Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary University Press London.
  • Milos Holy (198) Erosion and Environment volume 9 1st Edition Robert Maxwell at  Pergamum Press Oxford, New York.
  • Thompson Turk (1993) Earth science and the environment Longmans, green and   Co, Ltd.
  • Turn bull, W.J. (1985) Compaction and strength test on soil, a paper presented to the annual conference / meeting of American society of Civil engineers  January.