Adult Education Project Topics

Factors That Promote Community Development in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Factors That Promote Community Development in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Factors That Promote Community Development in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State.


Purpose of the Study

The main purpose of the study is to find out the factors promoting community development in Anaocha local government area, Anambra state.

Specifically, the study tends to find out;

  1. The efforts of the government in promoting community development in Anaocha local government, Anambra State.
  2. The efforts of the community members in promoting community development in Anaocha local government, Anambra State.

The hindrances to effective community development in Anaocha local government, Anambra State.


Conceptual Framework

  • Concept of Community
  • Concept of Development
  • Concept of Community Development

Theoretical Framework

  • Theory of Modernization
  • Maslow’s theory of Motivation

Theoretical Studies

  • Efforts of the Government towards community development
  • Efforts of the community members towards community development
  • Hindrances to effective community development

Empirical Studies

Summary of Literature Review

Concept of Community

The word community is derived from the old French “comunete” which is derived from the Latin “communitas” meaning either with, together or gift. A community may refer to a group of people gathered together in a geographical are, whether large or small and united by common interest or it may refer to a town, city, state or nation in which people share in common the basic condition of life (Adebola, 2014). Abiona (2003) defined community as a population living within a legally established area. In other words, such population does live in a particular geographical area. They also communicate as members of the same community and have feelings towards each other. They share a recognized way of life which makes them share common sentiments. Such a community can be family, village, town or clan, tribe, state or nation. In his view, Anyanwu in Adebola (2014) highlighted six principal characteristics of a community, which include;

Shared territory: A community occupies a geographical territory. The way of life of the people gives the community its own unique features which are different from those of other communities.

Shared beliefs: These people have common ideas, values, and attitudes. Through these beliefs, the people develop a sense of common belonging.

Shared bonds of fellowship: This demands obligation from citizens and conferment of beliefs upon them. It promotes a common basis to pursue common objectives, coordinate community services and facilitate relations among them.

Set standards or pattern of behavior: this refers to the psychological situation that arises when people perform mutual actions and reactions upon one another. No citizen can wholly dissociate himself from the social relations in his environment.

Common cultures: it is the aggregate of the social, ethical, intellectual, artistic, government and industrial attainments of a community and by which it can be distinguished from any other community.

Common administration: This refers to a common form of administration for running the affairs of the community. This connotes the formulation of a process involving responsibility and accountability; it presupposes effective leadership and the cognition of a chain of functionaries for the administration of the community.




This chapter presents the research method under the following sub-headings; Research design, Area of the study, population of the study, sample and sampling  techniques, method of data collection, method of data analysis.

Research Design

A research design according to Obi (2005) is a term used to describe a number of decision, which need to be taken regarding the collection of data before the data are collected. The researcher used descriptive research design because; the study is aimed at collection of information from people on specific topics of concern. According to Akuezuilo and Agu (2003), the design is an attempt to collect data from a sample of a population in order to determine the current state of that population with respect to one or more variables. This design was also adopted because it is designed in such a way that a group of people or items are studied by collecting data and analyzing from only a few people or items considered to be representative of the entire groups. 

Area of Study

The study was carried out in Local Government Area. This is because a good number of the communities had failed in community development. It is located about twenty kilometers away from Onitsha. On the North, Anaocha is bounded by Nimo, South by Igbo Ukwu, East by Nanka and West by Alor, with its headquarter at Neni. The main occupation of the people is trading.



This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of data collected. The data collected were presented in frequency, tables, percentages and mean.



This chapter deals with the discussion of findings of the study, conclusion inferred from the findings of the study, implication of the study and suggestions for further research.

Discussion of Findings

From the analyzed data, the following findings were made on the major factors that promote community development in Anaocha Local Government Area in Anambra State.

Research Question 1:

The result analysis of research question1, results gathered from the analysis shows that the respondents disagreed on all the items which shows government negligence towards effective community development.  This is in agreement with Nnodu, 2004 who said that government lack the basic amenities to enhance community development.

Research Question 2:

The result analysis of research question 2 indicated that the respondents agreed on the items that full participation of the people in the development process, promoting social justice by helping the less privileged people express their aspiration, and engaging in self-effort by the community members will go a long way in promoting community development. This corroborates with Olisa, (2007) who stated that members within a community should strife hard within themselves to participate in all the development process of the community, and not to depend solely on the government. He goes on to say that they should not use because of government negligence abandon the community they belong in, they should rather engage in self-help projects which will satisfy the needs of the community.

Research Question 3:

In respect to Research question 3, results gathered from the analysis shows that poverty, lack of government support, rural urban migration, non-challant attitude and lack of peace-full co-existence in the community hinders effective community development in Anaocha Local Government Area in Anambra State.

Implication of the Study

The findings of this study have some implications for community development agencies like the government, cooperative societies, Non-governmental agencies, town unions, and even commissions established for community affairs in various levels of government like the local government commission for rural areas, ministry of urban development. It will enable researchers to discover a lot of factors that will help promote various communities. These finds will equally enable the various organizations and ministries created for rural development know the hindrances to effective development programmes and contribute in the development of the various communities and as well know the strategies to employ for their mobilization.


The study was aimed at determining the factors that promotes community development. It also traced the concept of community development, the efforts of the government and community members towards community development. To the extent of the sources reviewed, analyzed and procedures used provided a complete and reliable data which shows that on the basis of the findings, the following were drawn with respect of the major factors that promotes community development in Anaocha Local Government in Anambra State which include; promotion of socio-cultural educational and economic well-being by the government, full participation of the community members in the development process and engaging in self-effort or collective action in various communities to promote better living. The study also identified the hindrances to effective community development programmes which include poverty, lack of government support, rural urban migration, non-challant attitude and lack of peaceful co-existence in the community. Therefore, buttressing these factors will go a long way to promote community development in Anaocha Local Government Area in Anambra State.


Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were made:

  1. Government should work towards effective community development and develop create more job opportunities.
  2. Community members should participate actively in all the development process for effective community development.
  3. Governments as well as the community members should together contribute to the promotion of community development.
  4. The help of community development agents and experts through the various agencies should be looked for in planning and carrying out community development programmes.

Suggestions for further studies

  1. Further research should be carried out on government efforts towards community development.
  2. Further research should be carried out on efforts of the community members towards community development.
  3. Further research on this topic should be carried out in all the local government in Anambra State.


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