Agricultural Business and Financial Management Project Topics

Effect of Adoption of Standard Management Practices on Field of Rural Fish Farmers a Case Study of Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State

Effect of Adoption of Standard Management Practices on Field of Rural Fish Farmers a Case Study of Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State

Effect of Adoption of Standard Management Practices on Field of Rural Fish Farmers a Case Study of Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State


Objectives of the Study

General Objectives

The general objective of this study is to investigate the effect of Adoption of Standard Management Practices on field of Rural Fish Farmers in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the study was to:

  1. Investigate the basic Standard Management Practices in fishery and how practices are being conducted in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State?
  2. Identify the major challenges hindering the productivity of fish farming in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State
  3. Investigate the effect of the application of standard management practices in fish farming.



Standard Management Practices

Definition and Concept of Standard Management Practices

Standard management practices in Agriculture can be broadly defined as an agricultural system involving a combination of sustainable production practices in conjunction with the discontinuation or the reduced use of production practices that are potentially harmful to the environment (De Souza et aI.1993; FAO 2008; Kassie et al. 2009). The Food and Agricultural Organizations (FAO) argues that sustainable agriculture consists of five major attributes: it conserves resources (e.g. land, water, etc), and it is environmentally non-degrading, technically appropriate, and economically and socially acceptable (FAO. 2008).

Sustainable farming means farming using sustainable methods based on your understanding of the ecosystem. The primary goal of this type of farming is to meet our textile and food needs without compromising the capability of the future generation to provide for their needs. A sustainable agriculture focuses on promoting the economy through increased productivity while protecting the environment. It must deal fairly with all the workers while fostering a mutually beneficial relationship between neighbors. (Vidogbéna, et al. 2016).

Different Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Rotating Crops Monoculture, a widespread practice in many developing countries, is the primary cause of increased super-weeds and poor soil which results in decreased productivity. Planting different varieties of crops can be quite beneficial to your farm. Rotating crops helps improved pest and weed control, and healthier soil. Some of the crop diversity practices you can adopt include complex multi-year crops rotation and inter-cropping (planting different types of crops on the same farm).




Research Design and Approach

According to Johnson BR, Onwuegbuzie AJ, Turner LA. (2007, p. 123) mixed methods research is the type of research in which a researcher or team of researchers combines elements of qualitative and quantitative research approaches (e. g., use of qualitative and quantitative viewpoints, data collection, analysis, inference techniques) for the broad purposes of breadth and depth of understanding and corroboration. This study employed a Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods Design. According to (Creswell & Poth, 2017) the convergent mixed methods approach is probably the most familiar of the basic and advanced mixed methods strategies. In this approach, a researcher collects both quantitative and qualitative data, analyzes them separately, and then compares the results to see if the findings confirm or disconfirm each other. The key assumption of this approach is that both qualitative and quantitative data provide different types of information.

The identified research questions and objectives of this study was explicitly answered by combining qualitative and quantitative research components, which further helped to expand and strengthen the validity of the research result and the study’s conclusions. This was achieved through triangulation through the usage of convergence of results from different methods.



Response Rate

A total of 34 (Male=27, Female=7) persons were participated in the study. The response rate was 85% from a population size of 40.



Summary of Findings

In this section the summary, conclusions and recommendation were derived from the research findings. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Adoption of Standard Management Practices on field of Rural Fish Farmers in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State. Before going to present the main analysis of the study, a reliability test was administered to check the reliability of data collection instrument. In this regard, all parts of the questionnaires were reliable and acceptable with Cronbach’s Alpha result greater than 0.70. In relation to the demographic characteristics of the respondents, it could be inferred that the composition of younger staff and senior management experts from ASA have an adequate experiences and have good intellectual level in their assigned position to practice fish farming in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State for which the farmers could work in a professional manner to contribute for enhanced fish productivity,

Farming Practice in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State.

It was found that practice like stocking the pond, feeding the fish and for chill holding are use and applied based on the recommendation of the Aquaculture Development program in line with the European standards. ASA have also implemented the basic infrastructure for fish farming. Particularly they have installed water inlet and outlet devices in the pond which is very essential for the growth of healthy fish farming. From their finding Russell & Dobson, (2009) found that inability to manipulate appropriate pond environment will challenge the fish farming practice negatively. Therefore it can be inferred thin Andoni Local Government Area has good fish production practice, which can lead to sustain in the market.

