Political Science Education Project Topics

Impact of Political Science Education on Political Behaviour of Political Science Education Student in Delta State University Abraka

Impact of Political Science Education on Political Behaviour of Political Science Education Student at Delta State University Abraka

Impact of Political Science Education on Political Behaviour of Political Science Education Student in Delta State University Abraka

Chapter One

Objective of the study

The objectives of the stud are;

  1. To find out the impact of political science education on behavior of political science education student in Delta state university
  2. To find out the level of political science education knowledge on political behavior of political science education student t in Delta state University, Abraka
  3. To find out the benefit of political science education on political behavior of student in Delta state University, Abraka




Our focus in this chapter is to critically examine relevant literature that would assist in explaining the research problem and furthermore recognize the efforts of scholars who had previously contributed immensely to similar research. The chapter intends to deepen the understanding of the study and close the perceived gaps.


Student’s movement as the largest pressure group had played a role bringing down President Suharto’s government. The students’ movement in Thailand, Filipina, Cuba, Southern Korea, Europe and America too have an impact on the social well-being and security (Mohd Fuad et al., 2009). However the important in this matter is their radical actions and behavior that show anti establishment. This confrontation between government side and student however never subside from time to time. This situation continues until today where students’ has been placed under the University and University College Act (AUKU). Malaysia also had experienced campus political phenomenon and it started in 1960’sand early 1970’s, with the occurrence of students’ demonstrations. It was at the end of 1990’s, a worst riot broke out which threatened national security. Some of student involved together with lecturer or individually in political campaign, became members of opposition party, fight against government policy and joined in street demonstration (Mohd Fuad et al., 2005; Muhammad, 1973). Thus political issue became a topic of discussion among student in campus and their activity always get the attention of the university administration and the government. Students’ political participation became an important issue because it raises certain implications on present political influence, from government perspective or opposition party (Mustaffa, 1991). Some of the event and political scene in young generation is includes certain challenges that they need to face, some of that are rhetorically as opportunity for them to build interest and competency politicking which contains a particular vision and political mission (Razaq, 2005). Student movement has expanded and has get the support of the opposition parties (Hussain, 1997). This situation affected the government position and university management (Azizan, 1995). Consequently the Malaysian government introduced a University and University College Act in 1971 to take control student movement in campus and country and it is well received by student (Altbach, 1968). However this act has change undergraduate political behavior and activity in the campus only and less sensitive on social issues and political (Azizan, 1995). Young generation has influenced by materialistic elements and poor in appreciation to good values. This is an attack on our society’s socio cultural destruction not just happen in community in fact it also spread among student that regarded as a future leadership, religion, and country (Muhammad, 1973). Students are active in co-curriculum and they concern about campus life and society problems but voting turnout for campuses election is less from 50 percent, except in several universities which has made rule that their marks will be deducted if they are not voting. In Australia, participation in school elections serves as a beneficial experience in the preparation of students for life as an active adult citizen (Mohd Fuad et al., 2005; Ramírez, L.G. et al., 2010; Ruitenberg, 2010). Students in power roles reported a greater understanding of and appreciation for the legislative process and found the simulation to be a more worthwhile experience than did students in non-power roles (Saha & Print, 2010). Student activism has made an important contribution to the struggle for democracy in Zimbabwe. In the first years of independence students were among the most fearsome defenders of the regime (Baranowski & Weir, 2010). All facets of personality captured by the Big Five framework matter for citizen politics, and that personality effects operate on virtually all aspects of political behavior (Zeilig, 2008).




Research is the process of arriving at a dependable solution to problems through planned and systematic collection, analyzing and interpretation of data (Osuala, 1993). Green and Full (1975) defines research methodology as the specification of procedures for collecting and analyzing the data necessary to solve the problem at hand such that the differences between the cost of obtaining various levels of accuracy and the expected value of the information associated with each level of accuracy is optimized. Thus, in this chapter the method and techniques of data collection and analysis for this study are discussed in details, research design, population of study, sample and sampling technique, sources of data collection, research instrument, validity of the instrument, reliability of the instrument, procedure for administration of research instrument, as well as the limitation of the research methodology. This will be important in order to assess the impact of political science education on political behavior of political science education student in Delta State.

 Research Design

The research design adopted in this research work is the survey research design which involves the usage of self-designed questionnaire in the collection of data. Under the survey research design, primary data of this study will be collected from Delta state University, Abraka in order to determine the impact of political science education on political behavior of political science education student in Delta State. The design was chosen because it enables the researcher to collect data without manipulation of any variables of interest in the study. The design also provides opportunity for equal chance of participation in the study for respondents.

 Population of Study

The population of study is the census of all items or a subject that possess the characteristics or that have the knowledge of the phenomenon that is being studied (Asiaka, 1991). It also means the aggregate people from which the sample is to be drawn.

Population is sometimes referred to as the universe. The population of this research study will be the selected (75) selected student of Delta state University



This chapter is about the analysis and presentation of data collected from the field through questionnaire. The analysis of the data with particular question immediately followed by the presentation of findings.

As mentioned in chapter three, 75 questionnaires were administered and 50 were retrieved and necessary analysis was carried out on them and presented as follows:




It is important to ascertain that the objective of this study was on impact of political science education on political behavior of political science education student in Delta state University. In the preceding chapter, the relevant data collected for this study were presented, critically analyzed and appropriate interpretation given. In this chapter, certain recommendations made which in the opinion of the researcher will be of benefits in addressing the challenges of political science education on political behavior of political science education student in Delta state University


This study was on impact of political science education on political behavior of political science education student in Delta state University. Three objectives were raised which included: To find out the impact of political science education on behavior of political science education student in Delta state university, to find out the level of political science education knowledge on political behavior of political science education student t in Delta state University, Abraka and to find out the benefit of political science education on political behavior of student in Delta state University, Abraka. In line with these objectives, three research questions and hypotheses were formulated and answered. The total population for the study is 75 students of Delta State University. The researcher used questionnaires as the instrument for the data collection. Descriptive Survey research design was adopted for this study.


This research conducted a study on impact of political science education on political behavior of political science education students in Delta state University Abraka. The result shows that in general, students have studied and mastered political knowledge, their attitudes on political issues are not based on their knowledge, but on a subjective norm, namely religious doctrines, their political knowledge does not influence them to practice politics, their political knowledge does not influence their sensitivity toward political issues and developments. Students view the role of political knowledge as positive for their life, but their political knowledge does not motivate them to discuss political themes. In conclusion, the proposed there is no correlation between the respondents’ political knowledge and their political attitudes and behaviors


Reconstruction of community political behavior, especially on the students as the young generations who have a high education, need to plant the attributes of development of politics sustainably, which are equality, capacity and differentiation. The far forward of views and political insight need to owned by everyone in the society


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