Architecture Project Topics

Paint Factory Makurdi

Paint Factory Makurdi

Paint Factory Makurdi

Chapter One


The principal objective of this project is to provide an environment capable of meeting the needs of the people of Makurdi and Nigeria as
a whole by providing them with a well defined paint factory which is ultra-modern and which will meet their several needs in terms of seeking a
solution for good appearance and packaging of good products.
Other objectives include:

  • To create versatile, adaptable and flexible form for easy expansion with minimum damage.
  • To provide a good production layout with no conflict between raw and finished goods and personnel in circulation.
  • To create an ideal factory architecture and to introduce a level of automation in the proposed paint factory in Nigeria.
  • Finally, to help in the state and Federal Government Programme in rural development and this could be achieved through industrial




A research survey was carried out at some existing Paint factories by way of documentation and case studies with the intention of reviewing as well as appraising the scope of the client’s (Makurdi Community) developmental intentions with particular reference to their far reaching implications.


European Scientific Journals (March 2013). This paper attempts to analyze the factors that affect the internal and external environmental conditions on workers of the Jordanian paints factories, in terms of the degree of satisfaction with these conditions and their impact on the case of the general satisfaction of these institutions, As well as the impact on productivity and career on the state of job rotation. The results showed that there is a strong relation between these variables and employee satisfaction and stability, especially the case of the internal conditions, with minor variations among worker categories, but the effects on productivity were not strong. The empirical findings will certainly help both researchers and practitioners to integrate the internal and external environmental conditions on workers of the Jordanian paints factories In order to get a better understanding of the degree of satisfaction.


Paint factory is a place of paint production characterized by wage labour, the use of machinery, and the division of labour. The largescale of machinery differentiates factory production from simple manufacture, and the division of labour set it apart from even the most elaborate handicraft establishments.
In factory, standardized goods are produced and sometimes sold more cheaply by the factory system, and occasionally the goods are better than those made by Artisans.
The factory will change the face of nations, giving rise to urban centers requiring vast municipal services. It will create a specialized and interdependent economic life and make the urban worker more completely dependent on the will of the employer.
The need for industrial architecture has been a matter for major concern to professionals and it has evolved through the periods, moving in phase with the march of civilization, occupation and the advancement in technology.



The major raw materials for paint manufacture are: pigments, vehicles, additives and others like; dries surfactants, thinners, colouring matters of paints etc.


This may be defined as finely powdered solid substance essentially insoluble in the medium in which they are dispersed. From decorative aspect, the purpose of this material is to cover the surface over which paint is applied and provide necessary colour to the product. From protective aspect, the material has the function of protecting the vehicle from degradation by ultraviolet radiation. If the pigment highly reflects all visible wavelength of light, diffusely and non-selectively, they are said to be white in colour. The more completely they reflect the light the
lighter they become. Certain pigments are used for their special chemical functions, such as rust inhibition in metal structures, and control of fouling on ship bottoms.
The most commonly used hiding pigments (the primary pigments also called primers) are Titanium dioxide (T1 02), Titanium Calcium (Tica), Zinc oxide and lithopone. There are also coloured pigments which are used in making paints and they include; black pigments (carbon black , lampblack, araphite and iron black), blue pigments (ultramarine, copper, pliths locymine and iron blues), red pigments (red lead, iron oxides, cadmium red and toners and bakes), metallic and yellow pigment, orange pigment, green pigment, brown pigment etc. These coloured
pigments can either be natural or synthetic.





In the previous chapters discussions have been on the production process for the manufacture of different paint products, and the factory design criteria.
All these are channeled towards the eventual realization of the project; a paint factory, Makurdi. However, still with the same purpose, this chapter will analyze the various existing paint factories based on the following:

  • Background information/location
  • Products
  • The factory layout
  • Analysis of various components
  • Factory processes/production processes
  • Raw materials
  • Plants and machinery
  • Lighting
  • Services
  • Materials of construction
  • Landscape
  • Appraisal/Assessment.
    Based on these, the following care studies were analysed;
  • International paints West African Limited, Ikeja, Lagos.
  • Mater – Piece Chemical Company limited, Oji River.
  • Haymes Paint Factory, Ballarat, Victoria Australia




To a large degree the site has a direct influence on the ultimate efficiency and performance of the plant through the effects of site factors on plant design and construction. Subsequently, the selection of a site is necessary to understand the kind of plant to be built.
Therefore, for the paint factory to be efficient there must be considerations towards suitable site selection.


