Architecture Project Topics

Issues and Challenges in the Execution of Public Sector Housing Projects in Nigeria

Issues and Challenges in the Execution of Public Sector Housing Projects in Nigeria

Issues and Challenges in the Execution of Public Sector Housing Projects in Nigeria

Chapter One


The general objective of this research is to analyze the issues and challenges in the execution of public sector housing in Nigeria while the following are the specific objectives:

  1. To examine the challenges of execution of public sector housing in Nigeria.
  2. To ascertain the factors causing housing challenges in Nigeria.
  3. To determine the solution to the issues of execution of public sector housing in Nigeria.




In many developing countries, including Nigeria, urban housing crisis is escalating unabated despite a number of new policies, programs and strategies being engaged in by public and private sectors in addressing this problem. Government has recognized that the majority of those in need of housing in many less-developed nations in Africa, Asia and South America are in the low income categories and that some require special housing programs to be able to live in decent housing. Since market solutions and funds may not be suitable for housing this category of people and in view of the vital role housing plays in the socio-economic and political development of any nation; governments in these countries have over the years been engaged in public housing provision. In Nigeria however, from the debut efforts of the Lagos Executive Development Board (LEDB) in 1928 to date, public housing provision in this country has continued to lag behind the demand for housing, as almost 90% of the nation’s housing stock is provided by the informal sector (UN-HABITAT, 2006). As is true in other developing countries, a number of challenges are militating against the optimum performance of public housing in Nigeria. These challenges which are both contextual and organizational have shown manifestations in low productivity and provision of poor quality and expensive housing (Awotona, 1990; Olotuah and Bobadoye, 2009) are escalating by each passing day due to a number of reasons. These include high rates of urbanization and population growth (Akinmoladun and Oluwoye, 2007; Olotuah, 2010), absence of proper monitoring and evaluation of public housing policies and programs (Awotona, 1990; Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1991), lack of easy access to land and other housing inputs (Ikejiofor, 1999; UN-HABITAT, 2006) and low capacity of public housing agencies (Bana, 1991; Emerole, 2002). As a result, public housing in Nigeria has been criticized for failing to generate tangible and sustainable housing production, distribution and acquisition mechanisms to meet increasing housing demand, particularly by low-income earners (Mba, 1992; Olotuah and Bobadoye, 2009). The review of literature (Onibokun, 1985; Awotona, 1990; Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1991; Ali 1996; Mustapha 2002; Akinmoladun and Oluwoye, 2007; Ademiluyi, 2010) shows different reviews, appraisals, and assessments of the performance and challenges of past public housing policies and programs in Nigeria. But the broad and superficial perspectives many of these previous studies have assumed contributed to obscuring our understanding of the genesis of the challenges confronting public housing delivery system in Nigeria. This development is also partly responsible for forestalling the evolution of pragmatic solutions to the lingering urban housing crisis in Nigeria. Since public housing provision is principally carried out by government agencies and their collaborators, the paper argues that one vital step to addressing myriads of challenges in public housing provisions in Nigeria is to identify areas of weakness in public housing agencies and subsequently address such weakness for enhanced productivity. It is for this reason that the study investigated the contextual and organizational challenges related to public housing provisions in Nigeria in the postindependence era. The focus on post-independence era is based on evidence in the review of literature showing that conscious effort by governments in Nigeria to construct houses for the general public and formulate National Housing Policies started after independence from the Great Britain in 1960 (Onibokun, 1985) . The study attempted at using key organizational components to assess areas of challenges in public housing provision among government agencies in the study area. This is with a view to assisting public-sector housing policy makers and program managers chart future pathways for improved performance in public housing provision and management in Nigeria.





This chapter states the various methods used in research, as well as the population of the study, and sampling techniques used in determining the sample size for the research. How data was collected and analyzed is also discussed in this chapter.

The main objectives of this research were achieved through quantitative methods, as inferential statistics were used to measure the level of accuracy and validate responses from the respondents in accordance to the objectives of the research.


The study was conducted in Uyo, AkwaIbom state. AkwaIbom is a state in Nigeria. It is located in the coastal southern part of the country, lying between latitudes 4°32′N and 5°33′N, and longitudes 7°25′E and 8°25′E. The state is bordered on the east by Cross River State, on the west by Rivers State and Abia State, and on the south by the Atlantic Ocean and the southernmost tip of Cross River State.

AkwaIbom is one of Nigeria’s 36 states, with a population of over 5 million people and more than 10 million people in diaspora. It was created in 1987 from the former Cross River State and is currently the highest oil- and gas-producing state in the country. The state’s capital is Uyo, with over 500,000 inhabitants. AkwaIbom has an airport (AkwaIbom International Airport) and two major seaports on the Atlantic Ocean with a proposed construction of a world-class seaport Ibaka Seaport at Oron. The state also boasts of a 30,000-seater ultramodern sports complex. AkwaIbom state is home to the Ibom E-Library, a world-class information center. Along with English, the main spoken languages are Ibibio, Annang, Eket and Oron language.


The research design used for this study was the descriptive research design. Since data characteristics were described using frequencies and percentages, and no manipulations of data or variables were necessary, the researcher chose this research design. The researcher discarded other alternatives such as the causal and explanatory research designs, because accurate findings and data analysis may not be achieved.


The population for this study are employees of AkwaIbomInvestement Property Commission (AKIPOC), Uyo. The population figure for the study was 32 respondents, comprising of AKIPOC staff from various departments such as operations, finance, administration etc.



This chapter is devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in the course of this study. The data are based on the number of copies of the questionnaire completed and returned by the respondents. The data are presented in tables and the analysis is done using the chi-square test.




The objectives of the study were to:

  • To examine the modern strategies that can be used for effective housing delivery.
  • To determine the effect of modern strategies on housing delivery in Nigeria.
  • To analyze the factors hindering the use of modern strategies in housing delivery in Nigeria.

Findings from the study revealed the following

  • Nigerians are generally in support of government’s housing delivery.
  • The government has provided adequate residential estates for its citizens.
  • Challenges influencepublic sector housing projects in Nigeria.
  • Delivery of houses would help alleviate poverty.


  • Abrams, Sc. (1969). Housing in Modern World, Faber and Faber, London, page 63.
  • Abiodun, Y (1999). “Why N.H.F‟s performance is Poor” in the punch of Monday 27th December, 1999. page 20.
  • Ake, C. (1997). Political Economy of Africa. [4]. Ashaf, D. (2000). “Governnent should involve private sector in Housing Policies”. An exclusive interview in the Punch of Monday, 24th of July, 2000: page 21.
  • Basimile, A. (2000). “Why Housing Policy is ineffective”. An exclusive interview in the Punch of Monday 13th March, 16. [6]. Borno State of Nigeria (2000), Brief on Borno, Borno state diary, 2000.
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