It has been noted in this study that inadequate inputs are the challenges that affect fish farming in Andoni Local Government Area. The result figured out that the provision of extension services/training is found on unsatisfactory level. Such kinds of deficiency in extension service is also reported by (FAO, 2010) as it is explained that even if aquaculture extension services have played an important role in the development of aquaculture; more is expected in the future.

Challenge in Fish Farming Practice in Andoni Local Government Area

It was found that the fish varieties in Andoni Local Government Area is limited and currently, the varieties that is cultivated in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State are tilapia (Oreochromis Niloticus), this observed constraints seems similar with the constraints to aquaculture development in Kenya, which was lack of quality fish seed as stated by Mary, (2017).

Result indicates that 26(83.9%) of the respondents have disclosed that getting different fish varieties for farming practice is a difficult task. Shortage of necessary market inputs for practicing fish farming in a proper way is one of the pressing challenge thin Andoni Local Government Area is facing. One of this challenge is lack of cheap and efficient locally available fish feeds, lack of locally selected and certified fish seeds. Similarly absence of licensed fish seed reproduction centers and lack of institutional capacity in the area of training and development, research and technology transfer also challenging conditions for aquaculture improvement in Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State. This finding is in line with the findings of Andoni LGA (2012) how found that aquaculture activities in Nigeria have been limited to introduction of both exotic and indigenous freshwater fish to several man made and natural water bodies. Inadequate financial resources were also the major reason for lack of adequate inputs in Andoni Local Government Area.


Like most of West African countries, Nigeria is riddled with poverty, economic stagnation and environmentally unsustainable practices, all of which pose serious constraints on fisheries development such as obtaining knowledge on pond design and construction, hatchery equipment and other farm inputs such as aerators, cages and hatching incubators.

These findings are self-assertive to conclude that the accessibility of readily available market, financial availability and consistency for project work, access to training, and costs of input for fish farming do affect the sustainability of the project and even challenging the project to meet its profit thresh hold. This conclusion is supported by Wetengere, (2010), who found that marketing of fish is hampered by several factors including lack of proper market infrastructure especially for fresh fish which are highly perishable.

It can be concluded that there is smaller availability of land sizes, lack of reliable infrastructure (electricity for greenhouses), lack of extension service provision from government institutions are the major challenges in fish farming practice in Andoni Local Government Area in comparison to other agricultural enterprises. The result now provides evidence to show that the challenges facing ASA affecting its sustainability includes viable supply of fish meal and fish oil ingredients for fish feed, adequate land size for pond construction. The result demonstrated that constraints such as lack of access to quality and affordable feed, seed, inadequate and inappropriate technical advice/information, and use of inappropriate production systems, information along with access to optimal markets have greatly impacted the sustainability of the fish farming in Andoni Local Government Area.


Recommendation to Andoni LGA

This study recommends thin Andoni Local Government Area need to adopt an innovative technologies, which can make use of semi intensive farming, greenhouse, predator traps/nylon strings, feed formulation, poly culture (mixed species), growing of worms and algae and improvised bio filtration. Furthermore, ASA needs to adopt strategies so as to improve fish farming sustainability through the use of aquaponics, improving extension services and train on feed formulation through developing an on-farm feeding strategies and practices to cope up with the continually increasing fish feed prices and to reduce the effects and dependence on imported feedstuffs.

It is recommended thin Andoni Local Government Area need to provide the required infrastructure for its commercial aquaculture production to minimize the challenges of quality seed and feed, technical guidance and marketing, which helps itself for increasing productivity and profitability. There is a need to create a multi sectorial approach which can coordinate and harmonize different stakeholder so as to transform the rate of aquaculture development in Nigeria, this has to be performed in a collaborative efforts from all different stakeholders including ASA. Therefore a major future task is to increase engagement and involvement of manufacturers and relevant public authorities in the provision and administration of aquatic resources and land uses.

Recommendation to Policy Makers

It is recommended that the local government of Amhara Regional state need to recognize the constraints hindering aquaculture growth and need to exert their support and promote the enterprise, which could play an important role in poverty reduction and economic growth through the provision of high-protein food, reduction of fishing pressure in natural, creating jobs and generating income. Moreover, the Amhara regional Government need to be more involved in lowering the costs of input in fish farming and also play a key role in ensuring thin Andoni Local Government Area get quality inputs so as to have better harvest and thus sustain the projects. Apart from this, adequate extension officers need to be availed so as to disseminate information on the new technologies. Government should ensure that the cost of acquiring these technologies is affordable to the farming government’s like ASA.


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