Industrial location decisions involve the determination of all factors that will afford the establishment, the greatest advantage to be obtained by virtue of location. The determination will be whether the site will be away from congested city areas, away from any industrial slums or whether the site will tend to be in a country area. Subsequently, there will be determination towards the size of the site, immediate community and other general conditions. Perhaps the most important reason for a large site is flexibility for expansion. The design must be such that the plant can be extended on any of its four sides, so that extension is feasible without reshuffling the entire layouts.
Additionally, there is nothing quite conducive to contented working as a pleasant, landscaped, park-like setting. Then there will be other considerations like market, utilities, transport, labour and perhaps publicity value if the site is near a main highway. To a great extent, the site has a direct influence on the ultimate performance of the plant.


Some of the general determinations of a site’s value are:



Architecture is normally conceived (designed) and realized (built) in response to an existing set of conditions. This condition in most cases is purely functional or may represent social, economic, political, or symbolic intentions in varying degrees. In all cases it is assumed the existing set of conditions – the problems – is less than satisfactory and that a new set of conditions – a solution – would be desirable. The proposed paint factory is seen as a response to the existing set of conditions, that is, the problems created by the present state of various paint factories, which in most cases, is unsatisfactory.
The recognition and identification of the problematic conditions and the decision to find a solution constitute the first phase of any design process. This will be done based on the statement of the major project goals and objectives, followed by the design philosophy, concept and realization.


Factories can be seen as mere housing facilities for a certain layout of machines and the necessary personnel facilities. Subsequently, there is a trend toward enlarging selling or abandoning the system whenever its operation starts. We expect a little flexibility in manufacturing operation and we design for it.
Therefore, the designer takes his mind off from institutional monumentality, in favour of flexibility, expandability and even demountability.
Industrial architecture at times places a difficult decision to the designer on whether to house the machine or the man. Although the operator will be regarded as merely servicing automatic machinery, the designer will still face resistance since the operator will expect the same kind of air conditioned building to work in, that he always had. At times, weather conditions would make his maintenance and operational work difficult. However, the occurrence of bad weather and breakdown would surely be in frequent, so infrequent as to make it economically unsound to design and conventional building cover merely for machine maintenance.
At any rate, it would be healthful to think of the industrial plant more as a “shell over a mechanical process” than as the standard home of a corporation and try to design for fast-changing times.
The reception room, to which the public is admitted, should display the quality and character of the firm it represents. It should convey a cohesive impression of operation and emphasis the best point of employee’s facilities.



  • Waldrun Faulkary F.A.I.A.; ARCHITECTURE AND COLOUR: WILEY Interscience. Pg. 62
  • Bikales “SURFACE COATING”. Pg.
  • Painting “ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA” 11TH Edition, Vol. XX: Newyork U.S.A. Pg.
  • Anthony Standen “PAINT” Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology: 2nd Edition Vol. 14. New York, U.S.A.Pg.
  • Ibid. Pg.


  • Chiara D. and Callender, (1973). “Time Saver Standard for Building Types” New York, Mcgraw-Hill.
  • Le Corbusier, (1901). “Towards A New Architecture” London, Mcgraw-Hill.
  • Lie T. (1972). “Fire and Building” London, Applied Science Publication Limited.
  • Smith R. (1973). “Materials and Construction” London, Mcgraw-Hill.
  • Neufert E. (1980). “Architects Data” London, Granade Publication limited.
  • Wesley E. (1774). “Human Factors Design Handbook” London, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company.
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