Architecture Project Topics

The Role of Dry Construction in Ensuring Affordable Houses in Nigeria

The Role of Dry Construction in Ensuring Affordable Houses in Nigeria

The Role of Dry Construction in Ensuring Affordable Houses in Nigeria

Chapter One


The following are the objectives of this study:

  1. To examine the role of dry construction in ensuring affordable houses in Nigeria.
  2. To examine the process involved in dry construction system.
  3. To determine the factor limiting the use of dry construction system for building development in Nigeria.



Role of dry construction in ensuring affordable houses in Nigeria

Nigeria introduced dry construction solutions with the belief that this will make housing shortage or debt in Nigeria a thing of the past. Dry construction is a phrase which is used to describe a specialized method of interior construction, i.e. interior design, based on the use of industrially prefabricated construction systems (Adebayo: 2013). It is also, lightweight construction and a new way of building houses. This system comprise of two basic construction elements – load bearing construction and lining, which, when put together, form a static, functional and aesthetic unit. Dry construction has become closely associated with quick, safe and quality construction of interior and exterior elements. Quality performance and quick and dry assembly, which does not require any additional time for drying of the construction, are important factors in this day and time, accompanied by an increased pace of living and working (Kingsley).

At several meeting in the past, players in the sector including academicians have recommended that for the country to bridge the housing deficit there is a need to transform from the traditional method of wet construction to a more time saving dry construction system. The system is a more adaptable and faster construction method, allowing up to 70 percent construction time saving possible when compared with the traditional wet construction that involves using of bricks and blocks (Biswas).Unlike the traditional brick and block method, the system, requires minimum use of water and it generates less construction waste, preserves room temperature and provides energy efficiency.

Describing the dry construction system as a modern building system which tends to translate the building process into an industrial process, Mr. Le Bris said the system is more versatile and faster construction method that allows up to 70 per cent construction time saving possible when compared with the traditional wet construction using bricks and blocks. He added that whatever the design idea the Architect can conceive, Kalsi boards can achieve, pointing out that various reference building projects using the boards now abound in the country.

Role of Dry Construction in Nigeria

Dry construction process reduces wastages, allows for easy installation of pipes and other services, it is more environment friendly and energy efficient. “When it comes to cost benefit, the real value of the dry construction relies on key factors like speed of installation, the lowest level of maintenance, easy repair, minimal waste of material and optimization in material compared to brick and mortar.” (Adam, 2010)

Bridges housing gap:

Dry construction is the use of materials, such as gypsum board, plywood, or wallboard in construction, without the application of plaster or mortar. It is cheaper thus making home ownership affordable to a larger percentage of the population(Adebayo, 2013).

Nigerites have always been at the forefront of innovations, building solutions and processes in the sector. The nation needs to bridge the widening housing gap by initiating innovative construction method with efficient process and technology. Nigerites developed Integrated Building Solution using panelised dry construction systems as a viable and modern construction worth considering in our quest to solving housing deficit problem. In addition to that, we have evolved into offering roofing, ceiling, and vertical walling solutions for efficient and cost effective building components.’’





This chapter describes methods and procedures used in conducting this research work. The description of the procedure is done under the following headings:

  • Research design,
  • Area of study
  • Population of the study
  • Sample and sampling procedure
  • Instrumentation
  • Procedure for data collection
  • Procedure for data analysis

RESEARCH DESIGN                                                                    

The surveys research method was used for this study. This was considered appropriate because survey design generally can be used to effectively investigate problems in realistic settings. The survey technique will also allow the researcher to examine several variables and use multi-variate statistics to analyze data.



This chapter is devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in the course of this study. The data are based on the number of copies of the questionnaire completed and returned by the respondents. The data are presented in tables and the analysis is done using t-Test. The chi-square test was used in the validation of the hypothesis.

Data Presentation and Analysis

The data presented below were gathered during field work:

Bio data of respondents

Table 1 gender of respondents




This study was carried out on the role of dry construction in ensuring affordable houses in Nigeria. The study was conducted in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria and was carried out at Champion Breweries plc Uyo Akwa Ibom State. As the demand for housing in Nigeria increases at a geometric rate while the supply of housing is at an arithmetic rate, it is obvious that there is a need to develop a more practical method to achieve the development of massive housing in the country. Dry construction presents an excellent opportunity for government at all levels and primary mortgage institutions to ensure the rapid provision of massive and affordable housing in Nigeria. This technology will provide construction professionals and contractors with a viable alternative to the traditional wet construction method with blocks, bricks and concrete. On the other hand, acceptability, durability, and frequent maintenance, among other issues were found to be the major challenges associated with houses built with dry construction. Recommendation for adoption and improvement of the dry construction in ensuring affordable houses are made. However, when the solutions being recommended are implemented the country’s housing shortage and housing affordability issues will be minimized in view of the abundance of wealth and manpower resources vested on the country.


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